Come on Chelsea! This is our dreams! To become Jedi! Why would you betray me?
—Syis La to his friend Chelsea Zolt
Syis La was a human male who served within the Jedi Order. Born on Chandrila, La made a friend called Chelsea Zolt also born on Chandrila. Around 30 BBY, La and Zolt travelled to Coruscant there they trained by Jedi Master Vox Trimen but Zolt disappeared, so he went after her. He saw that she made a deal with the Sith Count Dooku. He was heartbroken, he tried convincing to join the Jedi again, she refused, so he had to strike her down.
During the Clone Wars after her death, La went back to Chandrila only to see that the Confederacy of Independent Systems was controlling the planet so he broke the news to Senator Mon Mothma who was also born on the same planet. So he requested a squad of clone troopers to follow him to Chandrila, so his master sent a unit he called the 59th Divison lead by CC-1011 or "Lava" for short.
Syis La was a human male born on Chandrila, a wealthy planet. There he made a relationship with a human female named Chelsea Zolt, there they discovered that they were force sensitive.
I can't belive we are going to be actual Jedi!"
"I know, this is going to be fun Syis! We are going to save the galaxy! YAY!
—Syis and Chelsea
Around 30 BBY, La and Zolt temporary lived in the streets on Coruscant until they were taken by a Jedi named Vox Trimen and taken to the Jedi Temple, there they convinced Yoda that they could be Jedi.
- Best Friends (First appearance)