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Teffiffiniqq Jojijimnââqi'iolenaon "Teffi" Shuchuk was a Hgkânn female Sith Lady who suffered from dwarfism. She was the wife of Amnexen Ââyaminnajjelinyeti'i M'hore and the mother of Ffzânqqyi Najidenijimik M'hore and Teyyiniqimiq Chanchantert M'hore. She never went under a Darth title because she, like her master, believed that birth names are more important than any title. In 765 BBY, Shuchuk was frozen in carbonite by Mama Desilijic Tiure. She was not unfrozen until 36 BBY, when the carbonite block was stolen by Mama's nephew Graballa. Shuchuk bought a TIE/LN starfighter, but it eventually crashed into the planet of Coruscant at lightspeed. She had to get a cybernetic left side of head and a cybernetic left arm. She got another TIE/LN starfighter. She was later trained in the Sith ways by Niivchun until their death in the Clone Wars. She later lived a normal life on her homeworld of Kinajja IV. She once flew in her starfighter in the skies of Kinajja III when Reina Skywalker used an NN-14 blaster pistol to shoot at it, causing it to instantly explode, killing Shuchuk.