Talar Nimbran was a male Zygerrian slaver for the Zygerrian Slave Empire during the New Sith Wars. By 1,386 BBY he had become executive officer of the slaving ship Culling Blade and commanded most of the Culling Blade's downside raids. He usually briefed new slaves on their status, cautioning them to obedience with promises of horrible consequences if they refused.
Nimbran commanded a raid on Carosi IV in 1,386 which captured many Carosites, but also picked up three Jedi. When the Culling Blade and its drop ship were attacked by a task force commanded by Argus Z'dar, Nimbran engaged in combat with Narasi Rican, a Zygerrian Padawan. He began to overpower her with brute strength, but she turned the tables by biting out part of his throat. As he screamed, she knocked him out with a hook punch; he bled to death on the deckplates of the drop ship.