(text of the quote)
Tabitha was a human slave girl of Jabba the Hutt who was fed to his Rancor after less than a year as his prized pet
Early life[]
Tabitha was born on Tatooine sometime in the year 16BBY into a life of abject poverty her father a compulsive gambler bet and lost the bulk of his income, her mother worked long hours trying to keep the family afloat
In 4BBY Tabitha was forcibly taken from her home to the palace of Jabba the Hutt as repayment of a sizable debt her father incurred to the Hutt gangster who was enamoured with her
Jabba the Hutt having lost patience with his last slave and having fed her to his Rancor claimed Tabitha as his new pet, outfitted with a durasteel slaving collar and skimpy bikini her leash was quite short so she didn't venture far beyond the throne on which Jabba reposed on
Less than a year after becoming Jabba's pet slave girl Tabitha fell out of favour with the gangster, who showed his growing dislike of her by stripping her of the bikini leaving her naked on his throne, then when he finally had no further need of her, she was dragged from the throne and stood on the trap door leading to the rancor pit below, and when Jabba was satisfied she was terrified enough dropped her through the trapdoor into the waiting clutches of the beast who devoured her whole
Tabitha was a victim of Hutt greed leading up to her enslavement, and further victimized when Jabba's eyes wandered to a new beauty to adorn his throne