Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon

The featured article history for 2008 page is a listing of all featured articles that appeared on the Star Wars Fanon Main Page in 2008. The featured articles are listed by the month and date upon which they first appeared. If the archive skips a date, this is due to the prior week's article being showcased for an additional week. For a list of other yearly archives, please see the featured article history page.



January 6 – Unit 8311[]

B-2superbattledroid 1

Unit 8311 was a rogue CIS battle droid who survived the Clone Wars and would go on to form a major criminal organization, the Steel Legion. Due to a programming glitch in his production, he was comparatively intelligent, had a free will, and had emotions. He was considered to have somewhat cynical personality, which over the years would develop into a slightly more understanding one, although he was always characterized by his looking down upon organics and his general patronizing attitude to non-droids in general.

8311 had a somewhat turbulent history, especially during the Galactic Civil War, in which he was almost killed by Imperials, and was forced to go underground and join the Rebellion. However, via certain circumstances, he would return to his homeworld of Hypori, where he began his return to power. 8311 would later reform and voluntarily relinquish control of the Legion. He would play from then have a comparatively minor role in galactic events, although he nearly always preferred to remain inconspicuous and behind the scenes.

Over the course of his life, he would have many bodies and forms, being a droid, and was intelligent and scheming. He considered himself proficient in combat in most bodies, as reflected by his battle drodi origins. His main weaknesses, however, were considered to include overconfidence and overestimation or underestimation of his enemies. In addition, when it came to morals, 8311 was regarded as quite ambiguous; he was not overly concerned with being right or wrong, and usually chose paths that had the greatest benefit to him alone.

January 13 – Filose Naj[]


Filose Naj was a powerful Falleen spy and mercenary during the late stages of the Great Sovereign Crusades. He had many jobs during this time period, many of which conflicted each other greatly, and he found himself on the most wanted list of nearly every faction. Eventually, Filose gave up his spy-work and attempted to work towards a life of good doing. He went to Dorin and assisted in the policing there, joining the Vaskar. He was later appointed the leader of the group and became the greatest that it had ever seen, leading the group to fame as well as galactic respect.

Filose had many positions during his life, including leader of the Vaskar, and head of defense for the Jedi and Prime Minister of Falleen. He later formed his own group in the outer-rim called the Fist of Naj, which became a lesser version of the Vaskar. After all of these successes, he was appointed the Minister of Defense for the Republic, and lead the it to many victories. He killed a great number of wrong doers in his life, including a Dark Lord of the Sith, a Mandalore and an evil Kel'Dor named Dorn Atun. Though he did not like killing those people, he knew it was necessary to preserve the peace on Coruscant and in the Republic.

Filose was married to a Falleen female named Shana Cech, who would become the Prime Minister of Falleen. They had a son together, Dak Naj, named after a great hero, Dak Grenlar. They lived on Falleen, and Filose returned to them anytime he got a break from his duties with the Republic. He died when invaders tried to kill his wife because of her leadership on Falleen. He protected her with his life and when the odds became too much, he blew up the secluded building he and the attackers were in, killing himself to save his wife's life.

January 20 – Tulak Hord[]


Tulak Hord was a Human Mandalorian Dark Lord of the Sith who lived during the days of the Galactic Republic. He was well-known for his talent with a lightsaber, despite some of the early restrictions. He was taken into the Order at a young age, and, after he was Knighted, began to question the philosophies of the Jedi. In a search to center himself and be alone, he came across a giant battle station named the Andromeda. When he later turned to the dark side on persuasion of the current Dark Lord of the Sith, subsequently killing him and taking the mantle himself, he returned to the Andromeda feeder ship to wage his private war against the Jedi. He married fellow Mandalorian Chirene Arenzu, who was talented at posing as Jedi Knight despite having no Force-sensitivity. She ran away from him when she found she was pregnant for fear of what Tulak would do to her baby. After Tulak had killed many Jedi, a Shisavanen Jedi master named Strider cast the Andromeda into a moon, destroying it. Tulak later killed Strider for what he had done, continuing his massacre without the power of the Andromeda. He was later confronted by his son, where he was killed in an acid pool.

January 27 – Vujaara dragon[]


Vujaara dragons were large, flying carnivorous reptiles native to Jaratenge, notorious for their natural, yet uncanny, ability to breath fire. Living in packs, the Vujaara dragons were dangerous and fierce predators. Females grew up to eighty meters while males could grow up to 100 meters. Naturally equipped with sharp talons, fangs, and the ability to spew fire, the Vujaara dragons were the dominant predators of Jaratenge.

The Vujaara dragons, especially the rare Force-sensitive Ríoga Vujaara dragons, were uncommon sights. They were often adapted into legend, typically a tragic ones. The best-known Jaratenge legend and folk tale revolves around the Vujaara dragon, and is known as one of Jaratenge's greatest tragedies, mostly because it was a true story. Although the legend, known as the "Tale of the Siblings", was considered sad, it was also considered a lesson of loyalty. The fact that the alpha male Vujaara dragon searched tirelessly for the young of its pack, showed its devotion to its own. The tale, however, was often seen in a debatable light.

On one hand, some of the people saw the Vujaara dragons are brutish beasts, destroying all in their path. On the other hand, some saw the alpha male Vujaara dragon's actions as a good example of devotion, disregarding the carnage caused by it. Many more tales about Vujaara dragons in regards to power or wisdom could be linked to the first legend. Eventually, the Vujaara dragons were seen as a powerful mount. In time, the Grand Army of Jaratenge used them as special mounts typically called "Dragon Riders".


February 3 – WraithX-Beta Interceptor[]


The WraithX-Beta Interceptor was a stealth starfighter capable of both atmospheric and space capabilities and the successor to the highly praised WraithX-Alpha Interceptor, produced by Aratech. The WraithX was designed and built as a stealth fighter, and was near impossible to detect when in stealth mode with a combination of color-changing paint and the many specially designed systems to run softer and to let off less gas and radiation exhaust. The Beta was popular enough to produce two variation, the Cobrex Interceptor, which was a non-stealth heavy fighter version of the WraithX, and the SpyderX Stealth Scout, a weaponless scout version of the Beta. Eventually, Aratech created a successor for it, the WraithX-Delta Interceptor as well. The Chiss also created a variant, called the Chiss Bladewing.

The Galactic Alliance also used the WraithX-Beta, replacing their obsolete StealthX's with them because of the superior design and workmanship. The WraithX-Beta was probably the biggest cause for its company's rise to power during from 60 ABY to 87 ABY, because of its raging popularity as well as the income it brought in. The Aratech-produced fighter was in heavy use from 55 ABY to 62 ABY by both the GA and other security forces in the roles of ambusher, a new classification created specially for the WraithX-Beta to describe its job as a heavy stealth fighter.

February 10 – Order of the Jedi Bendu of the Ophuchi[]

The Order of the Jedi Bendu of the Ophuchi was an ancient monastic peacekeeping organization dedicated to serving and protecting the people of the Ashlan Expanse and, later, the Old Republic until it was broken apart in a schism caused by the Supreme Chancellor Fillorean fifteen thousand years before the rise of the Galactic Empire. The organization derived its name from the birth name of The Skywalker, which was “Jedi Bendu”, and the Ophuchi, the people he led in the exodus from Had Abaddon to Kal'Shabbol. Before its decline, the order was unified through its belief in Yahweh, the God of the Universe, and his omnipotent presence that The Skywalker referred to as the Force of Others. Wielders of the Force of Others and signature long swords, the Jedi Bendu were revered as guardians of peace and justice in the galaxy.

A religious people, the Jedi Bendu had an ancient set of prophecies that had been written by The Skywalker in the years leading up to his death. The descendants of Jonathan Bac, the first Supreme Chancellor of the Old Republic and the man responsible for the ultimate cooperation between the Republic and the Jedi Bendu and, later, the Jedi, went on to fulfill many of the prophecies, most notably the Prophecy of the Voyager and the Prophecy of the Last Son. After the creation of the Second Jedi Bendu Order at the conclusion of the Galactic Civil War, some of its members went on to fulfill whole prophecies and parts of others.

Solving crises such as the Kal'Shabbol Civil War and the conflict with the Second Jedi Bendu Schism, the Jedi Bendu came to be trusted above all else by the citizens of the Republic. In the final years of their rule, they challenged the legality of many programs set up by Supreme Chancellor Fillorean. In order to end what he perceived to be a threat to his rule, Fillorean manipulated many members of the Jedi Bendu Council of Masters into drafting a code and reforming their order into a system that the Chancellor felt was more loyal to the Republic. However, two council members, Zios Malachor and Adena Qel-Droma, refused to do so and spoke out against the Supreme Chancellor. Qel-Droma eventually gave in to the reforms that gave birth to the Jedi Order, but she was locked away in carbon freeze and became lost in space for what the Supreme Chancellor labeled as her “crimes”. Malachor and his followers fled to the Ashlan Expanse and formed the Bendu Order on Kal’Shabbol. The two orders would not be reunified into the Second Jedi Bendu Order until the death of Emperor Palpatine and the fall of his Galactic Empire on Coruscant.

February 17 – Androc Montra[]

Androc Montra was Human crime lord born on Onderon in 1,707 BBY. Androc was raised under the full protection of his father, Grado Montra, during his early years, due to the dangerous streets of Onderon, which held rival families. Androc's mother had died in childbirth, so Androc was raised by many different nannies and babysitters. Due to his inability to leave the Montra estate's grounds, Androc received a private education in his home, alongside his best friend and cousin, Caldros Jevaa Montra. As a young child, Androc gained an interest in computer consoles, blasters, and other gadgets, often building things from scratch. When he came of age, Grado trained Androc how to fight and fire a blaster. After Androc's father was murdered during his wedding party in 1,689 BBY, Androc became obsessed with gaining power and finding who had ordered the assassination of his father. With the death of his father, Androc became the leader of the Montra family.

Suspecting his father's widow, Clari Valabra, to be the one who ordered Grado's murder, Androc conspired against her, which ended up killing her. However, Androc's conspiracy remained a secret from everyone else, except for Caldros, who had helped him kill Clari. Following her death, Androc rose security measures of his estate and made a pact with the Valabra family, to fight together in case of war. Not long after, the two families had to fight together against the Tilokatan family. In the end, the Tilokatan family was obliterated, and the Montra-Valabra Allegiance was victorious. After the Second Onderon Civil War, Androc had dealings with the Republic, Onderonian Government and the other Five Families in order to gain more power.

