The Taung Confederacy, or TF, was a post Infinite Empire civilization which ruled over most of the Mid Rim, and portions of the Outer Rim and the Core Worlds. The confederacy was ruled by a Mandalore, the supreme commander and administrator of the Taung people. Below him were the Elders. Each Elder was the patriarch of an original Taung clan, and was usuallty a high ranking member of the military as well. The Taung Confederacy was made up of the twenty six original Taung clans. Each of these clans was ruled by an Elder and fifty percent of each clan's manpower had to serve in the Taung Military.
The Taung Empire began when the Infinite Empire retreated from Dxun, and the Taung joined together to build the city of Nadd. Two years later armies of marauding Zhell poured onto the central continent and were finally rebuffed following a great victory. The victor of this battle, Vorduv Rommel, established the title of Mandalore, and became Mandalore the Uniter. The Taung began to conquer the other planets of the Japrael Sector soon after.
The Taung entered the Cruentusian War at this time as well. Defeating the Srav Federation on multiple occasions, and gaining much territory before finally being defeated due to Tiber Zashash's betrayal of Mandalore the Uniter. The Uniter was exiled, and Zashash took up the mantle of Mandalore the Usurper. However, his rule did not last long, and he was overthrown, and then; subsequently, drowned in the Waking Sea for his betrayal.
Mandalore the Uniter returned, and reconquered much territory lost during the Usurper's reign, and defeating the Zhell in a genocidal war of the likes never before seen in the history of the galaxy, as well as fighting off the encroachment of the Vagaari, a race of nomadic pirates who invaded the Taung Confederacy, but were defeated. Eventually, Mandalore the Uniter died, and his successors expanded the Taung Confederacy.
Destroying the Empire of Xim, the Taung won the Hutt-Xim War while fighting on the side of the Hutts. After this great victory, the Taung Confederacy entered a golden age, which lasted for nearly a century, before the galaxy was plunged into the Sith Galactic War, which after defeating the Sith, caused the Taung Confederacy to degenerate into civil war, and eventually collapse, ending its glorious existence.
As did the Zhell, the other inhabitants of the jungle moon, Dxun, the Taung migrated from place to place during the years of the Infinite Empire's domination. After the fall of the Infinite Empire they established themselves on the central continent and began construction of their first city, Nadd, on a large island off the coast. Nadd was built usind a greenish colored stone and was the center of economic activity on Dxun. The years after the Taungs' abandonment of their nomadic lifestyle, the first Taung leaders, Elders, had to deal with fires, floods, disease, and civil war.
The first Mandalore was the legendary Vorduv Rommel, the great military genius. When marauding armies of Zhell attempted to capture the new Taung capital, the Taung hunters, under the direction of Mandalore the Uniter, took up their blaster and sniper rifles, and because of their experience and superior discipline easily drove them off. Thus the idea of a united Dxun was born. Once the Taung hunters had tasted victory, the rest was simple. In a series of lightning moves, Mandalore the Uniter consolidated his control over the entire Taung people and over the many Zhell people on Dxun, and established order, peace, and security throughout the entire Japrael Sector.
Conquest of the Japrael Sector[]
The Taung bombardment of Iziz.
Mandalore had conquered all of Dxun, and Dxun was at peace for the first time in over fifty years. Unfortunately, this peace was not to last long. Three Zhell ships crashed landed on Dxun near the city of Nadd. Mandalore, upon recieving the news, quickly dispatched several squads of scouts to secure the ships. Once the scouts had reported back, he dispatched several engineers with the orders to build as many of the ships as possible. The Taung were on the move.
As the Taung Armada began to near completion, the Taung Crusaders were fully mobilized. Mandalore quickly devised a scheme to conquer the Zhell planets that were controlled from the Zhell capital of Onderon. The Taung armada finally launched and headed to the planet Dxun orbited, Onderon. The Taung numbers blocked out the sun. The Zhell did not have a chance. They were quickly overwhelmed. Iziz fell, and the Zhell garrison, demoralized, was quickly routed.
With Onderon captured, the Taung Armada quickly moved into position and assaulted the planet of Prael. As a punishment, and as a symbol to the Zhell government, every single male Zhell was shot to death by a Taung firing squads. Martial law was declared, and Prael was declared a part of the Taung Confederacy.
