Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon
Rise of the Empire era

TETHYS-1138, or simply TETHYS was an IG-86 sentinel droid that was originally purchased by the Galactic Republic, but was damaged and reprogrammed by the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the First Battle of Sarapin.


Battle of Sarapin[]

During the Clone Wars, TETHYS was ordered to protect Sarapin, a highly important planet, along with a number of Clone troopers, other sentinel droids and the Jedi General, Jor Drakas. When the planet did come under attack from Separatist forces, TETHYS and the other forces rushed to defend it. During the battle, TETHYS fought alongside the clone troopers in order to defend Sarapin. While TETHYS was easily capable of defeating the B1 battle droid, he was eventually overpowered when reinforcements in the form of B2 super battle droids arrived. Working with each other, the droids were able to tackle TETHYS to the ground, before he was shot in the chest.

New ownership[]

Eventually, TETHYS' body was recovered by the Trandoshan mercenary, Lorrsk Weish. Seeing that the droid could be repaired, Weish ordered the maintenance droids to do so, as well as give the droid a memory wipe. When this was accomplished, Weish made the droid his second-in-command, as well as his bodyguard. The droid served faithfully, and constantly accompanied his new master. The droid was present for the First Battle of Lan Barrel, where he fought alongside Weish, and gunned down a number of clone troopers. TETHYS also witnessed Weish's attempted assassination of the commander of the battle, a Dark Acolyte named Delya Kharren, in an attempt to take over the battle. Following the battle, TETHYS accompanied Weish to Ossus, where the Separatists were to engage the Republic in combat. TETHYS again fought alongside Weish and his forces, and survived the battle, which saw the Separatists capture of the planet.


Shortly after the capture of Ossus, the fully recovered Delya Kharren arrived, in order to take vengeance on Weish. Although TETHYS attempted to defend his master, his blaster bolts were deflected back to him, resulting in him being deactivated again. After Weish's death, Kharren ordered that TETHYS be repaired and reprogrammed again, this time to serve Kharren.

TETHYS-1138 modified

Behind the scenes[]

As with all named IG-86 sentinel droids, TETHYS was named after a titan, additionally, his designation of 1138 fits into the number frequently appearing in Star Wars.
