Stass Allie was a female Tholothian Jedi Master who served both the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars. A member of the Jedi High Council, she shared a bloodline with former Council Member Adi Gallia, who was murdered at the hands of General Grievous during the Clone Wars. Following the death of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, the Sith Lord who orchestrated the war, Allie remained on the Council as Grand Master Tomac Moorcé moved the Order to Ossus. Stepping down in 18 BBY, Allie took a group of Jedi into the Ossan wilderness to form a nomadic farming community away from the hustle and bustle of Knossa.
Early Career[]
A Force-sensitive female native to the Colonies world Tholoth, Stass Allie was given over to the Jedi Order at a young age to begin her education in the ways of the Force. Indeed, her family had already made ties with the Order, the Force running strong through her bloodline; renowned Jedi Master and diplomat Adi Gallia was the cousin of Stass Allie. A student of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant and training under Master Gneseg Hodari, Allie ascended to the rank of Jedi Knight after constructing a green-bladed lightsaber for her own use and passing her Trials of Knighthood.
As a Knight, Jedi Allie began independent studies in the ways of the Jedi Consular. Following in her cousin's footsteps, Allie trained rigorously in the art of diplomacy, becoming a top adviser to many high ranking officials in the Galactic Senate. Additionally, Allie chose to pursue a specialization in healing, a technique she perfected, eventually earning herself a seat on the Circle of Jedi Healers. During this time, the Republic was undergoing a massive Separatist Crisis, pushing her diplomatic skills to the limit. Dispatched by the Jedi High Council, Allie served alongside Jedi Tassida Judrelle and Quarmall as the three overthrew the salt cartel of Lojrak Shrag based on Cona. During this time Allie took on Drollerd Kith as her apprentice, teaching him the knowledge of Force healing necessary to pursue his dream of staffing the Halls of Healing on Coruscant.
Clone Wars[]
Had enough?
—Stass Allie inquires about her fellow High Council members' continued interest in listening to a recording of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine's speech on the Sector Governance Decree before turning off the holoprojector.
After the attempted assassination of Senator Padmé Amidala put the Order on edge, the High Council received word that Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker and Senator Amidala had been captured by the Confederacy of Independent Systems leadership on Geonosis and sentenced to death. Responding to Master of the Order Mace Windu's call to action, Jedi Allie accompanied Master Windu's task force to rescue their fellow Jedi and the Senator. Landing on the dusty plains of Geonosis, Allie entered the Petranaki arena and alongside her fellow Jedi, fought against the Separatist Droid Army. As many of her friends and mentors died around her, Jedi Allie remained calm and stood with the survivors in the center of the arena as Count Dooku prepared to have them all slaughtered. Just as the outcome looked bleakest, Grand Master Yoda arrived from the sky with several gunships of the Grand Army of the Republic. Making a perimeter around the survivors, the gunships landed swiftly and the Jedi boarded them. Alongside herself, Stass Allie escaped in a ship with Masters Shaak Ti, Luminara Unduli, Saesee Tiin, Agen Kolar, Plo Koon and Roth-Del Masona. Flying out of the arena, Allie would lead clone troopers in the first battle of the Clone Wars.
As the war effort moved into high gear, Jedi Allie found herself on far flung worlds leading troops against droids, as she had accepted the role of General in the Grand Army. Leading valiantly, Allie continued to perfect her healing abilities, taking on Padawan Barriss Offee as an acolyte, teaching her the ways of Force healing while Offee continued to study under Master Luminara Unduli. Allie had been promoted to the rank of Jedi Master by the time of the Battle of Boz Pity, a costly battle on a graveyard world.
In the wake of the demise of Allie's cousin, Jedi Master Adi Gallia, a seat was left vacant on the High Council. Not long after the aged diplomat's passing, the surviving members of the august body voted to give Master Allie membership, an offer she accepted. In the months that followed, Master Allie continued to serve as a general, but found herself stationed on Coruscant more frequently. Indeed, Allie was at the Jedi Temple when General Grievous' flagship, the Invisible Hand appeared over Coruscant with a major invasion force. Accompanying Master Shaak Ti, Allie rushed to the Senate District to find the Supreme Chancellor and escort him to a secure bunker. Unable to find him at his executive building suite, the pair rushed over to the Senate Building where they asked Senators Padmé Amidala, Bail Organa, Mon Mothma, and Vice Chair |Mas Amedda about Palpatine's location. While none of them knew his exact location, Allie and Ti ordered the group to get to the bunkers, with Allie offering her airspeeder to the group to get to safety.