Now that Onderon and Prael conquered, the government of the Zhell Battallion was under no illusion to the threat they now faced. They had to win...or risk the extermination of their entire race. The entire Zhell Armada was summoned to the space above the planet. Every Zhell with the ability to fight was mobilized, armed, and stationed around the planet. Mandalore, realizing that the Zhell would be aware of the Taung threat by then, devised a new plan to capture Arca, the final planet controlled by the Zhell Battallion.
Mandalore himself, along with many other Taung Intelligence agents, infiltrated Arca. The Zhell supply lines were disrupted, ammunition depots were destroyed, key political figures were assassinated, and terrorist attacks were perpetrated across Arca. The Zhell were quickly demoralized, and the Taung Armada moved in for the kill. The Zhell Armada was swiftly destroyed, and the Zhell Military was swiftly routed. Mandalore had conquered the entire Japrael Sector, and then, his sights turned to a war being fought out along his border...the Cruentusian War.
Cruentusian War[]
The Taung Confederacy, which had previously remained unknown to the rest of the galaxy, began to seek an excuse to enter the Cruentusian War after they had conquered the entire Japrael Sector. They found that excuse. A small scout flotilla of the Srav Federation landed on Demos. Despite their technological advances, the Sravs were outnumbered and outmatched, and were gradually defeated, their remnants staging a guerilla war on the Taung. Nonetheless, the Taung eventually claimed victory, and their leader, Mandalore the Uniter, began plans to enter the war proper. Mandalore began to contemplate an official entrance into the Cruentusian War, and based on the weak Srav presence their, and on account of its shipyards, assaulted Sevastopolitan.
However, as the Sravs made progress against the Necasians, the Taung Confederacy launched its attack on the Srav Federation, targeting the planet of Sevastopolitan. Lightly defended as a result of the Srav offensive, Sevastapolitan defences put up stubborn but inadequate resistance to the Taungs. On the surface, both sides slugged it out, but the Taungs eventually gained the upper hand. However, the Sravs were well aware of this new threat, as were the other factions. For the sake of convenience, the DTM decided to establish a friendly rapport with the Taungs, but still secretly spread malicious propaganda about them.
Nonetheless, the Sravs were quick to react. Under the command of Ivran Gresev and Vlad Mutin, a Srav taskforce moved to retake Sevastopolitan. The Taungs assumed that the Sravs would try and take the planet intact; instead, they were bombarded and decimated with nuclear and radiation weapon bombardment from orbit. The Sravs then landed and finished them off and announced victory, despite being left with a partly irradiated planet.
In an effort to regain prestige, the Taungs assaulted the planet of Volgis, focusing their attack on the Volgland basin. Srav kommissar Anatol Kurzak held the line before Nataska Vergulva showed up with reinforcements, and repelled the Taungs.
Ravages of Cruentus[]
Following the Cruentusian War, the Taung became disillusioned with the rule of Mandalore the Usurper, and overthrew him. Scouts were dispatched across the galaxy to seek out Mandalore the Uniter, but unfortunately he could not be found. Since Mandalore the Uniter could not be found the distinguished governor of Sevastopolitan, and war hero, Skardan Karanga, was selected to become the next Mandalore.
The major efforts of Mandalore the Peaceful were directed at the extension of the Taung Confederacy's boundaries farther into the Unknown Regions, the establishment of the Taung starports of Iziz on Onderon, and Besalisk on Dxun, and the construction of the Taung Orbital Defense System. When Mandalore the Peaceful, Kurik Goran, died without issue, the Taung Confederacy was thrown into anarchy and civil war.

The forces of Mandalore the Uniter quickly captured Nadd from the Elders.
By the sheerest good fortune, Vorduv Rommel, Mandalore the Uniter, who had lived in exile on Nal Hutta as a military advisor to the Hutts during their war with Xim the Despot, returned, but the Elders would not allow him to become Mandalore again, fearing that he would kill them all for supporting Mandalore the Usurper during the waning days of the Cruentusian War. This was not a good idea. Mandalore traveled throughout Dxun and gathered an army of Taung warriors who would fight for him, and then Mandalore marched to Nadd at the head of his legions to assume the position of Mandalore again.