In 1,677 BBY, the Valabra family discovered Androc's secret, and their pact was broken. The two families turned on each other, and battle at the Montra estate broke out, nearly killing everyone who participated in it. In the end of it all, it was revealed to Androc that it had been Caldros who had ordered the hit on Grado, and that it was Caldros who ultimately betrayed Androc. The two fought each other, with the duel ending in both of their deaths.

Androc's legacy would live on for a long time after his death. Androc's cherished dog, [Hunab, never forgot his master, and refused to provide loyalty to anyone else. Because of that, the dog was killed after he retaliated with his new owners. Androc's legacy also lived on through the historical records, and Historian Valen Sarastan was the Onderonian author known to document and share most of Androc's legacy as the Fallen Conspirator.

February 24 – Dark Magic[]

Dark Magic was a branch of dark side Force powers which originated in the ancient temples of O'Tayum. The powers, or "magic" was created by the native ancient Thr'yn, whom relied on the dark side for both power and survival. During the old times, the "Dark Magic" became popular and commonly used around many of the old tribes on O'Tayum. However, due to the amount of power each power or "spell" demanded from it's master, many Thr'yn slowly succumbed to the dark side of the Force until their power dwindled to nothing. Eventually, a civil war on O'Tayum broke out, and most of the tribes of O'Tayum fell to the power of the dark side. Following the civil war, both the powers of "Dark Magic" and the ancient temples were lost and forgotten.

For the following thousands of years, the Thr'yn evolved into more peaceful sentients, who had forgotten all about the corruption that plagued their planet for so many years, in the past. Unfortunately for the Thr'yn, however, one untamed and ill tempered Thr'yn, Voi'dahmos, discovered the lost temple that still held the power of the dark side within. Since the Jedi Knight Narod Antrell had been teaching Voi'damos to use the Force, Voi'damos was able to instead harness and obtain the knowledge of the dark side, rediscovering the "evil" Dark Magic.

Voi'damos revived each spell's terror upon his home planet, using it to forge his empire, the O'Tayum Empire, and to rule the planet entirely. He also used the Dark Magic to train many apprentices who were capable of using the Force, and use them as his personal exectioners. Voi'damos and his Dark Magic were not completely destroyed forevermore until after the Great War of O'Tayum, where Narod and his Jedi Army were able to stop the darkness from taking over the planet once again, as it had in the past. Following the death of Voi'damos, his followers, and the ancient dark side temple, Dark Magic was forgotten forever.

Before they were forgotten, the powers or "spells" of Dark Magic were Var'loppu, Rah'gah'stae, Kas'kae, and Sul'fij. Each power possessed horrible abilities which were used to kill, control, torture, and completely absorb the life force of others, respectively. The spells, grouped together, were dubbed "Dark Magic" by the ancient Thr'yn.


March 2 – Jar'Kata[]


Jar'Kata was a form of lightsaber combat developed by Jace Kyjar. It utilized two lightsabers, one normal sized in the dominant hand with a short lightsaber in the off-hand. The point of this form was to surprise the enemy greatly in shutting off the dominant lightsaber to break past defenses and make a quick strike, while the off-hand was still there to defend. The form was inspired by both Jar'Kai and Trakata, combining them to make a deadly form.

The form was created as a means of surprising the enemy and force them to alter their own style. There were many dangers in shutting off one's lightsaber in order to attack, which was the reason behind the use of the second lightsaber. The form had a deadly attack, coupled with an adequate defense, possibly making it a more deadly form than Juyo or Ataru.

Jace Kyjar invented this form as a spark of his own creativity. He first attempted it in a tournament fight against the Sith beast Khavaal, and failed, then again in training with his master Kyle Stellar. That time nearly worked, but he was blown away by a Force Wave. He perfected the form upon being named a Jedi Knight.

March 9 – Veneradi[]

Veneradi, which meant Honor Guards in Galactic Basic, were large, bipedal reptilian humanoids from the planet Venera. The Veneradi were very honorable sentients, who creating allegiances with neighboring planets and had unified their entire species as one large covenant composed of all the Veneradi clans, named the Veneradi Covenant. The Veneradi Covenant was a militaristic dictatorship, by description, though the leaders of the society were not harsh, cruel, nor ill-willed. The society of the Veneradi was instead very formal and religious, following the teachings of their god, Kodo. They spoke the language by the same name as their species.

The Veneradi were very physically built. They were taller and usually stronger than most other Humanoid species, including Humans and their greatest enemies, the Locadi. Their reptilian traits allowed them to survive the natural disasters and unnatural disasters brought onto their homeworld. Those in the Veneradi military added even more protection to themselves by wearing strong and resistant armor according to their ranking.

Known to most other galactic beings as Veners, the Veneradi were known for their prowess in combat and in war, as well as for their loyalty. The Veneradi were great swordsmen, marksmen and technicians. With their unique weapons and extensive training, the Veneradi were very skilled and prepared for combat. The Lords, the highest rank in the Covenant, were highly skilled swordsmen that could wield their blades, the Rapa Dyo, with the same skill as a force-sensitive Jedi Knight.

March 16 – Jonathan Bac[]

Jonathan Bac was a legendary Alderaanian Admiral, Ambassador to the Coalition of Planets and the first Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic. In the role of Admiral of the Alderaanian fleet, he was responsible for the decisive final campaign against the Anarchic Brotherhood of Planets that brought the Unification War to a close. As the Ambassador to the Coalition of Planets, he worked closely with the Order of the Jedi Bendu of the Ophuchi to ensure a smooth transition between numerous regional governments and one galactic democracy. In his role as ambassador, he also drafted the Galactic Charter and was the first to sign it at the ceremony that witnessed the founding of the Galactic Republic.

One of the most important politicians in the early history of the Galactic Republic, Jonathan was credited with saving the House of Organa and the Corellian Empire from destruction and for paving the way to the founding of the Galactic Republic. He was also responsible for allowing the Jedi Bendu, and later the Jedi, to become a major presence in the day-to-day affairs of the Galactic Republic. It was also foretold that his descendants were those spoken of in the Prophecies of The Skywalker. During the Ashlan Civil War, the Great Sovereign Crusades and the Galactic Civil War, that foretelling was proved correct when Ussej Padric Bac, Ussej Padric Bac II, Ussej Padric Bac III and Ussej Padric Bac LXIV fulfilled passages within the prophecies. Jonathan was also well-remembered and revered for literally setting up the brilliant democratic system that lasted for twenty-five thousand years after the beginning of his term in office.

March 23 – Ichi Go[]


Ichi Go was a male Human/Arkanian hybrid and a Jedi Master. He was also one of five people that the Rutsenafo scientist, Crie Krobos, had experimented on at an early age. He was one of the most long-lived Jedi Knights the Galaxy had ever known, living for hundreds of years.

Born into a scandal, Ichi Go was quietly brought to Nar Shaddaa to live away from his family, who were ashamed and afraid of his existence. Thanks to the intervention of a visiting Jedi Master, he and another hybrid—who later became his best friend, Renton Thur'ston—were saved and brought to Novus Kamino Prime.

Being Force-sensitive, he was taught along with Renton by the Jedi Masters there, until the Great Schism, where several of their Masters died in the first of many attacks in the war. Deciding that the way the leaders of Novus Kamino Prime were carrying the war were wrong, they hooked up with the Kelakan resistance and stayed there until they were delivered by the true savior, Nathaniel Kenobi Solo.

He would later meet his greatest foe, and half-brother, the dreaded Darth Gloed when the latter wished to extract revenge for the pain he had suffered from the scandal. Several meetings and battles proved ineffective between the two, until the Sith Order of Decreto came and took Novus Kamino Prime.

Forced to flee, Ichi and the remaining Jedi joined with Nathan to form the Scourges of Those Bad Guy People. Over the next few years, they would cripple and scuttle several Sith operations. Eventually, Ichi fell into trouble with Gloed again, but emerged victorious. He would eventually join the Galactic Commonwealth and the Jedi Autocracy as well, due to his ability to remain practically immortal.

After several years of living his life looking eternally young, he sought the help of his old friends who were also suffering from the same thing and set out to find what he truly was. Investigations found that he had been tampered on at birth and that he would soon have to enter a state of hibernation for untold centuries, awaiting the day he would be needed next.

Waking up in the Dark Age, he met a new member of the Five, a redeemed Dark Jedi, a pirate crew, three new Force organizations, and a descendant of his former mentor. All of these helped to give Ichi and the other members of the Five, their true purpose in life.

March 30 – Bombing of Pho Ph'eah[]

The Bombing of Pho Ph’eah was an event that was cited as a major turning point in the Third Sith Empire’s war effort against the Galactic Republic and the Jedi Order during the Great Territorial War. The Jedi High Council was given what they believed to be reliable information by Jedi Master Kit Corwin Rendar stating that Sith forces had infiltrated the major technological and manufacturing centers on Pho Ph'eah and that they were attempting to build up a far more massive army than they already had. With the approval of the Galactic Senate, the Jedi Order and the Republic military launched an orbital bombardment of the planet in an effort to take out the Sith forces on the surface.

Days later, after Ravinos had led the Republic forces to the planet, he ordered the bombing to commence. Warships in orbit performed orbital bombardments of technological centers across the surface, while the naval Gold Squadron carried out surgical strikes against the main city. During the bombing of the city, the government complex was destroyed, killing the Republic-appointed planetary leader Char'on G'rean in the process. Both sides lost forces, though the casualties on Pho Ph’eah were recorded as heavy. Estimates put the casualties on Pho Ph’eah at over two hundred government officials, fifty-seven contractors and nearly eight thousand civilian factory workers.

Following the conclusion of the bombing, Republic scouts made their way to the surface and concluded that there was no trace of any Sith forces either before or during the battle. When Fleet Captain La'El Montrose confronted Rendar about the faulty intelligence, the Jedi Master revealed that there was, in fact, one Sith Lord on the surface. Rendar revealed himself to be Darth Ravinos, the apprentice of the Dark Lady Viea, and that he had planned the attack with intelligence he had fabricated to tarnish the image of the Jedi and the Republic across the galaxy. After skinning Montrose and launching his skinless remains out an airlock, Ravinos stole the Republic flagship Equinox and was not heard from again for some time.

Ravinos was successful in tarnishing the image of both the Republic and the Jedi, though mostly the Jedi. The public had known that the Dark Lordess was once a Jedi Master, though the fact that another Jedi Master turned to the Dark Side and became her apprentice was more troubling for them. The Jedi saw their public approval ratings sink and watched as fewer worlds called out for their help in various matters.


