Swelpz was a female Maki Crewman in the Royal Navy of the Golden Empire. Her career was brief before her untimely death, and she had only a single duty assignment: service in the Engineering section of the Firebird cruiser Thunderbolt in Breek Zagrev's fleet.
During the New Year Fete Week of 155 ABY, Swelpz, Troyg, and Withiib responded to a reactor leak aboard the Thunderbolt. The leak was ultimately secured, but all three were exposed to toxic levels of radiation and developed acute radiation syndrome. When Breek visited them in the medbay, Swelpz had already lost consciousness, and her scales had turned brown. She never woke from her fevered delirium, dying shortly after Withiib.
When the Royal Corps of Gendarmes identified Dailo Tenzed as responsible for the leak, Breek had him executed for his negligence. Swelpz's body was cleaned up and returned to her parents on Makreal.