Star Wars Fanon

The name is probably worse than Darth Maladi and Darth Ruyn, and just as bad as Darth Bobaria Bloody Death. Names like these are a sign of true lack of imagination.

Just for the record, I admit its a bad name, which got created when making a movie which was originally not serious at all. Eventually it grew it into something more serious but the name stayed. He's in too many things now for me to just change the name.


Woah, Darth James? That's even more fearsome and deadly than the epic Darth Tyler. - President Brandon Rhea Presidentialseal (Pressroom) (Accomplishments) 03:38, 15 March 2008 (UTC)

Moon Musher?[]

Supose the name was a joke? Moon~Musher? --Fentu Fett (Talk) 23:38, 18 March 2009 (UTC)
