So what if I had you're clan killed? It was all for one thing, money! I'll do it again, cause you know why? Cause this is how the galaxy is like! It's where only the strong, the smart, and the clever live. The weak die! So go ahead and kill me, I'll see you in hell!
—Tayari saying his last words before Akaavi Spar kills him.
Tayari Rook was a male human Mandalorian pretender who lived during the Cold War and the Galactic War. Tayari attempted to use the title Mandalorian in order to gain favor from the Sith Empire, so he framed Clan Spar of them failing a job, making sure the Mandalore didn't hear of this, it resulted the members of the honorable clan being arrested and killed, a matter of which almost started a war between the Mandalorians and the Sith Empire. Tayari then had his men gather Mandalorian armor for their clan, getting Clan Lone to help after getting members of them to join. However it wasn't long before the sole survivor of Clan Spar came seeking revenge for the death of her fellow clan members.
Akaavi Spar and group of other Mandalorians wrecked havoc on Clan Rook's camp, killing members of the fake Mandalorian clan. Tayari attempted fight Akaavi Spar, showing he was no pushover, but he was in the end, defeated. He mocked Akaavi, saying he would do it again if he had the chance, before she killed him, leaving his body to rot as she took his armor, saying he didn't deserve it.
Personality and Traits[]
Tayari Rook claims to be 'Mandalorian'. But I have heard nothing of him completing the trials of strength and courage to become a Mandalorian.
—Akaavi Spar explaining some things she learned about Tayari Rook to the Voidhound.
A male Human within his 30s, Tayari was stronger then the avenge man, born with cunning, he proven to be able handle himself in the harsh galaxy, learning first hand what happened to the weak. Tayari was not afraid to kill anyone in his way or to make credits, he framed Clan Spar to gain favor to the Sith Empire without regret, though he realize the Mandalorians would soon found out his actions, he made sure anyone who found out, was either dead or dishonored. Despite being at the face of death, Tayari didn't turn away, accepting that he was gonna die, only wished that he could have whip the smirk off the other Mandalorian that was with Akaavi Spar.
Tayari wore a black and red set of Mandalorian armor, wielding a DL-44 heavy blaster pistol, a combat knife, a rocket launcher on his wrist, and poison darts he liked to use when killing those who failed him.