April 6 – Desnium[]

Desnium, also dubbed the Assertion Form, was the personal lightsaber combat form created primarily by Narod Antrell throughout his training to Jedi Knighthood. The form was originally known as the Assertion Form to Antrell and his Jedi Master, K'Kruhk, whom assisted Antrell in the development of the form by teaching him the techniques he knew, which primarily stemmed from Ataru, the Aggression Form. The Jedi Master also implemented knowledge of Soresu during Antrell's training, which was subsequently implemented into Desnium.

The form was not deliberately developed, although its development came naturally and became Antrell's custom form. The form received its name in honor of Desnium Antrell, grandfather of Narod Antrell. Antrell found his name in logs and interpreted that he was once a Jedi, and so to further uphold the memory of the fallen Jedi Order, he named his form as such.

Over the years, the form consistently developed, and varied in assertion when applied in battle. Desnium was used throughout the Galactic Civil War, through all the battles that Antrell participated in. The form was used in his own quests alongside K'Kruhk and Zeri Undis, and later alongside the KrypTek Insurgence, the small rebellion group, which later joined the Alliance to Restore the Republic.

Although Antrell was the only practitioner, he was able to pass down the knowledge of the form to his son Roviik Antrell, once the boy became his Jedi Padawan. Although Desnium was not seen again after Antrell and his group left into the Unknown Regions aboard The Drive, those who Antrell had fought alongside with believed it had left its mark on the galaxy.

April 13 – Bendu Order[]

The Bendu Order was an ancient and noble monastic peacekeeping organization headquartered on Kal'Shabbol in the Ashlan Expanse. It was one of two great orders, the other being the Jedi Order, that emerged during a schism within the Order of the Jedi Bendu of the Ophuchi fifteen thousand years before the Galactic Civil War. The Bendu Order was unified through its belief in Yahweh, the God of the universe, and his omnipotent presence known as the Force of Others. The wielders of that mystic energy and signature long swords made out of elements similar to cortosis, the Bendu Knights were revered as the guardians of an everlasting peace in the worlds of the Ashlan Expanse, particularly Had Abaddon, Ondus and Aquilae.

The Bendu Order rarely left their home planet of Kal'Shabbol to fight in conflicts that did not directly pertain to them, though there were three major instances when they did. Under the leadership of Ussej Padric Bac and Ussej Padric Bac II, and with help from Damien Nightblade of the Shadourian Order, the order successfully eliminated the dictatorship of Husen Al-Dubrir of Had Abaddon and Adena Qel-Droma during the Ashlan Civil War. Nearly fifty years later, Ussej Padric Bac III led a holy war with Shadourian Master Ein Nightblade against the Jedi Order, though when it indirectly led to the rise of the Third Sith Empire the Bendu returned to Kal’Shabbol and Ussej Padric Bac III sacrificed his life to destroy Emperor Invidius. Nearly four thousand years later, under the leadership of Ussej Padric Bac LXIV, the Bendu Order helped the Alliance to Restore the Republic destroy the Galactic Empire and the Order of Sith Lords. With the galaxy liberated, Ussej Padric Bac LXIV and Luke Skywalker forged an unprecedented alliance and formed the Second Jedi Bendu Order.

An order of highly religious people, the Bendu had an ancient set of prophecies that had been passed down from the time of The Skywalker, the founder of the Order of the Jedi Bendu of the Ophuchi. Many of their own people, such as members of the Bac family, fulfilled many of the prophecies, while many others were fulfilled by Jedi Knights and Jedi Bendu Knights after the reunification of the Jedi Order and the Bendu Order. Because of the prophecies, as well as what the Bendu had done, the legacy of the Bendu Order lasted long after it had merged with the Jedi Order, even during the crisis with the Prophets of Lettow.

April 20 – Jaden Korr (Dark Order War)[]

Jaden Weapons

Jaden Korr was a talented Jedi Knight and later Dark Jedi who was born on Coruscant as the son of a Corellian journalist. A student and apprentice of Jedi Master Kyle Katarn, Korr was one of Katarn's most talented apprentices until his turn to the dark side on Taspir III in the year 14 ABY. Before his life as a Dark Jedi, Jaden was trained in the ways of the Jedi at the academy on Yavin 4. He was trained alongside fellow apprentice Rosh Penin under Kyle Katarn, participating in various missions for the New Jedi Order against the Disciples of Ragnos with great success, until he left the Jedi Order and took control of the Sith Cult. As the leader of the Dark Order of Korr, Jaden led Imperial attacks on New Republic worlds and gained control of various industrial centers as well as numerous other strategic locations. However, Jaden's military achievements were eventually eclipsed by his underlings.

Two Sith Lords, Darth Persia and his apprentice, Darth Imperious, had joined Jaden's organization under the guise of being a Dark Jedi. Darth Persia gained much favor over the other military generals in the Dark Order through various outstanding victories, and eventually decided that Jaden had outlived his usefulness. While commanding a fleet above the Imperial planet Bakura, where Jaden was located at the time, Persia ordered the surface of the planet to be destroyed to ensure that Jaden would not escape the planet alive. Korr's death allowed the Sith to take control of his forces, which were used to forge the Greater Sith Empire.

April 27 – Ussej Padric Bac[]

Ussej Padric Bac

Ussej Padric Bac was the Shaman of the Order of the Whills and the keeper of the Journal of the Whills. Born around 3,960 BBY, Bac was taken into the Jedi Order around the time of the Jedi Civil War, a conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Second Sith Empire. After the war, he and his master, Brarh Kefle, lived on Corellia in hiding from the Sith, but they eventually rejoined the Jedi Order and Bac became a Jedi Knight.

Along with fellow Jedi Damien Nightblade, Bac was present during the Uvena Conflict that formally launched the Great Territorial War, which he fought through the duration of. At the beginning of the war, Bac was said to have been an optimistic Jedi Knight, one who was hardened by the conflict. These events also nearly turned him to the dark side of the Force, but he never officially turned and was able to find what was regarded as a state of compassion and leadership.

During the war, Bac fell in love with Laili Jeyna Rendar, and the two had a stressful relationship. Years later, Bac fulfilled his destiny and became the Shaman of the Whills, becoming the keeper of the Journal of the Whills that documented the history of the galaxy. He was also the only individual to be able to use the time stream, a body of water that contained a visual timeline of universal history, to interact in historical events.


May 4 – Darth Malum (New Sith Empire)[]

Darth Malum, born Cernos Antrell, was a Sith Lord in Darth Ruin's New Sith Empire that hailed from Thule. Cernos was a member of the Antrell family who first, like many Sith Lords, became a Jedi Knight of the Republic. Cernos grew strong in his time with the Jedi under the tutelage of Jedi Master Atria Tulama, and under the secretive mentoring of Phanius, who later became Darth Ruin. After passing his trials of Knighthood, Cernos became more and more involved with Phanius, and he eventually became one of the fifty Jedi Knights to follow Phanius's teachings, which became the New Sith Empire. Upon his induction to the Sith, Cernos dropped his name for the Sith moniker Darth Malum.

Darth Malum eventually was involved in the unofficial civil war within the New Sith Empire, after the bombardment of Sullust that nearly ended his life. After the event, Malum partnered up with fellow victim Darth Mortalis, and together they began to hunt down the traitor, Darth Eradix. What they didn't realize was that Eradix did not act on his own behalf, but on the behalf of a group of conspirators which included Darth Annila. Malum and Mortalis ended up in a duel against Eradix was killed and Malum injured. Malum was later healed by Mortalis.

May 11 – The Skywalker[]


The Skywalker, born Jedi Bendu, was the founder of the Order of the Jedi Bendu of the Ophuchi, which was partially named after him, and the first living mortal being to discover and tap into the mystical energies of the Force of Others. After doing so and facing off his darker temptations, Yahweh, the God of the Universe, spoke to him at the peak of Mount Sky and dubbed him The Skywalker. Yahweh revealed to him that the Force of Others was his own omnipotent presence and that he had allowed it to be sensed by mortals to help in the salvation of the galaxy. Yahweh tasked The Skywalker with freeing his chosen people, the Ophuchi, from King Achab Tahrea of Had Abaddon, The Skywalker’s step-brother.

During the battle for paradise, The Skywalker was given the unfortunate task of being the first man to kill in the name of the Force of Others, taking the life of his step-brother. As the battle raged on, however, The Skywalker and the Ophuchi prevailed and found themselves in the midst of a mass exodus from Had Abaddon. They boarded many small starships and fled to the Promised Land, the neighboring world called Kal'Shabbol. There, they officially created their order and set up the first Jedi Bendu Enclave.

Before his death, The Skywalker spoke of and recorded many important prophecies that would later echo throughout the ages in the actions of many notable individuals. These writings later became known as the Prophecies of The Skywalker. His contributions to the very early formation of the Galactic Republic, the Jedi Order, the Bendu Order, the numerous Sith Empires and the Order of the Whills were remembered for thousands of years throughout the universe, even on the most primitive of worlds in galaxies far, far away from his own.

May 18 – Battle of Nar Shaddaa (GDE/Legion)[]

The Battle of Nar Shaddaa was a fierce battle between the Galactic Droid Empire and the Steel Legion, which started after a communiqué between its leaders went badly wrong. It resulted in a pact between the GDE and Legion, but also caused severe damage to several Nar Shaddaa districts. Both factions took casualties in the battle, and the two commanders themselves--Darth Tyler and Unit 8311--engaged in a ferocious duel on the planet in a refinery, with both of them bringing to brunt their finest abilities and in 8311's case equipment and gadgetry.

Meanwhile, in space and on the ground, both sides focused on outdoing each other in firepower, with large civilian casualties caused in the crossfire. Throughout the battle, the GDE had the advantage in quantity, and the Legion in quality. The two factions soon brought out their finest soldiers and equipment in a bid to overwhelm one another, but this merely led to more destruction being caused. The battle was comparable to the Battle of Coruscant in terms of its epic scale. However, eventually, Tyler and 8311 got so worn down in their duel that both asked one another for a truce, ending the ferocious battle. Both sides took heavy casualties in the battle, which lasted for some time. Fighting between pockets of forces from both sides that had failed to receive communications of the truce would continue for a few weeks.

May 25 – Ussej Padric Bac LXIV[]


Ussej Padric Bac LXIV was born to a long line of legendary war heroes, politicians, Jedi Knights, Sith Lords and Bendu High Priests. His most notable ancestors included Jonathan Bac, Ussej Padric Bac, Laili Jeyna Rendar, Kit Corwin Rendar, Ussej Padric Bac II and Ussej Padric Bac III as they had each influenced galactic events for thousands of years after their deaths. He was known to have looked up to them all with high regard, specifically Ussej Padric Bac III due to his conservative viewpoints towards the Jedi Order.

