The Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic, commonly referred to as simply the Supreme Chancellor or just Chancellor was, during the majority of the Republic's existence, the head of state and head of government of the Galactic Republic, the democratic union that was the dominant government of the galaxy for many thousands of years. The title was also known as the President of the Galactic Republic, which was the preferred title of some Supreme Chancellors and was also the original name of the title, with the title of Supreme Chancellor not being used until thousands of years after the Republic's foundation.
During most of the Republic's existence, the Supreme Chancellor was elected by the Galactic Senate, most often among its members, but sometimes non-Senators were also elected to the position. The chancellor was based on the Republic capital of Coruscant, and traditionally resided in the Palace of the Republic, which was also the chancellor's official workplace.
The office of Supreme Chancellor had various amounts of authority and power in various periods of galactic history, ranging from nearly absolute (such as under Sheev Palpatine) to very little (such as under Finis Valorum). For most of the Republic's existence, the term of office was four years, and legally there was no limitation on how many terms an individual could serve as chancellor. In order to be elected chancellor, the individual had to be a citizen of the Galactic Republic, be a member of a sentient species and not have been convicted of serious crimes such as murder or treason. As there was no legal minimum age, it was possible for individuals who were not adults to be elected chancellor, although this occured only two times in the entire history of the Republic.
The office of Supreme Chancellor was established during the foundation of the Galactic Republic, when the 28 Core Founders formed a democratic union, unifying into a federal state called the Galactic Republic. The Core Founders elected the president of Coruscant, Concordia Conditor, as the Galactic Republic's first President.
The Supreme Chancellor was the head of the Office of the Supreme Chancellor, which consisted of the chancellor and their immediate aides and staff. They also headed both the Galactic Government and the Galactic Cabinet, which both formed the executive branch of the Galactic Republic. Traditionally, the chancellor was also given the title of President of the Galactic Senate, which was the preferred style of some chancellors. Some chancellors, however, delegated the task of heading the Senate to focus on their executive duties, granting the title to another senator, usually one affiliated with them.
During the many millennia of the Galactic Republic's governance over the galaxy, the position of the head of state and head of government has been called by various names including:
- Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic - During the majority of the Republic's existence, the position of head of state and head of government were consolidated into a single position called Supreme Chancellor.
- Chancellor of the Galactic Republic - Some Supreme Chancellors disliked the word 'Supreme' as they believe it either indicated dictatorial or overly grandiose connotations. This title was often used for the head of government when it was a separate position from the head of state.
- President of the Galactic Republic - This was the initial title of the Republic's head of state and head of government when it was formed. It was also the preferred or official title during various periods of time in the Republic's history. This title was often officially used when the office of head of state and head of government were separate positions.
- Consul/High Consul of the Galactic Republic - This title was used during the rule of the Pius Dea over the Galactic Republic. Beginning with Tiberius Contispex, the title of the Republic's leader was changed to Consul. The second leader of the Pius Dea Era, Gaius Contispex, took the superlative title of High Consul, which was continued by his successors. After the fall of the Pius Dea, this title was rarely used and carried negative connotations. It was sometimes used derogatorily to refer to Supreme Chancellors by their opponents.
- Prime Minister of the Galactic Republic - This title was rarely used to refer to the Supreme Chancellor, even though it was a technically correct titlte as the Supreme Chancellor was usually elected by the Galactic Senate. During some periods of time, the Galactic Republic had a separate position of President and Chancellor, which was sometimes also referred to as Prime Minister.
- President of the Galactic Senate - This title was a constitutionally separate title from the position of the Republic's head of government or head of state. By convention, the Supreme Chancellor often held this title. Many Supreme Chancellors, however, appointed one of their allies to the position. When the Supreme Chancellor was absent due to illness, travels or other reasons; the Vice President became the acting President of the Senate. As the term of office of Supreme Chancellors was 4 years, and those of Senators was 2 years, it was possible for the Supreme Chancellor to be stripped of the presidency of the Galactic Senate if the opposition gained control during the election. However, if the opposition won control of the Senate, they could also outright initiate a motion of no-confidence in the Supreme Chancellor themself. For more information, see President of the Galactic Senate.
During various periods of history of the Galactic Republic, various methods were employed to elect the Republic's head of state.
Electoral process[]
Election by the Galactic Senate[]
During a slight majority of the Republic's existence, the Republic's head of state was elected by absolute majority in the Galactic Senate. When this was the case, the title was most often known as Supreme Chancellor, or just Chancellor. This system was used in the eras including, but not limited to:
- 5000 BBY to 3614 BBY
- 1000 BBY to 19 BBY (Post-Ruusan Era)
Election by popular vote[]
During a minority of the Republic's existence, its head of state was elected by popular vote of all eligible citizens. When this voting system was in use, the title was most often called President. This system was used in the eras including, but not limited to:
- 25,053 BBY to at least 20,000 BBY
- 3614 BBY to 3530 BBY
During various other periods of the Republic's history, other methods were employed to elect the head of state. These election methods were often short-lived and quickly abandoned.
In exceptional circumstances, the Supreme Chancellor or President was not elected at all, but installed by coup d'etat or revolution.
The powers delegated to the Republic's head of state varied greatly in many millennia of the Republic's existence. During various periods, the Republic's head of state was a ceremonial figurehead who represented the nation as a unifying figure, but had little actual power. This was often the case when the Republic employed confederalism instead of federalism.
During other times, the head of state was quite powerful. This was the case during the Resurgence Era (3615 BBY to 3530 BBY), in which the President was both the head of state and the head of government, and held great power over executive matters and the governance of the nation.
During various times of crisis, unrest, anarchy, civil war or other exceptional circumstances the head of state held nearly absolute power and acted as a de facto dictator. This was the case from 24 BBY to 19 BBY, when Sheev Palpatine was Supreme Chancellor. Due to the emergency powers delegated to him by the Galactic Senate to deal with the Separatist Crisis, Palpatine gradually became an autocratic leader with absolute control over the Republic's governance in all spheres of society.
The powers which were delegated to the head of state throughout the Republic's history included (note that in some eras the head of state did not possess some of these powers):
- The President/Supreme Chancellor promulgated laws.
- During some periods, they also had the power to veto laws, either delaying the passing of a bill or blocking it if there was no supermajority to override it.
- The power to dissolve the Galactic Senate and call for new elections.
- The President/Supreme Chancellor was the official commander-in-chief of the Republic Military, although during peacetime they often delegated this power to the Minister of Defence or the Supreme Commander.
- The President/Supreme Chancellor could appoint most federal government officials, although during some eras this was subject to Senate approval.
- The President/Supreme Chancellor had the power to grant pardons to convicted criminals.
- During some periods, the President/Supreme Chancellor also had the power to alter, shorten or harshen the sentence of criminals.