Mandalore knowing that his people had still not recovered from the Cruentusian War, at first set his sights on the restoration of the Taung economy. Mandalore soon proved that he had not lost any of his old vigor and energy, and he soon turned his sights to the nearby planets in the Japrael Sector. Prael and Arca fell quickly to his forces, and Taung power was restored to what it had been before the Cruentusian War. The core of the Taung Confederacy had been united. To help speed up the recovery of the economy, Mandalore opened a toll free spaceport, Dragonara, on the fiery planet of Prael, and the remainder of his time focusing on rebuilding the economy was devoted to the continued construction of star destroyers, and the manufacturing of weapons.
The years of Mandalore the Uniter's rule were a period of consolidation and development. It was also a period of the first Taung contact with other worlds in the Unknown Regions. The intial meetings with the Wookies, and Hutts were peaceful and profitable, but the Zhell, basing their actions on the Taung conquest of their worlds of Prael and Arca, steadfastly refused to allow the Taung to enter all Zhell controlled space.
First Holy Crusade[]
A Taung merchant convoy while traveling through Zhell controlled space was confronted and destroyed by Zhell forces in a brief battle. Mandalore the Uniter denounced the actions of the Zhell, and whipped the Taung into a religious fervor, declaring that the continued actions of the Zhell were an affront to the Taung gods. Mandalore, a master of propaganda, soon secretly leaked false information to the Taung, leading them to believe that the Zhell were cannibals, and practiced human sacrifice. The Taung were outraged, and reacted just as Mandalore wished them to. The Council of Elders declared war on the Zhell Battallion.

Taung Crusaders during the Assault on Mimban.
The Holy Crusade of the Taung lasted for four years and was marked by the kind of savagery seldom seen in galactic history. The Taung Armada operating out of Arca quickly encircled the relatively large Zhell Battalions, thirteen worlds in all, then turned and struck inward to the heart of the Zhell Battallions. The Zhell, still weakened from their recent, and disasterous offensive against the nomadic Vagaari, were no match for the might of the Taung military. The commanders of the Taung Armada, Taung Hunters, Taung Crusaders, and Taung Intelligence, inspired by a religious fervor, slaughtered the entire Zhell populations on all thirteen planets, and only at the end of the Taung Holy Crusade did they end their genocide, after the surviving Zhell had been harried and forced to take refuge on their capital, Mimban. After a brief siege, the Zhell surrendered and the Taung sold the remaining Zhell to slavers, in effect driving the Zhell into extinction.
The remainder of Mandalore the Uniter's reign was relatively uneventful, and eventually he died, to the great despair of the Taung people. A new Mandalore was elected, Mandalore the Uniter's son, who became Mandalore the Defender. The first few years of his reign were uneventful. Trade was expanded with the Wookies and to a lesser degree with the Hutts as well. The shipyards on Arca, Demigog, and Ativa, were built, and began to churn out massiver numbers of warships.
It was at this point that the Taung first encountered the Vagaari. A massive Taung commercial flotilla was assaulted by a Vagaari fleet on its way to Mimban. The Taung commercial cruisers, which were large, and slow, were no match for the powerful Vagaari warships. The battle was short, and the loss of lives and goods were appalling. Mandalore the Defender quickly gathered a large fleet of Taung Armada warships, and sent them to assault the Vagaari. With horrific speed and precision the Vagaari destroyed the fleet, and destroyed every escape pod to be launched.
The Vagaari, thinking rightly that they had destroyed the military strength of the Taung Confederacy, invaded the Confederacy. All of Taung space erupted into chaos, with the Vagaari bandits destroying and capturing many cruisers. The planet of Barak, was sacked and plundered eight times in this bloody time period. Finally, the Taung garrison of Barak was increased ten fold. Three Vagaari attacks were beaten off, and they soon turned to easier prey. Anheg was sacked twice, and only the remainder of the Taung Armada prevented the Vagaari from assaulting Dxun itself.