Ussej served as the High Priest of the Bendu Order during the Galactic Civil War. He was reluctant at first to help Mon Mothma after she requested the assistance of the Bendu, but after speaking with the Shaman of the Whills he changed his mind and led the order into the galaxy quickly enough to fight in the first major engagement of the war on the small moon of Endor. There, he first encountered Kane Starkiller. After the battle, he decided to head back to Kal’Shabbol but soon changed his mind and agreed to keep the order in imperial space to help the Alliance. He was instrumental in the major engagements to follow, particularly the Second Battle of Alderaan, the First Battle of Coruscant, the Battle of Bespin and the Battle of Korriban. He had grown to be an informal mentor to Luke Skywalker after Obi-Wan Kenobi was killed and spoke the prophetic words of the Archangel Ranka Darkbroode to Luke before the redemption of Anakin Skywalker.

After the war ended, he and Luke co-founded the Second Jedi Bendu Order, stationed off of Coruscant and Kal’Shabbol. He was instrumental in the successes of the Reunification War, but was unable to prevent the Jedi Bendu from splitting in two. He and Luke knew that the Rizen Order stood a great chance in winning the war, so in order to preserve their order they decided that Ussej would travel as far away from the capital as they could and Luke would stay behind. In the end, Luke was able to lead the Jedi Bendu into a victorious final campaign against the Rizen Order, though he was unable to contact Ussej after the victory. Ussej and his fellow Jedi Bendu travelers found their way into an intergalactic wormhole and were thrust thousands of light years to Earth where Ussej remained until his death.


June 1 – Dark Guardians of Lettow[]

The Dark Guardians of Lettow, also referred to just as the Lettow, was a group of dark side warriors founded by the self-proclaimed Prince of Darkness Carden Mannux, who at one point had been known as the Sith Lord Darth Lettow. The Lettow practiced the dark side of the Force, and was created based upon the teachings, writings and philosophies of more-well-known dark side users such as Xendor Taral and Marka Ragnos. The creation of the Lettow was also a culmination of failed experiments such as the Sith Battle Lords Project. Said to have been fiercely devoted to their causes, the Lettow worshiped the dark side and, in time, their main goal was to aid the Order of the Sith Lords and the Galactic Empire in destroying the Jedi Order, as well as the Bendu Order during the Galactic Civil War.

After the first leaders Damien Starkiller and Darius passed away, the Lettow spent centuries worshiping the dark side in the hopes of gaining power to dominate the Force. However, when they were rediscovered during the Millennium of Hiding by the Sith Lord Darth Vectivus, the Lettow became foot soldiers for the Order of the Sith Lords when Vectivus took on Deak Starkiller, later Darth Ujur, as his apprentice. This relationship remained in place for nearly five hundred years until the death of Darth Plagueis, as the knowledge of their location was lost when Plagueis was killed by his apprentice Darth Sidious.

After having been located and integrated into the Order of the Sith Lords and the Galactic Empire by Sidious and his apprentice Darth Vader, the Lettow were the main Imperial force behind many battles, such as the two Battles on Alderaan, the Sieges of Naboo and the Battle of Coruscant’s Moon. However, during the battle on the moon of Coruscant, where the main Lettow headquarters was located, the Lettow were destroyed during a Bendu raid, leaving only Kane Starkiller, Mara Jade and a handful of others alive, though the majority of the survivors were eventually killed during the final battles of the war.

The destruction of the Dark Guardians of Lettow thereby destroyed thousands of years of work by numerous dark side users. However, the philosophies and practices that they utilized were later used by the Prophets of Lettow, a so-called fanatical group that attempted to bring about the resurrection of Carden Mannux. During this time and for some time after, the Dark Guardians of Lettow were remembered for what historians noted as their brutal discipline and lust for power in the upper ranks, along with the supposedly unholy methods individuals sometimes used to advance in rank.

June 8 – Kal'Shabbol[]

Kal'Shabbol (pronounced: kăl'shābəl), not to be confused with the Outer Rim world of Kal'Shebbol, was originally the home of the Order of the Jedi Bendu of the Ophuchi and later the sole residence of the Bendu Order. According to scientific estimates, the world was the first in the galaxy to bear life, which was why Yahweh referred to it as the Promised Land and why the The Skywalker and the Jedi Bendu chose to reside there following the exodus from Had Abaddon, Kal’Shabbol’s twin world. Because it was the first planet to bear life, the Force of Others was stronger there than on most other worlds, though it was not the strongest source of the Force of Others that was known of.

Upon the arrival of the Jedi Bendu, conclaves were set up in the most habitable regions of the Ashlan Mountains for prayers and meetings of the most powerful Jedi Bendu. Deep within the mountains, they buried their scriptures so that only they would know where to find them, which was what led to the Kal’Shabbol Civil War between the Jedi Bendu and the colonists in the Valley of the Shadow of Death. The Jedi Bendu later began to watch over the inhabitants of the world that immigrated from other planets in the Ashlan Expanse. Once the Jedi Bendu split into two orders on Coruscant, a group loyal to the old ways settled in the capital city Ashla Prime and formed the Bendu Order.

During the thousands of years that the Bendu watched over the world, a peaceful utopia had been formed. However, with the arrival of Ussej Padric Bac and his family after the Great Territorial War between the Galactic Republic and the Third Sith Empire, the Ashlan Civil War broke out. At the end, Ussej pulled the mythical Sword of The Skywalker from its resting place in a hidden temple on the highest ridge of the Ashlan Mountains and ended the war, ending his life in the process. The site became one of reverence, being known as the Holy Ridge of the Shaman.

After the reunification of the Bendu Order and the Jedi Order at the end of the Galactic Civil War, the Second Jedi Bendu Order used the planet for meditation and prayer. Because they were busy with galactic affairs, the order ended their government on the planet and the common people became the leaders of the world. Though they were happy to have a true democracy to elect world leaders, they greatly appreciated everything that Jedi Bendu and the Bendu had done for them. At that time, the Kingdom of the Ashla was set up between Kal'Shabbol and the other Ashlan worlds, but thirty years later Kal'Shabbol and the rest of the kingdom became members of the New Republic. The legacy of the world and the people of the world reached as far as Earth during the crisis between the third Jedi Bendu Order and the Prophets of Lettow. Many years after the crisis, it became the first inhabited extra-galactic world that the people of Earth learned about, though the governments of Earth suppressed the knowledge of its existence.

June 15 – Chapek IX[]


Chapek IX was a human colonized planet during the Old Republic. It was a prosperous community which held much influence within the Republic during its time. It had a grand droid factory that produced hordes of different kinds of robots. Battle droids, astromech droids, protocol droids and many more were created here.

However, after many years the droids began to get aggravated. They would unite and surprisingly rebel against the humans, driving them all out of the planet and eliminating the world from the Republic. With a new robot-run world, a council of Robot Elders, comprised of the first created droids were placed in charge. They submitted a zero-tolerance policy on humans.

Eventually, the world would be liberated by a group of pirates. Though not the best of outcomes, it was still better than having a robot controlled world. The pirates gained control of the planet and the droids by bringing in supplies that the droids would have needed to survive any longer. Following a war in which the droids were almost all destroyed and the pirates were defeated, the planet was returned to the Republic. It would never return to the way it was before, but it has a history of a very important planet.

June 22 – Conrad Bac[]


Conrad Bac was a respected Organian General and the father of Jonathan Bac, the man who went on to become the first Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic. The first notable member of the Bac family, he held the rank of General and Army Chief of Staff in the Organian Army decades before the Unification War and encouraged his son to pursue a career in the military. Before he had a chance to see his son join the military, he was assassinated by a then-unknown assailant. For decades, it was believed that the assailant was a covert agent from the Corellian Empire, which was the reasoning behind the launch of the Unification War. At the end of the war it was revealed that he had been assassinated by a member of the Anarchic Brotherhood of Planets, a lose alliance of worlds determined to stop the unification of governments and the creation of one galactic federal government.

Conrad was known throughout the Organian Empire as one of three men to serve longer than any other citizen as a prisoner of war behind Corellian lines. He was captured during the Battle of Alderaan after tensions rose between the two governments and was held with two of his men for one and a half years. During that time, has subjected to immense physical and psychological torture, and he refused to be released unless his men were released with him. He and his men were not released until months later after his father Dylan Bac had joined the Organian Legislature and negotiated for their release.

Although Conrad was not well known outside of Alderaan during the time that he lived in, he was remembered by his family as a brave soldier, an effective commander, a caring father and one of the men responsible for the course that his family took in the thousands of years following his untimely death. Jonathan Bac also said during his term as Supreme Chancellor that many of his military tactics and political ideas were influenced by the journals and logs of his father, meaning that Conrad had an influence on the outcome of the Unification War and the formation of the Galactic Republic.

June 29 – Nathaneiqua Adarak[]


Nathaneiqua Adarak was born on the planet Arkania and served as a Republic general after the Great Sovereign Crusades. Nathaneiqua was an Arkanian outcast, an Arkanian whose genetic makeup was completely unique to any other Arkanian. In Arkanian culture, these offshoots were considered unwanted and inferior, and were the source of most Arkanian prejudice. Nathan(which is what he is called by most) was forced to grow a tough skin if he was to survive on Arkania.

Nathan grew up fending for himself, and he developed a great desire to leave his homeworld. Which is why he joined the Galactic Republic. He wanted to get away from the prejudice that plagued him on Arkania. He joined the Republic at the earliest possible age, eighteen, and left his homeworld without a second thought. He served within the Republic's military for many years, touring the galaxy, fighting evil, restoring peace, making it a better place. The idealized duties of a Republic soldier. In reality, he lived in the cramped barracks of the military cannon fodder.

Most of the time he ran through drill after mindless drill, until he could perform them in his sleep, and the few times when he saw actual combat, it was nothing like he imagined. The recruiters seemed to conveniently leave out what happens when you step on a hidden mine, or what it's like to see men all around you fall to the ground, dead in midair. Nonetheless, it was better than what he would have received had he stayed on Arkania. And he would admit that all his service did wonders for him. Throughout the years, Nathan grew and developed into a strong, proud man. He became a proud soldier, climbing the ranks to the top through numerous heroic deeds, and outstanding victories. He was measured on his merit and statistics, and he had been marked for outstanding service.