Supreme Chancellor, your guards are going to encircle you. You are not to attempt to leave that circle under any circumstances. Do you understand?
—Stass Allie orders Chancellor Palpatine to follow her command while protecting him from General Grievous.
Arriving at 500 Republica, Allie and Ti were successful at locating Chancellor Palpatine. Palpatine, stubborn to leave despite the pleadings of his trusted aides and security forces, was arguing with the Jedi's demands to leave with them when Grievous himself crashed through the panoramic window in the office. Grabbing the Chancellor, Ti and Allie rushed him out of the building and, after a tiresome chase through the city, the two Jedi left the Chancellor in the care of Jedi Foul Moudama, Roron Corobb, Roth-Del Masona, and B'ink Utrila. Standing at the entranced to the underground bunker, Allie and Ti awaited the attack that was inevitable. Grievous attacked fast and furiously, his MagnaGuards hitting the landing platform with rockets that incapacitated Allie while Ti stood her ground. Despite the Togruta's ability to keep the guards at bay, she failed to see Grievous slip past and down into the bunker, until it was too late. With Allie rendered unconscious, Ti rushed alone to the bunker, which she found filled with four dead Jedi and no Chancellor. She managed catch up with Grievous and Palpatine, but was subdued by the cyborg. Returning to the surface in defeat, she found Master Allie being tended to by Masters Windu and Kit Fisto. The Jedi returned to the Temple, defeated; Master Ti and Master Allie rested in the Halls of Healing, not partaking in one High Council meeting in the immediate aftermath of the battle.
Having made a full recovery in the days following the attack on Coruscant, Master Allie prepared to leave Coruscant on a mission that would bring reinforcements to Felucia to aid Master Aayla Secura and Jedi Barriss Offee in the struggle there. As she prepared to board her transport, Allie was halted by Jedi Anakin Skywalker, recently elected Knight to the High Council, who informed her that she had been reassigned to lead clean-up operations on Saleucami, a planet which had been fought over for some time. With Master Vos moving to Boz Pity, it was up to Master Allie to see the recovery of all valuable intelligence and machinery from the battlefield.
Arriving on Saleucami, Master Allie joined the 91st Reconnaissance Corps members Clone Commander Neyo and his wingman, CT-3423 in patrolling the bleak battle-ridden landscape of the world on BARC speeders. Completing their tour of the battleground, the three landed in a clearing so that Allie could receive a message from Coruscant. The message from Master Windu ordered her to be wary of her clones as they were to be key in the Jedi's destruction in a sinister plot by Chancellor Palpatine who had recently been executed by Windu. Dismissing her clone troopers, Allie made her way to her starship and departed for Coruscant with the other Jedi under her command. Arriving at the Temple, Allie was instantly deployed to the Senate to aid in calming the thousands of government leaders there as the Senate transitioned into rule by triumvirate. As the furor settled down and peacetime ensued, Allie participated in the relocation of the Order to Ossus, the ancestral fortress world of the Jedi. On Ossus, Allie helped oversee reconstruction of the Grand Medical Facilities alongside Master T'ra Saa. Upon the completion of the facilities, Allie renounced her seat on the High Council and elected to lead a group of fifty other Jedi into the wilderness of Ossus. Replaced on the Council by Besher Dan, Allie and her group began a nomadic community on the equatorial plains north of Knossa, surviving off the land and residing in collapsible yurts. Several years after leaving the Council Allie accepted the paroled Denaria Kee into their community, allowing the former Separatist leader to live out the rest of her days in peace.
Personality and traits[]
A tall, slender woman, Stass Allie was devoted to the art of healing and diplomacy, following in the footsteps of her cousin Jedi Master Adi Gallia. Described as clever and valiant by her fellow Council members, Stass Allie was extremely loyal to the Jedi and the Republic. Despite her Jedi heritage, Allie researched her native people of Tholoth and, like her cousin, she adorned her head with a traditional Tholoth headdress. While she preferred diplomacy when at all possible, Allie conceded her belief that in many cases peace could only be achieved through battle.
Powers and abilities[]
Like all Jedi, Master Stass Allie was educated in the ways of lightsaber combat, becoming proficient enough to withstand the mass volume of blaster bolts flying her way during the opening battle of the Clone Wars. A wise and powerful healer, Allie sat on the Circle of Jedi Healers, overseeing the work done by the Medical Corps. Her knowledge of the Force and her diplomatic ties were considered so valuable that she was given a seat on the High Council of the Jedi Order during a time of war and chaos.