Errare humanum est.
—Latin phrase (latin for "To err is human")
Talmanach were the near-Human natives of Earth, located in the Unknown Regions of the galaxy. They differed from baseline Human stock in a number of ways, most notably in their heightened mental resistance to the Force, along with sharing some genetic similarities with the Sith species. Due to their location in the Unknown Regions the Talmanachs were isolated from the rest of the galaxy until first contact was made in 42 BBY or 2020 AD according to a local dating system.
Ancient History |
Early modern period (562 – 262 BBY) |
Late modern period (262 – 42 BBY) |
Domus diaspora (42 – 22 BBY) |
Clone wars (22 – 19 BBY) |
Talmanach-Imperial cold war (19 – 0 BBY) |
Talmanach-Imperial war (0 – 19 ABY) |
Pax Nova (19 – 25 ABY) |
Yuuzhan Vong War (25 – 29 ABY) |
Legacy era (37 ABY →) |
Ancent History[]
In the year 5000 BBY, 2928 BC according to the local dating system, during a period known as the Bronze Age, a vessel of the Sith fled Korriban after the Great Hyperspace War and arrived over the world of Earth. Due to damage to the vessel's propulsion systems, the ship crashed in the desert dunes of the Sahara. During the crash, the Sith overlord was killed, but many of the slaves and civilians survived and scattered across the surrounding regions.
These survivors, bearing advanced knowledge and technology far beyond the comprehension of the local populations, began to integrate into early human societies. Their influence subtly shaped the development of these early civilizations, contributing to advancements in metallurgy, agriculture, and construction techniques that seemed inexplicably advanced for the time. Legends of powerful beings with mystical abilities emerged, eventually evolving into the mythologies of gods an human societies. Their influence subtly shaped the development of these early civilizations, contributing to advancements in metallurgy, agriculture, and construction techniques that seemed inexplicably advanced for the time. Legends of powerful beings with mystical abilities emerged, eventually evolving into the mythologies of gods and demigods.
As centuries passed, the descendants of the Sith ship survivors blended more seamlessly into human societies, their unique heritage fading into the annals of history.
In the year 4000 BBY, 1928 BC according to the local dating system, a vessel known as the Ark arrived over the world of Earth. It was launched from the world of Zakuul by the Precursors, a name given to them by researchers from the world of Earth in the year 52 BBY or 2020 in the local dating system. The Precursors were the last holdouts against Valkorion and his dark side-wielding followers during Valkorion’s conquest of Zakuul. Knowing that the war was lost, the Precursors devised a plan to give the people of Zakuul a chance at freedom from the corrupting aspect of the Force.
From their long war against Force users, the Precursors learned how to subvert the mental effects of the Force through mental resistance, though at the cost of losing their ability to use the Force themselves. They created a vessel known as the Ark, which was filled with embryos and fully grown Force-resistant humans. They sent the vessel out into space toward the heart of the old Infinite Empire of the Rakata, hoping that the dark presence emanating from the remains of the dead Empire would mask the Precursors' children. The journey was long and rough, and once the Ark arrived over Earth, it was ripped in two as it fell to the ground, launching pods filled with cryo tubes all over the planet. The two pieces fell in the Mariana Trench and the eastern part of the Mediterranean.
Over the centuries, the two groups of humans assimilated into one another, producing the Talmanachs who now reside on Earth.
First contact[]
On April 4th, 2020 AD (52 BBY), the world of Earth was discovered by the Republic Survey ship Tetas Pride when the ship dropped out in the Sol system, originally classified as system 10-H.12 by the Republic Astrography Corps.
Domus diaspora[]
In 2020 AD (52 BBY), Earth experienced its first contact with an extraterrestrial civilization. On October 24th, the member states of the United Nations signed the Articles of Unified Defense, and two days later, the Unified Defense Forces (UDF) were established.
By 2021 AD (51 BBY), on October 1st, the Talmanach Engineering Corporation was created with the backing of the Corellian Engineering Corporation. Shortly after, on October 10th, the F-24 program was launched, aiming to create Earth's first interstellar-capable combat craft.
In March 2022 AD (50 BBY), NOAA Ocean Exploration, along with other organizations on Earth, adopted advanced scanning systems to uncover the last secrets of Earth's oceans. On May 20th, at the bottom of the Marianas Trench, they discovered what appeared to be an ancient starship, although it was missing most of its parts. In a sealed section, likely the vessel's bridge, they found information that raised more questions than it answered. This discovery led to the creation of the UDF Department of Exploration. Officially tasked with exploring vast unknown regions, its true aim was to uncover more information about the mysterious vessel and its origin.
On August 6th, a second piece of the ship discovered in the Marianas Trench was found in the eastern Mediterranean. Then, on August 16th, while searching for other parts of the ship, researchers made an even more startling discovery deep within the Sahara desert. Beneath the sand and solid ground, archaeological teams uncovered a mostly intact starship, quite different from the one found earlier. Despite its engines being destroyed, most of the vessel was intact. Like the other ship, it contained information that helped answer many questions scientists had since the discovery of the wider galaxy. Upon accessing the historical records of the Republic, researchers quickly identified the second ship as matching the model of Sith vessels used during the Great Hyperspace War around 5,000 BBY.
