Stryker Perox was an Imperial Admiral that served in the Galactic Empire from 15 BBY to 5 ABY. In that time, he became a Captain, got promoted to Admiral and
he took command of the Imperial Star Destroyer Sentinel. He also served as the main staff officer of the 71st Mobile Reconnaissance Unit. Perox was eventually killed during the Battle of Jakku, on board the ship that he had grown so fond of.
Most officers under his command noted him as being a cold person and someone who is better suited in a war room than anywhere else, thanks to his tactical cunning and brilliant mind.
Early life[]
Stryker Perox was born on Coruscant 35 years before the Battle of Yavin, to a decently wealthy family. As a child, he would often be physically abused by his peers, mostly due to their envy of his wealth. This would later be attributed to his coldness during his time in the Empire. From the age of 10, Stryker would receive regular beatings from his father, as he had believed that beatings and discipline were key to becoming a successful person. This was another case of his past being related to his cold and unfeeling personality.
Rising through the ranks[]
At the age of 16, Strkyer was living with his mother, and the Galactic Empire was created. He would join at the age of 21, and due to his family influence and skill as a commander, he would quickly rise through the ranks, becoming a Captain after only two years of serving. For most of his service as a Captain, he was stationed at the Imperial Center on Coruscant, until 11 BBY, when an assassination on Emperor Sheev Palpatine was attempted by a human suicide bomber, blowing apart a section of the former Jedi Temple, as well as killing 23, and injuring 102, which included Perox, resulting in a left arm with first-degree burns. After this, Perox served aboard a cargo vessel as the main commander. The vessel was hijacked by pirates and the crew was held hostage for 12 days before finally being rescued by a Stormtrooper boarding party.
Meeting Demas Cordd[]
Perox had a brief run-in with the Rebel soldier Demas Cordd in 8 BBY, when he and a group of Stormtroopers were stationed on the backwater world of Taris, after being sent down to confirm civilian suspicions of illegal alien-trafficking going on. It turned out that a gang of pirates had kidnapped a group of Rodians, and were selling them for credits.
Promotion to Admiral[]
Perox was promoted to the rank of Admiral in 6 BBY when he single-handedly laid out a battle plan to destroy Rebellion fleet of Mon Calamari cruisers over Geonosis that were trying to gather intel on Imperial starcruisers and other military vehicles. The plan involved deploying numerous TIE/LN fighters on the Rebels and having the TIES surround the fleet, with no chance of escape, killing them all.
The Sentinel []
He was given control over the Sentinel, an Imperial I-class Star Destroyer, almost just after its construction in 5 BBY at Kuat Drive Yards. About a year after aqcuiring the Sentinel, the scouting team, the 71st Mobile Reconnaissance Unit had been transferred to the Sentinel, and was put under control of Admiral Perox. He initially had qualms about taking control of this squad, after reading over their record history. He claimed that the team was ineffecient to carry out their missions, at least according to his standards. The Regional Governor of the Outer Rim, Wilhuff Tarkin, was contacted by Perox via comlink. However, Tarkin smashed these qualms to pieces, forcing Perox to take control of the squad and do it with honor.
Galactic Civil War[]
Battle of Tatooine and the Skirmish at Jabba's Palace[]
Perox was aboard the Sentinel, floating in space at the time, in his office, working on orders and papers. At this time, a report was filed to him of Rebel soldiers found on Tatooine. He had also been informed of the 71st Unit's squad leader's leg being broken. After this news was filed to him, he called the team's co-commander,TK-117, to his office to inform him of this information. 117 was now the commander, as appointed by Stryker.
Perox remained inside of his office for most of the battle, and during this time, he received reports and battle updates from a General and a Captain, including that Rebellion Y-Wings were moving into position to attack the Imperial walkers. At some point during the battle, Perox had exited his office, and stood aboard the main bridge, observing the battle via the bridge windows. A few Y-Wings had flown dangerously close to the bridge, right after Perox was informed of the AT-AT's cannons being ready to fire on the Rebel ship. After the battle, Perox called TK-117 to his office, informing him that if he failed again, the consequences would be severe.
Preparing for Bespin[]
After the Skirmish at Jabba's Palace, Perox called 117 to his office once more. 117 entered, and Perox simply told him to leave, before he did anything rash. A short while after scolding 117, Perox was scrolling through information on a datapad. While doing this, an Ensign notified him to report to the bridge, as General Hedan and Captain Skallon were awaiting him. Perox later arrived at the bridge, where Skallon and Hedan awaited him. Skallon informed him that a Stormtrooper had placed a tracker on the Rebels' escape ship, and that the Rebels were heading to the Anoat sector. Suddenly, Agent Vancer, who had been on the bridge the whole time, stepped forward. Vancer had begun to speak to Perox about the Admiral's father, and how he beat him. Perox was about to strike Vancer, but before he could do that, Skallon informed Perox of the Rebels heading to Bespin.
Personality and traits[]
During the golden age of the Galactic Empire, Perox had black hair, pearly green eyes, and a temper. In 11 BBY, he acquired 1st degree burns on his left arm, resulting in a massive physical scar.
Perox was known to be an effective military commander, expecting only the best of the best out of the troopers and officers under his command. If they did not meet expectations, said soldiers would get a stern talking-to in Perox's office on board the Sentinel.
He was quick to get angry, thanks to his temper, which he gained during his childhood, when his father beat him. Perox took after his father, while also hating him for abusing him during childhood.
Star Wars Battlefront (Voice only)