July 68 – Great Rim Lines War[]

Telos mandshuttle

The Great Rim Lines War was a major galactic conflict fought roughly forty years after the Great Territorial War. The war saw the forces of the Third Sith Empire, which had previously been defeated in the Great Territorial War, and the Mandalorian Clans on the offensive against the forces of the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic. The conflict was fought primarily to acquire trade routes and supplies for the dwindling Sith and Mandalorian militaries.

The conflict traced its origins back to the aftermath of the Great Territorial War when the Third Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic were in shambles. The Republic’s infrastructure had been significantly weakened which called for the beginning of a lengthy reconstruction process. The Sith’s numbers continued to fall due to in-fighting and the Mandalorians, lacking strong allies, also felt the effects of a lack of supplies to continue funding their military. Much like they had during the early stages of the Mandalorian Wars, the Republic initially paid the Outer Rim sieges no mind, but eventually they were forced to enter into the conflict. The Republic lost every major engagement until the end of the war.

The decisive confrontation came when Cos Jonathan Dashin, a young Republic Colonel, was placed in command of the Republic fleet. He formulated a plan that would lure the entire Sith and Mandalorian army into a massive trap where they eventually ended up being destroyed on Dxun. As the Mandalorians barely limped away from the war, the Sith saw their numbers fall into the range of a few dozen, leaving open a wound that would allow for the outbreak of the United Pirate Crusades and the Great Sovereign Crusades.

July 13 – Bern Adollu[]

Bern Adollu was a Human soldier of the Galactic Republic born on Onderon, to two Republic soldiers. Adollu was affiliated with the Republic, like his parents, as a soldier, spy and detective; since he was Onderonian, he had a passion for investigating operations on Onderon. Adollu eventually became a well known soldier, and he intimately became involved with a woman named Shila Vonacera. He had a child born out of wedlock with her, however, he never knew of his child. After his parents untimely death in 1,801 BBY, Adollu was awarded the Medallion of Honor and assigned to a special investigation on Onderon, where he remained for the rest of his life.

During his investigation, Adollu created a rivalry with all of the Five Families of Onderon, however, he was most involved against Dominic Montra and his family. He was best friends with his co-officer Marto "Smalls" Nao-sin, who aided him during his time on Onderon as much as he could. During his work, Adollu was backed by the soldiers of Orthos Wibl in secrecy, who helped him avoid near-death situations at times. Unfortunately for Adollu, his allegiance with the Wibl family caused his downfall; at Orthos Wibl's funeral, the Montra family captured Adollu after assaulting the castle.

Adollu remained in their captivity over the next two years, until he escaped but was soon assassinated, along with Nao-sin 1,785 BBY. Adollu's work would, unfortunately for many, be in vain, due to his death and lack of pursuit in the investigation.

July 20 – Vogga[]


Vogga the Hutt was a Hutt born on the planet Nal Hutta. He was brought up to be a criminal and a crime lord, like many other Hutts were and was able to follow through on his dreams. He would move to Nar Shaddaa, the moon of Nal Hutta, where he would start up his own crime syndicate to challenge the Exchange and the local crime lord Goto.

Vogga dealt with many individuals throughout his long life and helped them along their way. These people included, but were not limited to, the Exile and Filose Naj. He helped both of them go in the right direction in their lives, getting the Exile fuel for Citadel Station in Telos and making Filose give up the mercenary business.

Vogga was responsible for ridding the refugee sector of all criminal activity outside of his own. He persuaded the Exile to destroy Goto's yacht, had his hunters take out the remaining Serenno gang and the Exchange and then set up special traps to destroy the Genoharadan. He had the reputation of being a brutal businessman who would do anything to reach the top.

Vogga was a leading general in the Great Unification War. The war was spearheaded by Darth Axon, who brought together the Sith, Mandalorians, the Exchange and the Hutts to form a major fighting force against the Jedi and Republic. Vogga was chosen to lead the Hutt forces due to his work taking over Nar Shaddaa. Out of all the generals on the unified side, Vogga was the only one to escape alive.

July 27 – Sith Crusade[]


The Sith Crusade, also known simply as the Crusade to the Sith, was a conflict which took place between the years 56 ABY and 66 ABY. One of the largest engagements in galactic history, the Sith Crusade saw the rise of the Sith Order of Decreto as the greatest galactic power in the history of the galaxy. The roots of the conflict are traced back several thousand years, to the death of Naga Sadow and the ascension of Konopka to the self proclaimed title of Dark Lord of the Decreton Empire. Eventually, the revenge Konopka sought upon the Galactic Republic was realized, having trickled down through the different regimes and Dark Lords until the Sith Order's discovery on Nerezza and the ensuing battle, it saw one of the most powerful Jedi in the history of the Jedi Order corrupted towards the dark side of the Force.

Newly re-born amongst the Sith as Darth Abeonis, the new Dark Lord conquered the weakened Sith Order of Decreto, and somehow managed to bring the Sith out of the conflict stronger than before. Using Sith knowledge that he had had gained the Decreton Knights, former Jedi lead an invasion of the galaxy, starting with the Chiss Ascendancy. After the conquests of the Chiss Ascendancy and the Imperial Remnant, and several defeats at the hands of the Sith, the Galactic Alliance found itself suing for peace, and surrendering numerous planets to the Sith. Eventually however, the Sith did invade, and Darth Abeonis ushered the galaxy into the start of a new Sith age.

Darth Abeonis and his fellow Sith Lord, most of whom were former Jedi themselves, launched a series of deadly campaigns against the Alliance, wiping out numerous minor galactic powers along the way and bringing others into the Sith fold. Eventually, after a massive power shift within the Galactic Alliance, and several gargantuan engagements, the Sith and the Jedi found themselves gasping for breath from the conflict, having lost a great size of the forces in the last year. The following however, a renewed Sith invasion brought the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances to its knees, and after several more years the galactic capital of Coruscant itself was conquered. The conquest of the galactic capital, and the deaths of so many Galactic Federation personnel finally brought the Sith Crusade to an end.


August 3 – The Fanon Menace/Season 1[]

Front Cover

The Fanon Menace: Season 1 followed (loosely) the storyline of Episodes I, II, and III. There were 30 episodes in the first season that developed the characters of Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Padmé Amidala. Throughout the first season, the hidden plans of the two masterminds were beginning to be seen. Padmé rose to power and influence, Anakin became a Jedi Master and was twisted by the dark side, and Obi-Wan Kenobi found his place as the old hermit in the desert.

On the lonely planet of Tatooine, Anakin Skywalker was found and taken in by Qui-Gon Jinn, a Jedi Master. Qui-Gon passed Anakin on to his apprentice who taught Anakin the skills to fight the Sith. Anakin traveled throughout the galaxy with Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon's Padawan until they discovered a plot to kill Padmé. From there, the two Jedi split up, one protected Padmé and the other searched for the killer. When they found out who was behind the plot, it broke out into war, scarring the galaxy. This paved the way for Anakin to rise to Master and became both Jedi and father. With Padmé pregnant, more responsibility fell on Anakin as the need to keep her alive arose. With this, the mastermind played with Anakin, until he fell into a trap and turned to the dark side of the Force, leaving the galaxy in darkness.

Season 1 managed to gross close to 8,000 total views during its air on YouTube. That number continued to climb, however, as time went on. "Episode 1: Droid Control Ship - Naboo" remained at the top of the list of most viewed for half of the season’s airing time, until "Episode 10: Jango Fett" beat the record, gaining over 2,000 views. Episode 10 remained the number one most viewed episode to the end of the season. However, towards the end of the first season, views began to dwindle, and the show’s popularity faded. The creators of The Fanon Menace also decided to release a mini-series in between Season 1 and Season 2 called The Fanon Menace: A Day in the Life of a Stormtrooper. This mini-series revived the show’s status and prepared viewers for Season 2.

August 10 – Xendor Taral[]


Xendor Taral, later known simply as Xendor and the Dark Underlord, was noted as the first, one of the most infamous and one of the most important Dark Jedi Bendu in universal history. Before embracing the Bogan, he was a Jedi Bendu Knight from Kashi, but he was expelled from the Order of the Jedi Bendu of the Ophuchi due to his unorthodox methods, his intent to study and practice the arts of the Bogan and the murder of Jiaasjen, the woman who trained him as a Jedi Bendu. After his exile, he made his way into the Unknown Regions and located the lost world of Had Abaddon where he acquired an artifact known as the Kaiburr Crystal. After securing the relic, he gathered dozens of the planet’s inhabitants and made his way back into the known galaxy where he and his followers settled on Dathomir.

On Dathomir, Xendor brought his minions together and founded an order of Dark Jedi Bendu and dark warriors that he called the Legions of Lettow, the term “Lettow” referring to the name of the ancient Ophuchi God of the underworld. His disciples also referred to themselves as the “Minions of Xendor”. During the decades when he did nothing but train his minions, he fell in love with one of his disciples, a woman named Arden Lyn. At one point, Xendor and Arden were ambushed by Jedi Bendu on Dxun and Arden was fatally injured, though Xendor was able to use the healing powers of the Kaiburr crystal to resuscitate her, as well as to keep her young and beautiful for the rest of her life. A few years later, Xendor and Arden began to launch guerrilla bombings against Republic and Jedi Bendu sites.

Towards the end of his time as Supreme General of the Legions of Lettow, Xendor began to explore worlds unknown to the Galactic Republic. During his exploration, he located a world called Korriban and found a race of people called the Sith. He became interested in them and they shared with him a great deal of their mythology, as well as the myth surrounding the supposedly immortality-granting Medallion of the Saarai-kaar. Before he returned to Dathomir, Xendor also shared with them his powers, showing them what the Force of Others was capable of.

Only weeks later, Xendor announced his plan to destroy the Jedi Bendu on Coruscant once and for all. Days later, the minions set of numerous explosives around the Great Jedi Bendu Pyramid to surround the Jedi Bendu in flames. Xendor and his minions attacked the Jedi Bendu, though their assault was futile. All but a dozen minions, including Arden, were killed, as was Xendor. However, his spirit did return during the New Sith Wars as the Dark Underlord, though he was killed by the Jedi Order before the war was over. Even so, his legacy lived on for thousands of years after his second death through the Dark Guardians of Lettow, the Gungan Empire and the Prophets of Lettow.

August 17 – Great Territorial War[]


The Great Territorial War, sometimes referred to simply as the Great War, was a major galactic conflict fought thirty years after the Jedi Civil War between the oppressive forces of the Third Sith Empire and the Jedi Order. Also involved in the devastating conflict were the forces of the Galactic Republic, the Mandalorian Clans and the Chiss Ascendancy. The conflict was fought primarily to acquire new territory throughout the galaxy.