In January 2023 AD (49 BBY), construction began on Earth's first space elevator in Mombasa. On March 3rd, the Talmanach Engineering Corporation revealed the prototype of the F-24 interstellar combat craft, which showed promising results in initial tests. Just a few days later, on March 7th, construction commenced on the Cape Kennedy orbital dock.
The year 2024 AD (48 BBY) marked the creation of Earth's first generation of directed electromagnetic pulse missiles, the DEMP-X1 Missiles, Earth's version of ion torpedoes. The UN approved the UDF's purchase of two Carrack-class light cruisers and two DP20 frigates. Additionally, the first Indiana-class submarine, the UNS Indiana, was launched, featuring automation by droids and armed with nuclear and EMP missiles.
On August 19th, 2025 AD (47 BBY), the production run of the F-24 Skyhawk Interceptors, Earth's first generation of space-based combat craft, began.
By 2026 AD (46 BBY), the Cape Kennedy Space Dock was completed.
In 2027 AD (45 BBY), the first of the Midway-class corvettes and the Blue Dragon-class patrol ships were constructed at the Cape Kennedy Space Dock. On March 7th, the construction of Earth's first space elevator in Mombasa was completed.
On July 20th, 2030 AD (42 BBY), Crisium City was formally founded as the first human settlement on Luna. Later that year, on December 14th, the United Nations Trusteeship Council was reactivated and reorganized into the United Nations Office of Colonial Administration (UNOCA), along with the formation of the Colonial Military Command (CMC).
By 2032 AD (40 BBY), the first Razor-class frigate was launched.
In 2034 AD (38 BBY), Operation Mars and Beyond successfully led to the establishment of several colonies on Mars, the moons of Jupiter and Saturn, and various asteroids.
In 2039 AD (33 BBY), the UDF began constructing the Inner System Defense Line, a series of fortifications in the asteroid belt.
By 2040 AD (32 BBY), the UDF started constructing its second generation of warships, including the Amazon-class patrol craft, Hastings-class corvette, Berlin-class frigate, Everest-class cruiser, and Einstein-class carrier. Additionally, a colony was established in the Shelaris system (Verge).
In 2041 AD (31 BBY), construction of the Martian, Jovian, and Saturn Orbital Shipyards began. The Talmanach Engineering Corporation launched the Phoenix project, aimed at creating a colony ship to transport colonists and equipment to establish new settlements.
On January 1st, 2042 AD (30 BBY), the Odyssey, the first of the Phoenix-class colony ships, embarked on its journey to the Epsilon Eridani system, sparking the first wave of human expansion beyond the Solar System. The Odyssey arrived at the Epsilon Eridani system, leading the colonization of a new world, Reach. The first Reverie, another Phoenix-class colony ship, was built in orbit of Mars. By the end of the year, the United Nations had established the Unified Earth Government (UEG), headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland.
In 2043 AD (29 BBY), Beta Gabriel (Epsilon Eridani V) was established as a UEG colony in the Epsilon Eridani system.
By 2044 AD (28 BBY), Tribute (Epsilon Eridani III) was established as a UEG colony in the Epsilon Eridani system.
In 2046 AD (26 BBY), Casmir was established as a UEG colony in the Zufor system, and Miridem was established as a UTG colony in the Rampart system.
In 2048 AD (24 BBY), Minister was established as a UEG colony in the Xiuquan system, and Tantalus was established as a UTG colony in the Tantalus system.
Finally, in 2050 AD (22 BBY), Sundown was established as a UEG colony in the Renown system.
Clone wars[]
During the early part of the Clone Wars, the Unified Earth Government practiced the doctrine of armed neutrality.
Battle of Earth[]
The Battle of Earth occurred on the seventh of December in the year 2040 AD (22 BBY), when a force of separatist war ships moved into the Sol system and attacked Earth. Initially, they took the defenders by surprise, forcing the Earth Defense Group, a subgroup of the Sol Defense Fleet, to withdraw to Mars and prepare for a counterattack. The separatists landed forces on Luna and attacked Crisium City, as well as landing forces on Earth to attack Geneva, Switzerland. In the following hours, as ground troops engaged in the attacked cities, elements of the Sol Defense Fleet consolidated their strength in orbit around Mars. Six hours after the initial attack, the combined forces of the Sol Defense Fleet successfully defeated the separatist forces in Earth's orbit.
During the Battle of Crisium City, the Highlanders 4th Battalion of the Royal Regiment of Scotland was assigned to defend the city. The 75th Panzer Battalion and the 31st Panzergrenadier Battalion reinforced the Highlanders. In the Battle of Geneva, the United Defense Forces (UDF) and local Swiss forces fought against the invading separatist forces during their attack on Earth.
Talmanach-Imperial cold war[]
The Talmanach-Imperial Cold War was an intense, nineteen-year subgalactic geopolitical tension between the Unified Talmanach Government and the Galactic Empire. The Cold War primarily played out as the UEG attempted to undermine the Galactic Empire by covertly supplying rebel cells and Separatist holdouts, along with covert missions undertaken by UDF Specforce. While the Talmanach were attempting to undermine the Empire, they were, on the surface, cozying up with the Empire.
