Star Wars Fanon

The Supreme Chancellor was the head of state of the Galactic Republic. Each Chancellor was elected by the Galactic Senate for four year terms and could be removed from office at any time with a Vote of No Confidence. The Chancellor had a prestigious yet powerless position and served primarily as an officiator after the Ruusan Reformation.

In 19 BBY, the title was abolished by Chancellor Palpatine when he declared himself Galactic Emperor and reformed the Republic into the Galactic Empire. After the Empire was removed from Coruscant and replaced by the New Republic, the head of state instead used the term Chief of State, since the title of Supreme Chancellor had been tarnished by Palpatine's deeds.

List of known Supreme Chancellors and Chiefs of State[]

Pre-Ruusan Reformation[]

Image Name Homeworld Tenure Information
Fillorean c.15,500 BBY Served during the Duinuogwuin Conflict.
Pers'lya Bothawui -11,987 BBY Impeached and assassinated by the humanocentric Pius Dea cult.
Contispex I Aldon Coruscant 11,987-11,947 BBY Instated by the Pius Dea following Pers'lya's impeachment. Instigated the Pius Dea Crusades.
Contispex II 11,947 BBY- Son of Aldon Contispex.
Contispex X Leinad Sedratis c.11,057 BBY Born Leinad Valrisa. Adopted the Contispex name upon election.
Contispex XIX -10,966 BBY Last chancellor of the Pius Dea faith. Defeated and imprisoned by the Jedi.
Biel Ductavis 10,966 BBY- Jedi Grand Master and first Chancellor of the Ductavis Era.
Blotus 9000-8725 BBY Ushered an age of prosperity for the Republic. Well-known for defying Hutt stereotypes.
Nagratha c.7786 BBY
Ammerha Ithor c.7000 BBY
Luluwuul Revyia c.6697 BBY Welcomed Tralon IV into the Republic.
Fattum c.5010 BBY Voted out of office for inadvertently causing the Unification Wars of Koros.
Pultimo c.5000 BBY Served during the Great Hyperspace War against the Sith Empire.
Vocatara c.4800 BBY Served during the Gank Massacres.
FunnyLookinChancellor-1- Sidrona Mull 4004-3996 BBY Served during the Great Sith War. Killed by the Sith Lord Exar Kun during the trial of Ulic Qel-Droma.
Netus1-1- Netus 3996-3988 BBY Served as acting chancellor after Sidrona's death before being elected for a full term.
Karawn Olan Ryloth 3988-3980 BBY
Takkel Ravin Mon Cala 3980-3972 BBY
Jador Humbar Humbarine 3972-3966 BBY
Tol Cressa Coruscant 3966-3946 BBY Served during the Mandalorian Wars and Second Sith War. Instigated the Telosian Restoration Project.
Iden Vanicus Corulag 3900-3892 BBY
Onasi Telos IV 3704-3696 BBY
Vin Zondarus Gravlex Med 3688-3680 BBY
Mon Cal Chancellor 2-1- Berooken Mon Cala 3656-3653 BBY Served as Chancellor during the final years of the Great Galactic War. Killed by the Sith Lord Darth Angral during the Sacking of Coruscant.
ParanAmRis Paran Am-Ris Cerea 3653 BBY Former Senator of Cerea. Served as interim Chancellor after the assassination of Berooken.
Janarus-TOR-1- Dorian Janarus Coruscant 3653-3640 BBY Former Senator of Coruscant. Served as Chancellor during the Cold War. Assassinated by a bounty hunter.
Saresh2 Leontyne Saresh Taris 3640-3632 BBY Former governor of Taris. Led the Republic during the Second Galactic War against the Sith.
Jebevel Madon 3632-3630 BBY Served as Chancellor during the conflict against the Eternal Empire. Secret puppet-head of Saresh.
Galena Rans 3630 BBY-
Ayra Foon Quermia fl. 3439 BBY Served as Chancellor during the Desolation War.
Vedij c.3017 BBY Served during the Seventeenth Alsakan Conflict.
Chasen Piian fl. 1300 BBY Granted refuge to B'ankora survivors on Coruscant.
Genarra c.1032 BBY Served as both Chancellor and Grand Master of the Jedi Order during the New Sith Wars.
Sarin Vaa -1000 BBY Last Jedi Chancellor of the New Sith Wars.