Eventually, with the death of Mandalore the Defender, Mandalore the Savior ascended to the position of Mandalore. Mandalore the Savior was a former admiral in the Taung Armada, and working in coordination with his advisor developed a strategy to destroy the Vagaari. A large merchant convoy was dispatched from Dxun. Upon arriving in the space of Mimban, it was assaulted by the Vagaari, and having their attention they retreated to Anheg. The Taung Armada was lying in wait, and the Vagaari were utterly defeated, ending their reign of chaos throught Taung controlled space.

A Taung air attack during the Hutt-Xim War.
It was also under Mandalor the Savior's rule that the Taung Diplomatic Service was instituted. The major thrust of Taung Confederacy policy throughout the period of the Hutt-Xim War was to maintain a balance of power between the two opposing factions. So long as the Hutt Cartel, and the Empire of Xim remained locked in war, the Taung Confederacy's territory in that direction of the Outer Rim was secure.
The diplomats of the Taung also moved further into the galaxy, establishing relations with the emerging Galactic Republic, and the Tionese Hegemony. It was at this time that the Taung Confederacy launched their disastorous assault on the planet of Rhovanion. Five legions of Taung Crusaders were dispatched to Rhovanion to force the government of the planet to acknowledge the rule of the Taung Confederacy. The first assault on the planet went badly, as the planet's local militia was supported by Republic forces. The Rhovani, aided by the Republic soldiers, initiated a guerilla war of hit and run ambushes against the Taung, eventually wiping out the Taung invasion force.
When Mandalore the Savior learned of the defeat of his forces, he prepared to launch the full might of the Confederacy upon the rebellious Rhovani. However, this invasion was brought short when both the Republic, and the Tionese Hegemony threatened to make war upon the Taung Confederacy if it invaded this buffer government between them. Mandalore reconsidered, and war was averted.
Mandalore the Savior died shortly after, and Mandalore the Rebuilder ascended to the leadership of the Taung Confederacy. The Taung Crusaders were immediately set to work, training, drilling, and preparing for war. When several Crusader commanders began to complain, they were summarily executed, sending a message to the rest of the Taung Crusaders, and reaffirming the Taung belief in their Mandalore.
Mandalore the Rebuilder quickly began setting several of his plans in motion, which would lead to the happening of several key events in galactic history. The Rebuilder quickly brought an end to the Hutt-Xim War, allying with the weaker combatant, the Hutts, and deposing Xim from his throne. The war against Xim went well, with the Taung sweeping all of their enemies from before them.
Eventually, Xim's capital fell as well under the onslaught of the combined Hutt, and Taung force, but the Taung price for their continued involvement was high, and the Hutts began to become weaker as the war drug on. Xim's remaining forces, under the leadership of his son, retreated, and began conducting a guerilla war of terrorist bombings, and hit and run attacks.
This was the zenith of Taung power. Mandalore the Rebuilder was quite literally the most powerful man in the galaxy, controlling much of the Outer, and Mid Rims.
Stabilitation and Decline[]
At this time the Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic was assassinated on Coruscant by a contingent of Tionese diplomats acting on the orders of Tion Victor Velazquez. Mandalore the Watchful watched as these two great powers descended into the Tionese War. The campaign by the Galactic Republic against the Tionese Hegemony was short and savage. When the war was over, and for all intents and purposes the Tionese Hegemony had ceased to exist, the entire Taung Confederacy held its breath, waiting for the Republic to attack it as well for providing arms to the Tionese during the war.
If the enormous armies of the Republic had chosen to strike into the Outer Rim at this time, the entire might of the Taung Confederacy would not have been able to defeat them, and the Taung Confederacy would have ceased to exist, exactly like the Tionese Hegemony.
The following years could be called golden years, as war between the major powers was virtually non existant, and the Taung continued to expand their territory into the Outer Rim. However, the events that would follow would nearly destroy the Republic, as well as destabilize the Taung Confederacy.

Taung aided by the Jedi during the Sith Galactic War.
The Sith Empire invaded the Republic. In the forefront of the opposing sides were the Jedi, supported by the Taung, and the Sith, who fought mercilessly and without regard for sentient life. The entire galaxy stood aghast at the destruction of the Jedi, and the near destruction of the Republic itself. Though the Taung Confederacy attempted to assist the Republic, its results were fruitless. It quickly became evident that the Sith had come not as conquerors, but destroyers.