The conflict traced its origins to the aftermath of the Jedi Civil War when the Sith Empire of Darth Revan and the Jedi Order were in shambles. Only a few hundred remained on each side and both were desperate to gain a foothold in new territory. Because the Galactic Republic was still attempting to rebuild after the events of the Mandalorian War, they paid the initial conflict no mind as they felt that it was a Jedi affair. However, once the Mandalorians and the Chiss entered the conflict, the Republic knew that it would have to defend its territory. Despite putting up a fight, there was a span of over one month where the Sith controlled Coruscant.

The decisive confrontation came when the Third Sith Empire split into two factions, the loyalists and the Macabre Alliance, and began fighting within their own ranks. The Jedi and the Republic were able to take advantage of the situation and launch an offensive aimed at pushing the Sith out of Republic territories. The conflict was not over until Coruscant was liberated and Empress Viea was killed by a group of former Sith Lords. When the battle ended, the Sith limped back to Korriban where they did not become involved in another conflict until the Great Rim Lines War.

August 24 – Ryluk Shouja[]

Ryluk fireworm-pistol

Ryluk Shouja was a Human bounty hunter who lived during the time of several galactic governments, operating under the Galactic Republic, Galactic Empire, New Republic, and Galactic Federation of Free Alliances. For a price, Ryluk work around restrictions placed by the governing authorities, but avoided blatantly breaking their laws.

His career as an active bounty hunter spanned twenty-four years, truncated by his first eighteen years and his last sixty-seven years. During this time, he learned many different styles of combat through his life as a street child, his brief stint with the Chiss Ascendancy, and various trainers on Corellia. He practiced his skills using training droids purchased after he began building his fortune on investments in the Corellian Stock Market.

Ryluk was hired by the Liberators Pirate Organization shortly before the outbreak of the Clone Wars. During that time, he married Lymie Chamna, who gave birth to a son, Akak Shouja. His son's true identity was kept a close secret for many years in order to protect the young boy from assassination and kidnapping attempts made by those who wished to injure the bounty hunter in any way they could.

Shortly after his son turned seven, Ryluk took his small family to the planet of Subterrel in the Outer Rim territories, where they adopted a false last name and lived the life of a farming family. Via HoloNet communication, Ryluk left his finances in the hands of his most trusted investors for the day that his children would emerge from the Outer Rim to claim what was left by their father.

Ryluk lived to the age of one hundred nine, longer than the average Human lifespan. He died in the Outer Rim, his true identity anonymous to all but his wife.

August 31 – Rebel Alliance Intelligence Faction[]

Black Circle

Originally known as Operation Straystar, the Rebel Alliance Intelligence Faction, more commonly within the organization known as RAIF, outside as the Black Circle, were the unofficial spies and assassins of the Rebel Alliance. A splinter branch faction of the Alliance military, Alliance Intelligence, Alliance Special Operations and the Alliance Special Forces, RAIF was composed of the absolute elite of the Rebel Alliance. Their actual existence was known to very few, even among the Alliance High Command. The Alliance leader, Mon Mothma was particularly left ignorant of their existence.

The Rebel Alliance Intelligence Faction didn't share the methods of Mon Mothma, or other "idealistic dreams" of the rest of the Alliance High Command. Despite their name, which was kept to show their past origins and affiliation, RAIF didn't associate with the Alliance whatsoever, and was actually a separate, standalone organization altogether. The leaders of the Rebel Alliance Intelligence Faction, as well as their operatives, didn't restrict themselves from using "darker" methods to achieve their goals. In many instances, RAIF operatives have used morally ambiguous tactics, such as spreading propaganda, assassinating, intimidation or kidnappings. They also did not hesitate using their methods against the Rebel Alliance when certain situations demanded it. Despite their secrecy, there were some outside of their organization who've heard of them. Of those few in the galaxy, from the Galactic Empire to the Hutts, they were believed to be terrorists, and survivors of their attacks referred to them as the "Black Circle".

The RAIF organization had its hand behind multiple anonymous Intel transmissions and technological achievements, such the formation of the E.C.H.O. Visor, which revolutionized their commandos and infiltrators. Their technology was advanced, unarguably superior to what was at the Galactic Empire's disposal. The Rebel Alliance Intelligence Faction branch was literally founded by five people in the early years of the Rebel Alliance, and silently developed into an almost exclusively military force. The Rebel Alliance Intelligence Faction grew very slowly in its early years, and slowly developed into a more organized faction, though nearly all of the organization's past had been erased from history, making the process of their founding a large unknown. The organizations' secret formation was priority "1", and lasted through the rise of the Fel Empire. RAIF operatives were was split into one of four Executive divisions, with each division specialized in different fields.


September 7 – Club StarDust[]


Club StarDust was a large space station that acted as a dance club and disco for all manner of beings from across the galaxy. It was noted for its conspicuous appearance--namely, an enormous glittering sphere that in later years was said to vaguely resemble the Death Star. Hovering in a stationary position in space near the Terax Nebula, it proved popular for both high society and commoners simply wishing to have a good time. It could accommodate at maximum ten thousand beings, and hence had seventy-eight different dance halls which were always playing something at any given time. Several luxury restaurants were also located there.

The space station itself was about ten kilometers in diameter, with fifteen docking bays along its equator. It was unarmed, relying on local law enforcement for protection. In the center of the sphere was the main reactor, which was an advanced type that needed to cope with the constant lights and advanced sound systems in the dance halls of the station.

Built around 40 BBY, by the mysterious magnate known as Shan Drievax, the station immediately became popular, and even in the Clone Wars visitor numbers remained high, and it was often used to host celebrations for events such as the end of the Clone Wars. However, during the more puritan times of the Empire, the music there was toned down and the management was forced to play pro-Imperial tunes. When the Empire collapsed, the station held its biggest party yet. The Club would continue to provide entertainment well into the days of the New Empire.

September 14 – Cilwelli (species)[]

Three eyes

The Cilwelli, also called Cilwellians, were a primitive Near-Human species native to the planet of the same name. They were characterized by their distinct third eye, known as a tyreal. In some members of the species this eye had hypnotic effects on weak-minded beings. Because of the harsh conditions of their homeworld, violence was an accepted part of life in the Cilwellian culture. To keep the war-like people from destroying each other, an Aulsur in the Pre-Republic era brought the various tribes under a single banner of the Holy Cilwellian Empire and established a strict code of conduct. This code was followed well into into the days of the New Republic.

Even after the Cilwelli came under Hutt rule they remained highly traditional. Because their laws deemed submission to higher beings a great honor, they were often taken advantage of by the Hutts and later the Galactic Empire. However, it was the same strict honor-code that would ultimately save them from their abusive masters. Under the command of the High Priest, Sincol, the Cilwelli fought back by joining the Alliance to Restore the Republic and freeing their homeworld from the Empire.

From that point onward, the Cilwelli would remain an active part of galactic politics. Thanks to a treaty signed by the New Republic, the Cilwelli were finally given their freedom after nearly 30,000 years of Hutt domination. However, their liberation would be short lived. The Yuuzhan Vong War saw the destruction of their homeworld and the near extinction of the Cilwelli race.

September 21 – Battle of Cul-Huq (Cruentusian War)[]

Nukes in Miniseries

The Battle of Cul-Huq was a major battle of the Cruentusian War, and was considered a major turning point. Its roots lay at the time when Carsal Redharn noticed that the Srav Federation was setting up a major base on the idyllic world of Cul-Huq, which was rich in natural resources, providing a base of great wealth to the Srav Federation. He planned a major assault on the world, deciding that it would better serve Necasian assets and would help forward their war efforts. However, his treacherous commander Askar Invado sold valuable information to the Srav Intelligence units about the planned assault, and made sure that pre-battle Necasian sabotage failed dismally. When the Necasians arrived at the planet, they met with a large Srav force, ready and armed and completely unharmed by their planned sabotage.

As a battle raged in space, a Necasian fleet managed to land on the world, where they engaged Srav forces, offloading their heavy weapons in an attempt to storm them. A group of Savi Alliance mercenaries were also present, however, and got caught in the crossfire, and began fighting both sides, pushing the Necasian storming attempt back. Eventually, however, with the loss of several Necasian ships and therefore a large part of their anti-missile laser countermeasures, Ivran Gresev, the Srav commander, lost patience and ordered a full nuclear bombardment of half the planet. Nearly all of the Necasian and Savi forces, as well as some Srav troops, were annihilated, causing severe damage to the Necasian war machine in that system, and offering all Redharn critics ammunition for their arguments. After the battle, Redharn received most of the blame for the defeat, with Askar Invado using it to call for a new leader, starting great political turmoil amongst the Necasians that would, eventually, lead to civil war.

September 28 – Force Exile Series[]

Force Exile

The Force Exile series is an ongoing fan book series written and produced by Atarumaster88, currently distributed via request with the author and on the Star Wars Fanon Wiki. The first novel, Force Exile I: Fugitive, was released in June 2007 and set in the final stages of the galaxy-spanning Clone Wars. Fugitive introduced several original characters to the Star Wars universe, including the Jedi Padawan Selusda Kraen and ARC trooper Alpha-28, also known as Spectre. In Fugitive, the characters of the story must each confront the grim reality of Order 66 and the rise of the Empire, finding their way in a galaxy changed forever by the revenge of the Sith. For the cover, Atarumaster88 was able to procure art from a user on the Star Wars Fanon Wiki named Solus, and the detailed covers have been a mainstay of the series ever since. Fugitive garnered critical acclaim from several reviewers, including the Star Wars Fanon Newsletter's staff, as well as winning the Best Novel Award in the Third Wiki Awards.

With the completion of Fugitive, Atarumaster88 began working on its sequel, Force Exile II: Smuggler, which continues the story of Selu and Spectre a few months after Fugitive, while bringing previously minor characters introduced in Fugitive to greater prominence. These include Sarth Kraen, Selu's brother, and R'hask Sei'lar, the captain of the freighter Hawk-bat. Smuggler also introduced Milya Tayrce, a runaway Echani who went on to play a large role in the novel. Smuggler finished with an explosive ending, with the final novel compiled in November 2007—a total writing time of less than six months for a 193 page book. Although the sequel received less critical notice, Atarumaster88 continued to write the final book of the trilogy, Force Exile III: Liberator, an even longer work that ended up spanning 295 pages. Set in 16 BBY, Liberator brought resolution to characters and events introduced throughout the Force Exile books, setting them off in new directions at the end of the novel. It was finished in May 2008, with a total writing period of five months. Atarumaster88 attributed this pace to his extensive pre-planned outlining and layout work, as well as the multiple revisions the story's outline underwent as it evolved and grew. However, Solus left the project after Smuggler, leaving Atarumaster88 to contact Darth Nyne to continue the production of covers for the series.