Post-Ruusan Reformation[]

Image Name Homeworld Tenure Information
Tarsus Valorum-TEA Tarsus Valorum Coruscant 1000-992 BBY First Supreme Chancellor of the reformed Galactic Republic. Architect of the Ruusan Reformation.
Nyla Junara Alderaan 992-984 BBY Pledged to continue her predecessor's work in the Ruusan Reformation.
Sorgen Valrisa Sedratis 984-976 BBY
Ove Loona Duro 968-960 BBY
MirkovigHS Alron Sendor Tralon IV 960-952 BBY Scion of House Sendor. First Chancellor elected from the Rim Faction.
VurkFFG Erala Chaar Sembla 740-732 BBY Served during the Mandalorian Excision.
Anwis Eddicus c.700 BBY Involved in ending the Death Seed plague.
Cera Teem Malastare fl. 472 BBY
Kyong Greylark Coruscant fl. 382 BBY
Orlen Mollo Mon Cala
Signet Mezzileen c.250 BBY Praised Coruscant as the galaxy's "biggest little neighborhood".
LinaSohTHR Lina Soh Daghee fl. 232 BBY
Oberon c.197 BBY Falsely accused of criminal ties by Senator Talen Galarus.
Eixes Valorum Provided the last State of the Republic address before Palpatine.
Vaila Pecivas 64-60 BBY
Thoris Darus Corulag 60-52 BBY Known for his flamboyant, womanizing attitude.
Samul Frix 52-48 BBY
Skor Kalpana 48-40 BBY
Valorum-1- Finis Valorum Coruscant 40-32 BBY Voted out of office for failing to deal with the Trade Federation's Invasion of Naboo.
PalpatineAOTCPromo Sheev Palpatine Naboo 32-19 BBY Former Senator of Naboo. Led the Republic during the Clone Wars. Became the last Chancellor of the Republic after declaring himself Emperor.

New Republic / Galactic Alliance[]

Image Name Homeworld Tenure Information
Monmothma Mon Mothma Chandrila 4-12 ABY First Chief of State of the New Republic.
Jenssar SoBilles Duro 12-20 ABY
TyannaTymb Fyve Fanb Sullust 20-24 ABY Died in office of a mysterious illness.
Jenssar SoBilles Duro 24-25 ABY Re-elected as interim Chief of State following Fanb's passing. Advocated the eradication of the Dark Empire Remnant. Assassinated by Atha Prime.
AthaPrime Atha Prime Coruscant 25-26 ABY Elected shortly after SoBilles' "mysterious death" (covered up by Prime). Led the New Republic against Darth Vorath's Sith while secretly working for the Dark Lord. Confronted and killed by Leia Organa Solo during the Battle of Coruscant.
LeiaOrganaTFA Leia Organa Solo Alderaan 26-30 ABY First Chief of State of the Galactic Alliance, reformed from the New Republic.
LaneverVillecham Lanever Villecham Tarsunt 30-34 ABY
CalOmas Cal Omas Alderaan 34-37 ABY Former Senator of Alderaan. Led the Alliance against the Glorian Empire. Killed during the Glorians' invasion on Coruscant.
Via Eerin Mon Cala 37-40 ABY Instigated restorations of worlds devastated by both the Sith and Glorians. Removed from office by senators in league with Darth Taral.
Mayj Luewet Wuul Sullust 40-42 ABY Instated as a puppet by Senators loyal to Darth Taral.
Tyron Valrisa Sedratis 42 ABY-