Star Wars Fanon
Old Republic eraRise of the Empire eraRebellion eraNew Republic eraNew Jedi Order eraLegacy era

Takwell, also known as Tukatru, was a desert planet hidden in the Juskarr system of the Ymnis sector and one of the 87 inhabited worlds in this sector. Takwell was known for its barren, dry plains, its starry nights and its colorful markets. Takwell, located near Hutt Space and with its non-existent government and bustling markets, was a haven for all kinds of criminals, refugees, and traders. The Krunjee beans used to make a special type of Krunj'aff'ree (coffee) originated on Takwell and became popular in the rest of the galaxy after their discovery.

Species and Culture[]

The Qurd were small brown creatures that inhabited Takwell. They lived in the mountains and mesas. The Carnuvars were large arachnid scorpion-like animals with two large pincers and six legs. These creatures were carnivorous and fed on the local Qurd. The Qurd, in turn, hunted the Carnuvar. Another widespread species on Takwell were the Peker birds, which lived in the mountains and then thornbush savannas of Takwell.

The form of government on Takwell was a monarchy in which the Qurd king, Rajani Tirta, served as commander-in-chief. However, the monarch ruled only over the Qurd-inhabited areas of Takwell. In their culture, the hot drink Krunj'aff'ree, commonly known as coffee, was regarded as extremely tasty. Krunj'aff'ree was cultivated on a large scale and was widely available on Takwell. The official language on Takwell was Huttese, spoken by all Qurd.

Takwellian Market

A takwellian market

Most of them lived separately from the settlements of the offworlders. However, some Qurd occasionally visited the cities to sell their goods at the markets or to trade. Due to their poor reputation and lack of interest in hyperspace travel, they were not very common in the galaxy. One of Takwell's specialties was the many sweet pastries made by the Qurd.

Many considered the Qurd to be a primitive species, as they had made little technical progress themselves and spent their free time partying, drinking, smoking, and telling bad jokes that only they themselves laughed at. Even if they didn't look very intelligent from the outside, the Qurd actually were.

Landscape and Geography[]

Takwell's planetary surface was characterized by harsh, endless desert valleys streaked by long mountain ranges and isolated mesas that stood out from the endless desert like a crumb on a map. Among the few habitable areas were the dry thornbush savannas and the southern mesas, where most of the Qurd lived. Due to the heat, there were very few plants on Takwell. Most of the flora grew in the settlements of the offworlders, who had also imported some plants, such as palm trees and a few succulents, like cactu.

Qur-Osi Spaceport

The central spaceport of Takwell

In the areas colonized by offworlders, the standard of living and technological progress was much higher than in the areas inhabited by the Qurd, but still very backward compared to the rest of the galaxy. Takwell had few towns and larger settlements. The most famous city of Takwell was Qur-Osi, which was also known as the Capital or Qurd Town. It was directly connected to Takwell's central spaceport. Less than half of the planet was inhabited, as many areas were simply too hot for any plants to thrive. Despite its remoteness and poor condition, Takwell became a much-visited planet, mainly because of the large markets and the Krunjee Beans that grew there, which were a popular export.

Important Historical Events[]

Takwell was first discovered by strangers who came from a part of southeastern Hutt Space. When they met the Qurd, they taught them to speak Huttese and to operate their technical devices. The Qurd in turn showed them the hot drink Krunj'aff'ree (coffee). After the explorers left Takwell, they sold the Krunjee beans in Hutt Space, where they quickly gained much popularity. The Hutts soon began growing Krunj'aff'ree on a large scale on Takwell to sell the beans to the rest of the galaxy. This earned them a lot of money without the Qurd getting any of it.

After its discovery, Takwell's openness and lack of government made it a haven for all kinds of outlaws who wanted to live away from the Republic. Due to its poor status, it never held a seat in the Galactic Senate and remained neutral during the Clone Wars, until it was taken by the Galactic Empire in 6 BBY. The Empire enslaved the Qurd to work on the Krunjee plantations and in the mines on Takwell. This slavery lasted almost eleven years until the year 4 ABY, when the Qurd prince Bahati Tirta instigated his own revolution against the Empire on Takwell. This revolution became known as the Takwellian Revolution. Through riots and targeted strikes against the Empire, the Qurd eventually managed to gain a measure of freedom, the continuation of which was finally secured by the New Republic in 5 ABY. After their liberation, the Qurd joined the New Republic under the leadership of their new king, Bahati Tirta, officially participating in galactic politics for the first time in their history.