A few bloody, and battered elements of the Grand Army of the Republic managed to escape into Taung space, and a few others were able to make it to the safety of the Hutt Cartel. Once the Republic had been crushed, the Sith turned and struck at the Taung themselves. But here they met a different foe. Taung Crusaders, the finest infantry in the galaxy, continually ambushed the armies of the Sith, killing many.
As the Sith armies continued to advance, they laid siege to the capital of Dxun, but were held for nearly eight years due to the sizeable Taung Orbital Defense System in orbit above the planet. Disgusted by his inability to conquer the Taung, the Dark Lord of the Sith led his forces into the Hutt Cartel, where he was defeated by the combined armies of the Taung, Hutts, and Republic. However, the Taung Confederacy was destroyed because of the enormous loss of life, and supplies, and the Taung gradually descended into a full fledged civil war, ending the Taung Confederacy.
The Taung were deeply religious and used warfare as a ritual to the gods. Once Mandalore the Uniter came in to power, several things changed. The once sophisticated Taung holy laws were reformed and changed into the Canons of Honor, and war itself became worshipped as a way to glorify the Taung race. Any military campaign they waged was a Crusade as long as it promised holy carnage.
The Taung Crusaders had no written laws, but the rules that did exist were sacred to the Taung people. The most important were the resol'nare. Other rules included the Canons of Honor, which helped warriors to gain honor and glory by fighting in battles and showing their loyalty to their clan. The Taung did not conscript or seek out warriors to join their cause because fifty percent of each clan's manpower had to be devoted to the Crusaders during wartime.
All Taung warriors were self sufficient and competent, and each Crusader was responsible for gathering their own food and supplying themselves. Taung Crusaders used helmet transceivers. Each Taung warrior kept an eye on his men fighting by his side in able to respond when battle situations changed.
The Taung military was divided into three sections: the Taung Crusaders, Taung Intelligence, and the Taung Armada.
Taung Crusaders[]

The Taung Crusaders had no match.
The Taung Crusaders were the supreme military power of the Taung Confederacy. No other organized army in the galaxy could match it in combat. The Legion works for the Mandalore, with support from the Skirata and Storm Clan, whichever possessed more power at the time that the Mandalore was killed and a new one had yet to be chosen. In peace time, the Crusaders served as guards, although in war, they have also been used as an invasion force.
In war, the Taung Crusaders was a feared and unstoppable force. Their huge numbers and strict discipline caused even the most battle hardened army to question their tactics. The Taung Crusaders attacked as a legion, working together to overcome enemy forces. With wide ranks of hundreds of disciplined soldiers, the Taung Crusaders were not a force to be trifled with.
The Taung Crusaders sprang up from the hardy stock of the dangerous jungle moon of Onderon, Dxun, the rugged Taung with their hardy and undiluted blood. Complemented by the Taung Hunters, or Taung Commandos, and the sophistication of the other regions of Dxun, and inspired by the methods and equipment of the Zhell Battallions, the Crusaders became a potent force in galaxy wide affairs during the reign of the first Mandalore, Mandalore the Uniter. Since the conquest of Onderon, the Crusaders in the Taung Confederacy's Territorial Possessions had become a very cosmopolitan organization, made up of both homogeneous occupying units and unique auxillary arms that employ local irregulars as agents.
Taung Intelligence Agency[]

A Taung Intelligence Agent.
The Taung Intelligence Agency, or Taung Intelligence as it was more commonly refered to was a Taung organized intelligence group, rising to prominence in the political, economic, and social turmoil during the horrible, bloody Cruentusian War. The Taung Intelligence Agency had existed well before the Taung entrance into the Cruentusian War, but it had hit its peak efficiency and power during and after the Cruentusian War. During its formation, many members were veterans of the Taung Resistance, including members of the Taung military group and supercommando force, the Taung Hunters, who were too old or did not wish to fight on the front lines that had the skills to excel in the galaxy of intelligence gathering. While primarily an intelligence organization, the Taung Intelligence Agency operated across the galaxy in a wide variety of other government approved activites, such as assassination, and bribery.