Talmanach–Ssi-ruuvi war (15 – 13 BBY)[]
The Talmanach–Ssi-ruuvi war was a conflict fought in the Unknown Regions between the Unified Talmanach Government and the Chiss Ascendancy against the Ssi-ruuvi Imperium.
Legacy era[]
In 2182 AD (120 ABY), the Talmanach unlock the secrets of how the Precursors were able to manipulate midi-chlorians.
Multiple nationstate's (← 142 BBY) |
League of Nations (142 – 116 BBY) |
United Nations (117 – 30 BBY) |
Unified Earth Government (30 – 2 BBY) |
Outer Republic (2 BBY – 28 ABY) |
Galactic Alliance (28 – 40 ABY) |
Confederation (40 – 41 ABY) |
Outer Republic (41 – 138 ABY) |
Galactic Federation Tetrarchy (138 ABY →) |
Unified Earth Government[]
The Unified Earth Government (UEG) was the central civilian government that administrates over Earth and its colonies throughout a portion of the Unknown Regions of the galaxy.
United Nation[]
The United Nations (UN) is an international Earth-based organization, and the predecessor of the Unified Earth Government. By 2042 with the establishment of the Unified Earth Government, the UN has been absorbed into a branch of the UEG and has become a largely vestigial entity, acting as a local administrative body among the national governments of Earth. Following the colonization of the Solar system and despite cultural elements, the citizens of Earth were the citizens of the United Nations which was under the authority of the UTG.
Office of Colonial Administration[]
The Office of Colonial Administration (OCA), also known as the Colonial Administration or Colonial Authority, is an organization under the ultimate control of the Unified Earth Government. The OCA acted as a secondary governing body that helped the UTG regulate the various colony worlds of humanity.
Colonial Military Command[]
The Colonial Military Command (CMC), occasionally known as the the Colonial Military, was a military organization created by the United Nations in 2030 AD (42 BBY). Its mission was to serve as the controlling body for UDF ships and ether UDF ground forces or local colonial militias assigned to colonial protective operations.
I, [name], being of legal age, of my own free will without coercion, promises, or inducement of any kind, after having been duly advised and warned of the consequences of this oath, swear to uphold the institutions of the Unified Earth Government against all enemies, foreign and domestic; to protect and defend Earth and her colonies; to obey lawful orders of the High Command of the Unified Defense Force, I hereby accept responsibility for the defense of Earth and her colonies. So help me God.
—UDF Oath of Enlistment
The Unified Defense Force (UDF) was the primary military, exploratory, and scientific arm of the UEG. It was established to protect colonists and colony worlds from attacks by pirates, rebels, and other threats. The UDF was formed on October 26, 2020 (52 BBY), when the member states of the United Nations signed the Articles of Unified Defense in Geneva, Switzerland.
In its early years, the UDF primarily oversaw the combined military forces of UN member states. Only the Void command and the Expeditionary Corps were under its full command, whether in war or peace. The Auxiliary Corps, composed of national militaries, served only as a framework for UN member states to cooperate during wartime.
In the year 2042 (30 BBY), with the formation of the Unified Talmanach Government, the UDF reorganized its three branches into four branches: the Void command became the Navy and the Air Corps, the Expeditionary Corps became the Marine Corps, and the Auxiliary Corps became the Army. This reorganization allowed for greater specialization and efficiency within the UDF, enabling it to better address the diverse challenges faced by Earth and her colonies.
Talamh, also known as Sol III, known by its natives as Earth, was the third planet and one of four terrestrial worlds of the Sol system. It was the homeworld of the Talmanach species. It had been the capital world of the Unified Earth Government and the Outer Republic, and was home to the headquarters of the Unified Defense Force.
Solarian colonies[]
The Sol system was home to the center of Talmanach space, and almost all of the planets, moons, and bodies within the system had been settled or industrialized in some form or another.
Luna (earths Moon) | 2026 AD (36 BBY) | N/A | |
Mars | Phobos - Site of a Penal colony.
Deimos - was hollowed and turned into a defense station |
Jovian Moons | Io - Unstable moon with a large colony.
Europa - Colonized and terraformed. Callisto - Home to a number of UNSC bases. Ganymede - Largest moon of Jupiter, partially terraformed, and was populated. Jovian Habitats - a series of satellite habitats in orbit around Jupiter in the Sol system. wo prominent habitats are Juventus and Bellona. |
Saturnian moons | Castellaneta - A tourist station, was in geosynchronous orbit on the "sunny side" of the planet's outermost ring.
Titan - Industrial colony. Enceladus |
Uranian moons | |||
Neptunian moons | |||
Ixion | |||
Pluto | A minor planet and the last chartered colony in the Sol system, located in the Kuiper Bel. |
Extrasolar colonies[]
Colony worlds of the Talmanach species outside of the Sol system.
Also see[]
- Unified Defense Force (Talmanach)
- Talmanch starships