I have little doubt that <fzzzt> a division of the Techno Union producing war materials for you will benefit both of us. It would benefit us <fzzzt> to expand our operations and provide support for a loyal ally, it would benefit you to have a local source of arms to supply and <fzzzt> grow your military forces with, in addition, it would provide a lot of employment for your nation, we could employ many of your citizens in our factories and <fzzzt> design workshops, we will need factory workers, administrators and scientists to help us grow and provide us with new <fzzt> ideas for products.
—Foreman Wat Tambor discussing the benefits of a local branch of the Techno Union to President Jane Zarkan
The Techno Union Earth Division (TUED), also simply referred to as the "Earth Division" by the Techno Union, was an autonomous branch of the Techno Union, an industrial corporation led by Skakoan Wat Tambor, TUED produced war materials almost exclusively for the Separatist governments of the Solar System, chief amongst them being the Confederate States of Earth, who provided much of the TUED's income and orders.
The division was officially shut down in 19 BBY, following the assassination of Wat Tambor by the newly-named Darth Vader, and the subsequent nationalization of the Techno Union by the Galactic Empire. Despite this, the non-native staff who oversaw the TUED's operations decided to continue their work as a hold-out of the Techno Union, one of the only parts of the organization not under Imperial control.
The final end of the Earth Division came in 18 BBY, when Imperial commander Moff Octavian Grant entered into the Sol System, and pushed the company forces back, capturing the outlying system facilities as he went, the TUED's final stand occurred when Grant invaded Earth, capturing the orbital shipyards located around Luna, Earth's moon.
Following the Imperial victory, Moff Grant had the shipyards around Luna renamed to "Imperial Shipyard Sol III", and act as a staging area for his starships when not in operation, they also constructed new ships, and conducted research on his superweapon project - the Assassinator-class battlecruiser, a model of up-scaled Imperial-class star destroyer which had turbolasers upgraded with Agrocite, a rare ore which immensely boosted the power of turbolasers. The Assassination began construction in 1 BBY, as part of Grant's program in opposition to Wilhuff Tarkin's Death Star program, which Grant considered to be wasteful, and in jeopardy of placing "all of the Empire's eggs in one basket", as Grant stated.
Whilst the Sol III shipyards were exclusively used by the Imperial Navy, Grant had the other facilities undertaking other business, such as restarted battle droid production for his local Imperial forces, the Pluto facility, for example, produced Dwarf spider droids.