Star Wars Fanon


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Syrim Kahn was a Human politician and Senator in the Old Republic. He was also one of the chief servants of Darth Sidious and his manipulations allowed his master to rise to power.


Kahn was a Corellian and came from one of the planet's chief families and was therefore at the center of Republic politics. On the death of his mother, Kahn became Senator for Sacorria, where his family had been exiled to from Corellia. He then met the Sith Lord Darth Sidious and with his money and influence managed to bring about the election of Palpatine following the fall of Valorum on his master's orders.

Kahn knew of Sidious's involvement with the Separatists and he became a rival of Count Dooku and ruined the Count's plans of bringing Eriadu into the Confederacy. The death of Kahn's cousin Byra on Dooku's instructions cemented their rivalry, with Kahn attempting to assassinate Dooku at one point and Dooku almost killing Kahn with Force Lightning.

Sidious had allowed this rivalry to continue as it allowed him to maintain control of his minions. However, the attempted assassination of Dooku threatened to destroy his plans so he decided to sort out this rivalry once and for all. He sent Kahn and Dooku on a Mission to Korriban to investigate the Sith Temples on the planet.

Kahn suspected that Dooku would try and kill him on the mission so he had his agents land a ship on the planet so that he could escape. However, the mission was cut short when a Republic fleet attacked the planet. Kahn panicked and fled, but Dooku's Dark Acolyte Sabyrne Fen pursued him. Fen easily caught up with Kahn, who begged for his life, even offering Fen his ship. However, Fen was not interested and he brutally cut down Kahn. When Dooku returned from his mission and informed Sidious of Kahn's death, Sidious mourned the loss of one of his most trusted servants but knew that his death was necessary for the completion of his plans.
