Star Wars Fanon


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Rebellion era

The surrender of the Zathuun took place near the Trenwyth system in 0 ABY when the cargo transport Zathuun surrendered to the Alliance to Restore the Republic after a brief skirmish.

Attack on the Zathuun[]

Commander Kettilyn Thycer of the Alliance to Restore the Republic was tasked with raiding Imperial shipping in the Stensen sector. In 0 ABY she targeted a transport, Zathuun, that was carrying ore and suspected of smuggling. It was escorted by two Alpha-class Xg-1 Star Wings flown by Lescol Bromba and Konn Varren who were both shot down in the attack. Commander Thycer and her Bith wingmate, Grell Sh'ellom, attacked the two Imperial fighters while Sesuwed Riktoo disabled the Zathuun with an ion blast from his Y-wing. Plillon M'Xroo, captain of the GR-75 medium transport Standard Luck, then connected with the Zathuun to allow twenty soldiers borrowed from Rebel Group MT50 to board the ship. The crew immediately surrendered but Captain Zarsh Endolatt ordered them to attack the Rebels. Instead a Sullustan crew member named Benn Sovv walked to the bridge and murdered the captain.


The Alliance acquired several tons of ore which they sent to a secret processing facility to be made into starship armor. Several barrels of spice were also discovered aboard, confirming Thycer's suspicion that the Zathuun was smuggling. Sovv and another crew member, Koll Inveer, defected to the Rebellion and Sovv became a member of Rebel Group MT50. The other four were left on Trenwyth.
