Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon

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Rise of the Empire eraRebellion eraNew Republic eraNew Jedi Order eraLegacy era

Suri Starseeker was a Force-sensitive human female and a member of the New Jedi Order. Hailing from the planet Tatooine, Suri was the granddaughter of Raede Starseeker, the founder of the Starseeker Commune, and the daughter of Pash and Otara. She was the Padawan learner of Jedi Master Marrik Quee. A potent Jedi healer, Suri was considered to have great potential by others in the Order. Although she came late to the Force, Suri possessed a great command of it.


Early life[]

Suri was born in the Starseeker commune in 10 BBY to her parents Pash and Otara. As a child, Suri was taught how to assist in moisture farming and animal handling, and was expected to help the commune with various tasks.

Personality and traits[]

During my training, my master and I often traversed the desert wastes of my homeworld. One night, we came across an eopie; its leg was broken and it must have shuffled for miles before collapsing of exhaustion. Separated from the herd, it was sure to die. But Master Quee went up to the beast, I thought to soothe it as it lay dying. But then he touched it... within moments, the snapped leg had been healed completely and the eopie rose with such energy and vigor. It dawned on me, then, what I wanted to do: I wanted to learn how to do that, to mend the sick and injured. I wanted to learn how to help people.
—Suri Starseeker

Physical description[]

Suri was a slim human woman of average height. Her skin was dark brown in color, as were her almond-shaped eyes. Her hair was brown-black in color and worn in an extremely short style, buzzed down to the scalp. She had high cheekbones and an elegant bearing. She wore sweeping robes with maroon and yellow geometric patterns at the hem and the cuffs of the sleeves. Over this, she wore a golden cloak.

She wielded a standard lightsaber, with a bright golden-yellow blade. A band of electrum wrapped around the "neck" of the emitter. Suri's lightsaber incorporated a krayt dragon pearl as its focusing crystal.

Powers and abilities[]

Lightsaber training[]

Suri was a skilled practitioner of Form III and had a patient and conservative fencing style. She greatly preferred defense but utilized sudden deflections and counter-attacks to catch her opponents off guard.

Behind the scenes[]

The visual inspiration for her lightsaber can be found here.
