Super Star Destroyers were larger versions of the Star Destroyer. The Lusankya and the Impervious were examples of the super star destroyer class, whilst these vessels were rare but heavily armoured, many Warlords, sought to acquire these powerful warships for their own needs, however, a limit of only 20 Super star destroyers were ever produced during the Galactic Civil War, and all shipyards that created them were either disabled or destroyed.
Unlike other Imperial vessels in service, they were equiped with up to 100 heavy turbolaser cannons, 200 light turbolaser cannons, 150 proton torpedo bays and a substantail amount of other anti-fighter armarments.
Built at mainly Fondor or Kuats vast shipyards, these vessels resembled in small ways, the Star Destrouer, however, its ridged middle section was of different levels, with numerous jutting towers on the vessels super structure, including topside Hangar bays, and docking bays, the Command tower was placed at the back of the vessel, placed directly above the Engines, it had a total of 6 sheild generators placed strategically along the outer hull of the vessel in well defended cover.