Star Wars Fanon
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This page is considered an official policy on Star Wars Fanon.
It has wide acceptance among editors and is considered a standard that everyone should follow. Except for minor edits, please make use of the discussion page to propose changes to this policy.


This page in a nutshell
Stay civil, assume good faith, stay on topic, and don't disrupt the IRC channel.

Star Wars Fanon maintains an IRC channel for community discussion and interaction. Like the Discord server, the IRC channel is independent of the wiki. These IRC policies are used by channel operators/administrators to help manage the IRC channel.


All Users

The following pertains to all users, including administrators:

  • Be civil. Treat others the way you wish to be treated. Remember that everyone you talk to is an actual person, not a faceless computer screen. Do not attack or insult other users. If you wouldn’t say it to their face, don’t say it via text.
  • Assume good faith. Just like on the wikia itself, unless you're given reason to believe otherwise, you should always assume that people are acting in good faith for the betterment of the community.
  • Don't be disruptive. If your behavior is non-constructive and/or interferes with the well-being of the channel and the community, you may be removed from the channel and/or the community.
  • Don't feed the trolls. If someone is acting in bad faith, acting out for attention, or trying to get you to react to them, inform an administrator/channel operator rather than reacting to them.

Failure to follow these rules may result in a kick from the channel or, after repeated offenses, a ban of whatever length the admin in question—within reason—deems to be appropriate. Serious issues may also result in a ban from the wikia.

Admins Only

Star Wars Fanon administrators are channel operators, also known as Ops, on the IRC channel. The following pertains directly to them:

  • Only Star Wars Fanon admins become operators. The exception to this is if the community has voted to allow a non-admin to be an operator.
  • Use operator powers sparingly. Do not abuse your operator powers, including by kicking or banning people if they have not violated policies.

Abuse of operator rights can result in the removal of said rights, and/or a ban from the channel. Serious issues may also result in a ban from the wikia.

See also