The latest additions to the Force Exile saga have not been novels. Starting in the summer of 2008, Atarumaster88 began work on a follow-on work to Liberator, an anthology of short stories known as the Yanibar Tales, stating that the stories within in it followed looser guidelines and could be written in a couple of weeks. Another follow-on work, The Essential Guide to Force Exile, is currently being released part by part, being partially complete as of this writing. Atarumaster88 has also announced that a second trilogy of Force Exile novels exists as well, starting with Force Exile IV: Guardian, set to be released in 2009, followed by a fifth work known as Force Exile V: Warrior.


October 5 – Battle of Gand[]

The Battle of Gand was the preliminary battle in the Galactic Civil War, and believed to be one of the first of many armed conflicts between the Galactic Empire and the Alliance to Restore the Republic. The battle began with the capture of Gand by several Rebel assault groups who took the Imperial forces by surprise and captured the lightly garrisoned planet and its cities within twenty-four hours. The Empire responded by sending in a small scout fleet to discover their opponent's strengths and troop count, but the scout fleet was destroyed before it returned to the Imperial Capital.

Following the destruction of their fleet and their loss of Gand, the Emperor demanded that Darth Vader go to Gand personally with a large assault force and destroy any resistance on the planet. Vader complied with orders, and called upon Jerec, one of the Emperor's Emperor's Hand's and a loyal Dark Jedi, to assist him in leading the troops. His leading infantry battalion was Vader's Fist, who had once been the 501st Legion, powerful clones loyal to Vader and the Emperor. Jerec and Vader's Fist would assist Vader in leading the attack. They assembled a large strike force, comprised of the largest fleet the Empire had constructed in years, along with a sizable land-based attack force, consisting of the famed 501st Legion and the 671st Stormtrooper Platoon, both filled with veteran and fervently loyal stormtroopers.

The attack began in orbit kilometers above the planet. When the Imperials arrived over Gand, the Rebels engaged them immediately and were defeated several times by the better-equipped and larger Imperial fleet. Realizing they could no longer keep up with the Imperial Navy, the Rebel forces abandoned their position and retreated into more secure positions in Gand's sky. With the Rebellion force in a rout, Vader and his armada descended towards Gand's surface, and began to defeat enemy ships in the skies as they approached Grand Erx, the largest floating city. Defeating several enemy bases and small skyhooks set up around the planet's gaseous skies, the bulk of the Imperial ground forces eventually made it to the main Rebel base on Gand Erx.

Once the Imperial infantry forces landed on Gand Erx, they were pinned down by Rebel sniper fire at their landing zones and unable to continue into the city. With the eventual arrival of air and mechanized support; however, they managed to remove the Rebel forces from their lofty locations and into their bunkers and outposts, which were subsequently destroyed by heavy Imperial walkers. As the Rebels abandoned their bases and fled, Vader himself landed on the surface to assist his men in rounding up the last few resistance fighters. However, a tremor in the Force caused him to travel to the depths of the Gand Megaplex; where he met the ringleader of the entire attack; an Order 66 survivor named Ra Blin.

In an intense duel between the two, Vader had the upper hand for most of the battle. However, with the arrival of Blin's apprentice, Cori Benn, the tide turned slightly in favor of the two Jedi. Managing to get a lucky shot, Blin temporarily incapacitated the Dark Lord, and was about to strike him down, if not for the timely arrival of Jerec, who had followed Vader into the Megaplex once he had wiped out a couple Rebel troops still lingering in the city's center. He struck Blin with dark side energy, killing him. After Jerec assisted Vader and they left the Gand Megaplex, Commander Jir informed them that the last of the Rebels had been driven from the planet.

Though the battle had been won for the Empire, it had been a costly victory. Nearly the entire Alliance force that attacked the planet had been killed, and the remainder of the forces that survived were either captured, or were hunted down by Bounty hunters hired after the battle. The Empire lost most of its infantry forces and that, coupled with other casualties, set back the Empire a few months in an attempt to regain their military prowess.

October 12 – Sarus[]

Sarus was the leader of the Ophuchi Clan during the time of the Invasion of Utapau. When he was young, he found out that he was carrying a spirit inside of him that had lasted for over one hundred thousand years, a destiny that he did not originally accept until he came to realize that if he believed in the possibility then he would do the right thing when the time came. In the years that followed, Sarus met Shmi Skywalker who was pregnant with a son, despite the fact that she was a virgin. After he fought off a supposed Sith assailant, Sarus helped deliver the child whom Shmi named Annikin Skywalker. Sarus believed that Annikin would go on to be the Chosen One based on what was said in the Prophecy of the Chosen One and the circumstances surrounding his birth. Shortly thereafter, Sarus was contacted by the Shaman of the Whills who told him of the destiny he would play in Annikin's life. In the years that followed, Sarus kept a close eye on Annikin, and he also had dealings with the Trade Federation.

Years later, Sarus came into contact with Annikin once again, as well as Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jard Dooku, Jar Binks and Sabé Arcadia, the outsiders that Annikin was allowing to stay at his home. Sarus led them into the Ophuchi Sanctuary in the Dune Sea where he told them about the Ophuchi people, and later the prophecy of the Chosen One. Annikin had a difficult time accepting his possible destiny, but Sarus was able to convince him to believe that it could be true. Later, they traveled to Anchorhead where they were able to negotiate with Bib Fortuna at Jabba the Hutt’s regional office to release Annikin from the Lars family’s sharecropping contract, though Annikin would first have to win a swoop race against his rival Sebulba.

Annikin won the race, partially because of the fact that Sarus damaged the stabilizer on Sebulba's racer. After securing Annikin's release from the contract, Sarus confessed this to Annikin, who did not take it well. Shortly before saying goodbye to Annikin, Sarus transferred something from inside of himself into Annikin, though he did not tell Annikin what it was. Sarus left and spoke with the Shaman of the Whills once again who told him that his role in Annikin's destiny was over, though he would still have preordained roles to play in the future.

October 19 – Annikin Skywalker[]


Annikin Skywalker was a Human male member of the Jedi Order during the Clone Wars. According to the Ophuchi Clan, he was the supposed savior of the galaxy, whereas the Guardians of Lettow believed he was destined to be its destroyer. Skywalker dismissed both views as nonsense. His supposed destiny and actions during the Clone Wars led to his life being documented in the Journal of the Whills.

Born in 41 BBY to Shmi Skywalker, Skywalker and his mother lived in the Mos Espa spaceport until he was ten years old, at which time Shmi married a moisture farmer named Cliegg Lars. Skywalker and his mother moved with Lars to the Lars homestead outside of the Anchorhead settlement, becoming moisture farmers themselves.

In 22 BBY, a sandstorm moved through the Anchorhead area, causing the royal starship of Utapau's Queen Sabé Arcadia to crash. Skywalker entered the vessel to ensure that the passengers were safe. When he was inside, he met Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi Queen Arcadia, both of whom agreed to let Skywalker attempt to repair the vessel's hyperdrive generator after he volunteered to do so. One day later, Skywalker met a hermit named Sarus and was told that he had a destiny to destroy an evil army, which was confirmed by Cliegg.

Skywalker, along with Kenobi and a group of the other outsiders, went on a pilgrimage with Sarus into the Dune Sea, where Sarus told him that he was destined to fulfill a prophecy and become a galactic savior. Sarus put Skywalker through a series of tests in an attempt to prepare him for the fulfillment of his destiny, but Skywalker rejected the notion that he was a savior and demanded that Sarus stop interfering in his life.

October 26 – Exodus from Had Abaddon[]

The Exodus from Had Abaddon was one of the single most important events in the history of the galaxy, according to many historians, as it was responsible for the creation of the Order of the Jedi Bendu of the Ophuchi and, therefore, all of the events that followed that took place because of the Jedi Bendu, particularly the Kal'Shabbol Civil War and the foundation of the Galactic Republic. The conflict began when The Skywalker, who was then named Jedi Bendu while living as the adopted son of the King of Had Abaddon, found a group of slaves from the Ophuchi Tribe and realized he was one of them based on the powers that he and they shared. Days later, The Skywalker spoke to Yahweh, the creator of the universe, on Mount Sky who sent The Skywalker on a quest to free the Ophuchi from their enslavement.

The Skywalker later returned to face his brother Achab Tarea, who had become king in their father’s place, and with him he brought plagues from Yahweh that were used against the monarchy in an attempt to force it to free the Ophuchi. In the end, the Ophuchi were freed, but Achab changed his mind and entered into a duel with The Skywalker, a duel that The Skywalker won by killing Achab. The soldiers under the fallen king’s command followed the Ophuchi as they left the planet for Kal'Shabbol, the planet that was said to be the Promised Land, but the soldiers were stopped and killed due to divine intervention.

When the Ophuchi arrived on Kal'Shabbol, they began setting up a colony where they would be able to live. During that time, they formed the Order of the Jedi Bendu of the Ophuchi and began to put together their beliefs and ideals into a collective group. This event led to further colonization of the planet when settlers from many planets across the Ashlan Expanse heard about the exodus, though when the Eternal Order of the Vipera settled on the planet following the First Had Abaddon Civil War it also led to the Kal’Shabbol Civil War. Nevertheless, the event was said to have had mainly positive results based on the events that followed because of it.


November 2 – Kal'Shabbol Civil War[]

The Kal'Shabbol Civil War was a conflict on Kal'Shabbol between the Order of the Jedi Bendu of the Ophuchi and the Eternal Order of the Vipera, as well as the colonists of Ashla Prime and Vattica who sided with the Jedi Bendu. The conflict traced it’s origins to the aftermath of the Exodus from Had Abaddon which saw the collapse of the monarchy of Had Abaddon. The Eternal Order of the Vipera, which had been residing on Had Abaddon, was under the protection of the monarchy to avoid persecution for their darker yet quiet arts, and when the new monarchy rose to power following the First Had Abaddon Civil War they were forced to flee from persecution to Kal'Shabbol where they hoped to begin a new and peaceful life. However, because the Jedi Bendu had been responsible for the overthrowing of the monarchy, they became a taboo culture to the other colonists and the cultists developed an anti-social culture within a valley.