The Taung Intelligence Agency was one of the four groups that compromised the Taung Military. Though undoubtedly powerful, the Taung Intelligence Agency was first and foremost an intelligence organization and therefore had no military presence in the Taung Confederacy. However, its well armed agents, and stealthy fighters secretly gather information from many planets across the galaxy, such as Sviat, the capital of the Srav Federation. Most Taung Intelligence Agents carried J22 Assault Rifles, and the more experienced agents carried shotguns. Many other Taung Intelligence Agents were equipped with TMT Light Machine Guns, K2 Assault Rifles, Deathrider Sniper Rifles, and Spearhead Missile Launchers. The Taung Intelligence Agency had the lightest ground presence of all the Taung military.
Taung Armada[]

Taung Armada Mandalore-class Cruisers in action during the Cruentusian War.
The Taung Armada was a large collection of warships and other starships constructed for the armed forces of the Taung Confederacy at the shipyards of Arca and Prael.
The Taung Armada was organized around flotillas of destroyers and frigates built at the Dragon Nest Shipyards on Prael. The main battleships of the Taung Armada were the Mandalore-class Cruiser. At the beginning of the Taung Armada's existence, they also made use of the large star destroyers known as Storm-class Star Destroyers, which easily terrorized enemy supply lines and could easily best many combined enemy fleets.
The main tactic of the Taung Armada was for the Armada to engage in hit and run campaigns that disrupted travel, communication, and commerce throughout their enemies' territory, as well as massive invasions of enemy controlled worlds.
Later in the Taung Armada's existence, their strategies changed. Millions of Taung warships would battle their enemies in vast campaigns throughout enemy territory, while task forces of several thousand ships made fast snatchs at key targets in attempts to severely weaken the enemy resolve to fight. These task forces were never expected, never defeated, and never retreated. The Taung Armada had millions of ships in active service at any one time.
The Taung Confederacy's economy was almost solely based on trade with other civilizations. The Confederacy maintained its own shipping fleet, while most other galactic powers relied on large freight firms. Major transport and merchant concerns attempted to increase efficiencies, and lobby for favorable legislation and control prices by forming unions. The influence of the Taung Confederacy was sufficient enough to destabilize the entire Japrael Sector, as well as many worlds that they had conquered, after the Cruentusian War.
Slavery was practiced by the Taung Confederacy, and this practice even managed to survive the age of the Republic. Slaves were gathered from lawless areas such as the Outer Rim and many slavers even ventured into the Core Worlds hunting for slaves. Another form of slavery practiced by the Taung was to be indentured. Many down on their luck citizens became indentured to their debtors and were forced to work to pay off that debt.
Under Taung law, only the outsiders, or non Taung, were made to pay taxes. These taxes were collected by the Publicani. The Taung Confederacy also passed tarrifs to tax trade and hyperspace routes. If the Taung Confederacy was in much trouble, and funds needed to be quickly raised the tax would be extended to the Taung, as well as forcing all outsiders to pay fifteen percent more than they had originally been paying. After the Cruentusian War, the tax laws were codified, and were to last until the fall of the Taung Confederacy.
Only one currency was allowed to be used in the Taung Confederacy. The Taung government produced credits, credit chips, and even credit sticks. These, as well as the more common Taung currency, Mandal, could be used to buy and sell across the Taung Confederacy. The Mandal were metal coins that were used by many of the Taung. The Taung Confederacy's currency was the most widespread currency in the Outer Rim, which at that time was still mainly part of the Unknown Regions.
All coins and bars were marked with the likeness of the Temple of Fredon in Nadd. Because of its dominance in the Unknown Regions, both militarily and in trade, the Taung Confederacy's currency was the standard by which other currencies in the Unknown Regions were measured. The basic unit was the Mandal. A Mandal was a half pound of gold.
