Star Wars Fanon

The Tale of the Knight of Darkness was an ancient legend on the planet Bimmisaari. Written several thousand years before the battle of Yavin, the tale spoke of a Knight of Darkness that vanquished the Angel of Light from the land of Maori, only to become allies in the face of an alien threat.

Exact text[]

A long time ago, in a land far away…

Two men, who would later be known as the Angel of Light, and the Knight of Darkness fought; together, against an invincible enemy. The Dark Knight conquered his enemies and left for an unknown land, leaving his friend of Light to defend against an threat that might have presented itself.

Many years later, the Knight would return a conquerer, a Knight of Darkness; who's armies would sweep across many green and plesant lands – corrupting, destroying in their wake. For many years the two former friends would battle one another, until, eventually the Dark Knight struck at the very heart of the Angel's kingdom; killing many of his friends and allies.

Thoroughly beaten, the Angel of Light retreated to his hallowed kingdom, awaiting the day that the Knight of Darkness would see the error in his ways. A long time passed, but eventually, with the threat of invasion from an alien* source, and many of his lands conquered, the Dark Knight welcomed the Angel of Light as a friend, to assist in destroying this new foe.

—Excerpt from the Tale of the Knight of Darkness


*In this writing, the word alien refers to a foreign nation.
