Star Wars Fanon

TV-19: “Sir, our forces are operating at optimal performance, their morale has been boosted by our victory at Dooku's Town, I predict increased Imperial attempts at retribution for our actions, but I believe that the increased morale of our troops and the increasing numbers of weapons and vehicles that we receive through capture or donation will increase our likelihood of defeating future Imperial offensives.
Samuel Tanner: “I see, you have performed very well, Commander, you are to be commended.
―TV-19 reporting to her commander, General Samuel Tanner, on the status of the soldiers of the Force for the Restoration of Separatist Earth following the Battle of Dooku's Town in 17 BBY

TV-19 was a T-series tactical droid who served General (later Field Marshal) Samuel Tanner of the Confederate States of Earth Army, the army of the Confederate States of Earth, a Separatist-allied nation of the planet Earth. TV-19 notably had feminine programming, something rather unusual for tactical droids, or droids in general.

She faithfully served Samuel Tanner from the time he received her in 21 BBY to when he retired from the Confederate States Army, by which time they had formed a strong bond, Samuel Tanner was allowed to take her home with him, and she became his personal droid assistant, during her service to him following retirement she acted more like a Protocol droid than the tactical and leadership role she was originally designed for, especially after Tanner had her personality slightly modified because he believed her battle-orientated programming was unsuitable for civilian life, she became a treasured part of the Tanner houshold, and was subsequently passed on by numerous generations of the Tanner family, she was very well maintained, and was still serving Samuel Tanner's great-great-great-great grandson about 150 years after his death.

Unlike many of her fellow T-series droids TV-19 had a caring and compassionate personality, she was known for caring for the troopers under her command, thus helping to boost their loyalty towards her, some of the troopers nicknamed her "Mother" due to her care of them. She also spoke in a soft, feminine voice, for a droid at least.

TV-19 served as Samuel Tanner's chief tactical advisor through all three battles of Earth, following the defeat of the Confederacy in the Third Battle of Earth she served as one of the commanders of Samuel Tanner's Separatist holdout resistance group, the Force for the Restoration of Separatist Earth. She personally led the FRSE forces in the Battle of Dooku's Town.