- Gold Mandal - an eight ounce gold bar worth approximately 1,000 Republic Credits
- Half Gold Mandal - a four ounce gold bar worth approximately 500 Republic Credits
- Quarter Gold Mandal - a two ounce gold coin worth approximately 250 Republic Credits, and was often called a Keldabe
- Gold Vedas - a one ounce gold coin worth approximately 125 Republic Credits
- Gold Mythos - a one half ounce gold coin worth approximately 63 Republic Credits
Silver was worth one twentieth the value of gold.
- Silver Mandal - Fifty Credits
- Half Silver Mandal - Twenty Five Credits
- Silver Keldabe - Thirteen Credits
- Silver Vedas - Seven Credits
- Silver Mythos - Four Credits
- Half Mythos - The Half Mythos was an one ounce brass coin worth two credits
- Common - Copper. One hundred Commons made a Half Mythos.
Questionable coins or credits were taken to a Temple of Fredon for verification by the Acolytes of Fredon. Each Temple had scanning machinery which allowed them to test for counterfeits. If you were discovered to have counterfeit money you had to pay a one hundred percent fee.
The Upper Class men wore a toga like mantle. These garments were color coded to show their armor color. The soldiers wore regular Taung armor that was color coded to show their inspiration, or what they upheld, such as black for justice. Merchants wore belted gowns with deep, wide pockets. They were also color coded to show their armor color. Slaves, and prisoners of war wore tunics that extended to just below the knees and sleeves that went up to their elbows. They wore leggings, and leather aprons in the winter.
The women wore gowns of a Coruscanti cut. Color coding was legally required, but the law was largely ignored except on formal occasions.
Societal Ranks[]
- Mandalore - the most capable of the generals and civil administrators of the Taung Confederacy who was the primary military and civil leader
- Mandalore's Family - the family of the Mandalore
- Supreme Elder - head of the Council of Elders and the Taung religion
- Elders - heads of each Taung clan, and members of the Council of Elders, they selected the Mandalore
- Patriarchs - head of each family within a clan
- Commander - head of the Taung military, an advisor of the Mandalore
- General - field commanders of the Taung military
- Governor - administrators of Taung territorial possessions
A rank in the priesthood was equivalent to a rank in the nobility.
- Grand Master Merchant - head of one of the various guilds
- Master Merchant - leaders of the subsections of the guilds
- Grand High Master Merchant - in charge of trading convoys
- High Merchant - leaders of various corporations
- Merchant - traders
Major Holidays[]
- Union Day - a celebration of the end of the Taung Civil War. Feasting, jollity, parties, and gifts were common things on this day.
- Fredas - a festival for Fredon, the Taung king of gods. This was a day for prayers and religious observances.
- Cruentus - a celebration of the end of the Cruentusian War.
- Military Day - celebration honoring the Taung soldiers who had died. Military parades and patriotic speeches were some of the spectacles on this day.
- Holy Remebrance Day - A day of guilt over the genocide of the Zhell. Offerings are made to the Zhell gods. All debts are payed off, and processions of penitents parade throughout the cities of the Taung Confederacy.
The priesthood was comfortable and very devout, bordering on fanatic. Religion was formal and perfunctory. Prayers were largely for luck, and profit. Most Taung were very religious.
The Elder Gods were the older gods of the Taung. There were five Elder Gods, including: Fredon, Azash, Coru, Aphrael, and Bellath. Fredon was the God of Air and Wind. He was also worshipped as the fertility god, and the Creator of the Galaxy. Fredon was the king of all the gods. His temple was located in Nadd, the capital of Dxun.
Azash was the God of Dead and of the Force, or the magicks as the Taung called it. He guided the dead through the Tests of Werda, and the darkness of the Underworld. Coru was the God of Ocean and was responsible for the hurricanes, and floods. Aphrael was the Gooddess of Hunting, War, and Weaving. She was also the protector of warriors, and an assistant to Azash in the Underworld. Bellath was the Sun God. He was responsible for the rising and setting of the suns.
There were the four Younger Gods as well. They were: Mallorea, Rainite, Dryad, and Duo. Mallorea was the goddess of artists and merchants. She was the behind the cleverness and greed of merchants. Rainite was the goddess of wisdom. Dryad was the Goddess of Fertility, and was responsible for the processes of birth, life, and death. Duo was the God of the Forests. He was responsible for the growth of the trees, and the success of the harvests.