Star Wars Fanon

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Before the Republic eraOld Republic eraRise of the Empire eraRebellion eraNew Republic era
This article is a fanon expansion of a topic from the Expanded Universe. For the canon page entry, see here.

Starweirds known by some as the Nameless or Phantoms, were a species of spectral force-sensitive space-borne humanoids that were known to haunt and often massacre entire starships in various regions of space including realspace and hyperspace. They were conceived as an unintended biproduct of Abeloth's continuous escape-attempts during her imprisonment by the Mortis gods during her time on Criton's Point

Despite the number of claims and reports made by survivors that ranged from spacers and navy officers to even some Jedi Knights sprinkled throughout the twenty five millenniums, they were mostly enshrouded into myths and legends which led to a slew of academic and religious interpretations. Such as the Jedi's unproven belief of the Starweirds being direct manifestations of the dark side of the force.

Biology and appearance[]

Starweirds were a species of spectral-nature that typically had a strong connection to the force. They were all physically identical—tall and extremely skeletal, jagged decaying teeth, bony arms, three large talons on each hand, pale skin with slight varying shades— minus their withered faces however. When observed from afar they typically had an aged facial structure that remarkably resembled and shared many physical characteristics with the Servant before her transformation, as noted by the Mortis gods.

However it was believed the facial structure of a starweird was constantly dynamic in nature, many witnesses up-close claimed that they bore faces similar to theirs or ones that were most prevalent in their train of thoughts. The collective facial structure of starweirds become more distorted when in closer proximity to each other. Some accountants even claimed that a starweird never even had a face to begin with, rather they exhibited a rapid and almost enchanting blurring of faces that resembled "everyone and no one" at the same time. Humans and near also reported painful headaches during and after seeing them. Some individuals claimed their glowing pupils resembled an eerie abyss or as "a hall of mirrors that verged in the middle, all with a fuzzy reflection" that usually was personal to the individual.

To non-humanoids such as the Killik or the Gree, early starweirds were unable to mimic any distinction within their observers which caused great confusion in their cognitive processes inhibiting their ability to fight back or do much while in their presence. Despite an absence in the ability to reproduce or any role in any ecosystem, they eventually were able to collectively evolve. Thus starweirds eventually developed the capacity to unleash loud telepathic screams that were able to disturb the psyche of an individual at a fundamental level, usually impairing a victim's cognitive skill such as the ability to recall. Occasionally these screams were strong enough to cause permanent damage to the mind of the victim regardless of biology, the damage was so extensive that a number of afflicted devolved into more a primitive form- usually losing their hair, clothes and facial structure in the process. These screams achieved an effect akin to the dark mist radiated by starweird queens


A victim of the starweird's influence on the mind and body

All Starweirds had long white hair that, even under the influence of gravity, levitated in the air undisturbed. And despite having legs, it was rare to see one physically on the ground as they preferred hovering over surfaces. They were able to outpace most bipedal organisms.

Capable of residing and traversing in both realms of space, hyper and real, they were able to withstand extreme gravitational pressure and atmospheres from celestial bodies to an almost nonchalant matter. Conventional weapons while not capable of making contact to its flesh, were able to, on rare occasion, make contact on a unaware or unfocused starweird. Often times being enough, regardless of the weapon's nature, to kill or at the very least induce immense pain to warrant a retreat.

They were also powerless against force fields despite their ability to phase through solid matter with ease. While uncommon, Starweirds possessed the ability to use a handful of force powers including force lighting, force sight, telekinesis and tutaminis. Due to their incorporeal nature, it was hard to detect a starweird's presence and was close to impossible on most civilian starships.

Upon death, a starweird would leave no traces behind which could be partially credited for the species continued prevalence within myths and legends.


Starweirds were strangely timid and peacefully co-existed with other space-borne creatures such as the Purrgil, Exogorth and even some Summa-verminoths. Some were even known to have actively gone out of their way to protect the denizens of realspace, often risking their own incorporeal existence to preserve such life-forms provided they weren't particularly tied to the force. Despite no obvious biological restrictions on entering a planetary atmosphere, it was unheard of for a starweird to venture out onto a planet.

While starweirds generally kept to themselves within the confines of deep space, they were infamously known for attacking passerby starships regardless of any threat posed. Later starweirds typically manifested aboard starships through unknown means and emitted loud telepathic screams that were capable of being heard even in the empty vacuum of space. These screams aside from damaging the mental psyche and physical body, were usually strong enough to damage core systems, primarily the hyperdrive, usually triggering a forced exit due to critical failures. Starweirds would then proceed to rip apart any life-forms aboards, regardless of affiliation, with their large talons. Usually preferring to attack and disfigure the face.

Starweirds were noted for being overly aggressive towards force-sensitives, especially the Jedi and Sith alike, regardless of any threat posed by them. So much so that a starweird would focus all their effort on the destruction of a force-sensitive individual, usually going to great lengths even if it meant self-termination.

See also[]

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