Star Wars Fanon

Taana Di was a Togruta female Jedi Master of the New Jedi Order.


Early life[]

Born two years before the Battle of Yavin, Taana Di was separated from her parents at the age of five and sold into slavery. Twelve years later, the young Jedi Nens-Coro arrived on Orvax IV and freed a number of slaves, Tanna included. Upon meeting the young Togruta, Nens-Coro sensed the Force was strong in her and took her in as his apprentice.[1]

Training at the Jedi Praxeum on Yavin 4, Taana quickly rose among her peers and attained the rank of Jedi Knight, much to her master's delight.[1]

Jedi Knight[]

In the months leading up to the Imperial Sith War, Taana traveled to Mon Cala to oversee testing of the Decimator weapon.[2] Following the war against Vorath's Sith, Taana took on the young Natia Dorn as her apprentice. In 30 ABY, the two of them participated in the push against Jerec's faction, seeing to their defeat at Endymion.[3]

Around this time, Taana was elevated to the rank of Jedi Master and given a seat on the Council, replacing the late Ean Marrab.

Glorian War[]

During the outbreak of the Glorian invasion in 35 ABY, Taana and Natia joined Jedi Master Kyle Katarn and New Republic trooper Arek Cobalt in traveling to Dalandae to meet with Talon Karrde. En route, they were intercepted by Glorians and forced to crash-land on the planet Kaal just as it was invaded by the Glorian fleet. Before the Jedi could aid in the planet's defenses, the Glorians used their technology to relocate the entire Kaal system to the Unknown Regions, where they subjected Kaal's natives to labor work as part of the Star Forge's reconstruction.[4]

After evading capture, Taana and the others were eventually able to return to the known galaxy via a portal device connected to one located on Tatooine, where they joined Anakin Solo and his team.[5]


Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 The Essential Guide to Star Wars Destiny
  2. Calm Before the Storm
  3. The Dragon's Claw
  4. Wrath of the Glorians
  5. Dawn of Armageddon