During one poor season, a famine overtook Kal'Shabbol and the Valley People believed that the Jedi Bendu were stealing their food. This led them to attack the Jedi Bendu, officially beginning combat operations. However, when the Valley People discovered the existence of the Force of Others, which they believed was a treasure, they demanded that it be given to them. They were angered when the Jedi Bendu offered to share it with them and continued the war. The war stretched on for nearly one year, forcing the colonists to eventually become involved, until the Valley People were finally able to discover the location of their supposed treasure. When they found it, they realized it was nothing more than the peace and love of Yahweh, the creator and God of the Universe.

The Valley People returned to their valley, ashamed of their actions during the war. Within weeks, cultist General Anguigena led most of his army in a ritualistic suicide, as the customs of the people dictated that it was the only way to atone for their crimes. The High Shaman Nazzereal was arrested and charged with crimes against sentience, and many of the other valley townspeople either assimilated into the colonies of Kal'Shabbol or moved to other worlds in the Ashlan Expanse. The aftermath of the war saw the Jedi Bendu fulfilling their mandate of establishing the Order of the Whills, and the legacy of the conflict was eventually one of the reasons that Fillorean, a Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic eighty-five thousand years after the war, caused the schism that saw the creation of the Jedi Order and the Bendu Order.

November 9 – Sabé Arcadia[]


Sabé Arcadia was the Human female Queen of Utapau during the Trade Federation shipping cartel’s invasion of the planet in 22 BBY. Born in 47 BBY as the daughter of King Veruna Arcadia, Arcadia grew up under the guidance of her father until he was assassinated in 24 BBY. Because he was assassinated due to his unpopular military expansion policies, Arcadia reversed many of them once she took the planet's throne.

In 23 BBY, Arcadia became a principal supporter of the successful passage of the Republic Anti-Slavery Law. The Trade Federation, which was financially impacted by the law, blockaded Utapau in an attempt to force the Republic to reverse the law. Arcadia attempted to negotiate for one month, but the Federation invaded the planet and began an occupation. This prompted Arcadia, with help from Jedi Master Jard Dooku and Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi, to escape the planet.

Arcadia's escape vessel was damaged by the planetary blockade, so with Arcadia’s blessing the crew set a course for Tatooine to safely make repairs. The vessel received additional damage after crashing due to a sandstorm, and a local moisture farmer named Annikin Skywalker offered to help repair the ship’s hyperdrive, which Arcadia agreed to.

November 16 – Invasion of Utapau[]


The Invasion of Utapau was a conflict between the Trade Federation and Utapau in 22 BBY. The conflict began after Utapau Senator Malus Palpatine and Queen Sabé Arcadia supported the Republic Anti-Slavery Law, a successfully passed act in the Galactic Senate that prevented Galactic Republic corporations, such as the Federation, from using slave labor outside of Republic jurisdiction. Because the Federation relied on slave labor in the Outer Rim Territories, and with help from Dark Jedi Master Maul, the shipping cartel blockaded Utapau in the hopes of repealing the law. The planet was chosen both out of revenge for its support of the law and because the Federation deemed the planet helpless.

After one month of failed negotiation by Queen Arcadia and her Advisory Council, the Federation cut off all communication on the planet and began landing their droid army. The Federation invaded the city of New Centrif before moving onto Harte Secur, Spinnaker and Ogana, the planet’s capital. Arcadia was captured during the Battle of Ogana and was told by Trade Federation Viceroy Nute Gunray that she would have to force a treaty. Because she refused, she was ordered to be sent to a Federation internment camp, but Arcadia and her advisers were rescued by Jedi ambassadors Jard Dooku and Obi-Wan Kenobi before they all escaped the planet in the hopes of reaching Coruscant. Because of damage to the queen’s vessel, the ship set a course for Tatooine for repairs.

November 23 – Raymus Drewton[]


Raymus Antilles Drewton was a recruited Captain and excellent pilot in the Clone Army during the last days of the Galactic Republic. He was born on Naboo, a year after the birth of his brother, Tarisian. His father, Drazil Drewton, was assassinated in 32 BBY on the Legacy. Raymus himself was nearly killed by the assassin, barely escaping with his brother by crash-landed via escape pod on Dantooine, which was being attacked by the Kaleesh as a result of Drazil's death. After the battle, they were brought back to their homeplanet by Jedi Master Idnum-Ki.

Almost ten years later, Raymus and Tarisian joined the Republic Peace Keepers and fought skirmishes against the Nockudumey Terrorists. A few months later, they fought in the Battle of Geonosis and became recruits in the Clone Army. Raymus was soon promoted to the rank of Captain by Jaric Mothell at the Battle of Muunilist, where his strategy saved the Republic from defeat. Though he denied it, he was considered brilliant by his superiors.

Months into the war, he and his brother were captured by the Nockudumey. During their captivity, it was revealed that an assassin named Mecupa had killed their father. After being rescued by Republic forces and returning to Coruscant, Drewton was given command of one of the first Venator-class Star Destroyers, which he named the Legacy after his father's ship. He assisted Dular, a Jedi who he had met on Dantooine ten years prior, in clearing his name when he was falsely accusing of treason.

At the time of Order 66, he was temporarily the Captain of the Tantive IV, the starship of Senator Bail Organa, under the guise of the prince of Alderaan.

November 30 – Ophuchi Sanctuary[]

The Ophuchi Sanctuary was the main location and headquarters of the Ophuchi Clan. Located in the Dune Sea on the desert world of Tatooine, and roughly eight standard hours outside of Anchorhead, it was built sometime around the time of the New Sith Wars after the scattered Ophuchi were brought there by the Shaman of the Whills. It also essentially became one of the final resting places of the complete Prophecy of the Chosen One.

There were numerous areas within the compound for residences, common areas and worship services. One of the more well-known known but lesser-used places of worship was a cave sanctuary nearly one kilometer away from the main compound that was adorned with cave paintings serving as prophecies. There was also a large ledge a few meters away from the cave that overlooked the Tatooine desert for hundreds of kilometers. It was in this location that Sarus told Annikin Skywalker that he believed Annikin was the Chosen One spoken of in the prophecy.

Though there was little documented history on the sanctuary, it was known that the construction was credited to the Shaman of the Whills, who began appearing to displaced Ophuchi and led them to the Dune Sea where they built the compound shortly thereafter. There was also little evidence of the sanctuary’s existence on Tatooine, though there were numerous rumors about it. The local governments on the planet chose not to investigate it and, for reasons unknown, always dismissed any accounts of it as an urban legend.


December 7 – Second Battle of Bakura (Dark Order War)[]

Excecutor bakura

The Second Battle of Bakura was one of the most pivotal battles of the Dark Order War. It was fought by the New Republic against the Dark Order of Korr, an Imperial Remnant faction led by the fallen Jedi Jaden Korr. After the Republic confirmed Jaden's presence on Bakura, a large fleet was sent to capture or kill the renegade. The battle began in orbit, where the Dark Order's fleet was attacked by the Republic armada. During the battle, the Republic deployed a ground army on Bakura's surface, which attacked the Imperial stronghold where Jaden was located. While the battles raged in orbit and on the ground, Jaden Korr was confronted inside the base by Darth Imperious, the apprentice of Darth Persia, a self-proclaimed Sith Lord. Persia had infiltrated the Dark Order under the guise of a Dark Jedi, hoping to usurp Jaden's rule and take control of the Order for himself. Imperious had been sent to Bakura's surface to kill Jaden, allowing Persia to continue his plans.

The Jedi Master Kyle Katarn arrived during the confrontation, having traveled to Bakura to capture his former apprentice. Katarn's appearance prompted a three-sided duel inside the stronghold, during which Imperious was incapacitated. As a result, Darth Persia, who was commanding the Imperial fleet in orbit, was unable to sense his apprentice through the Force and eventually came to the conclusion that he had been killed by Jaden. Fearing that the Dark Jedi would escape and pose a future threat to his own power, Persia ordered the fleet to execute a Base Delta Zero operation, destroying the surface of the planet. Although Imperious and Katarn both managed to escape, Jaden Korr died in the holocaust and the New Republic fleet was routed.

December 14 – Obi-Wan Kenobi (ASWS)[]


Obi-Wan Kenobi, later known as Ben Kenobi, was a Human male Jedi Master. He participated in the Invasion of Utapau, and was a Jedi General during the Clone Wars and an exiled Jedi during the reign of the Galactic Empire. Born on Dantooine, Kenobi became a member of the Jedi Order and trained under Jedi Grandmaster Yoda as a child, but he had not been chosen by a master to become an apprentice by his thirteenth birthday. Kenobi was assigned to the Jedi AgriCorps on Bandomeer, but after saving Jedi Master Jard Dooku from an assassination plot Kenobi was chosen by Dooku to be an apprentice. Kenobi trained under Dooku for many years before becoming a Jedi Knight.

In 22 BBY, in retaliation for the planet’s sponsoring of the Republic Anti-Slavery Law, the Trade Federation shipping cartel blockaded Utapau to cut it off from the galaxy. After one month of failed negotiations, Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic Finis Valorum sent Kenobi and Dooku to the blockade command ship as ambassadors to resolve the situation. The two Jedi were targeted for assassination, so they stowed away aboard Federation landing vessels that were used in the subsequent invasion of the planet. Kenobi and Dooku met Jar Binks, the exiled Crowned Prince of the Gungan Empire, who took them to the Gungan city Otoh Gunga for refuge from the Federation. After receiving transportation from the Gungans, the group freed Queen Sabé Arcadia and her advisers from Federation forces in the capital city of Ogana before escaping, along with the queen and a dozen of her guards and advisers, the planet. In order to make repairs to their escape vessel, they traveled to Tatooine, where a sandstorm further damaged the ship. Annikin Skywalker, a local moisture farmer, agreed to help repair the ship while the entire crew stayed on Skywalker's moisture farm.

After the crisis on Utapau, Kenobi participated in the Clone Wars, a conflict between the Republic and the Mandalorian Clans. Sometime during or after the war, he was promoted to the rank of Jedi Master. In 7 BBY, Kenobi was an exiled Jedi due to the rise of the Galactic Empire and subsequent destruction of the Jedi Order. He kept in contact with Senator Bail Prestor Organa of Alderaan, and the two often spoke of Organa’s daughter, Princess Leia Organa.

December 21 – Darth Desolous[]

Darth desolous

Darth Desolous was a Pau'an Dark Lord of the Sith born on Utapau who lived from the time of the reign of Darth Haagen to the Siege of Dantooine. When the Mandalorians invaded Republic space, Desolous heard the call to war and joined Revan and Alek Squinquargesimus's cause, defying the Jedi Council. He was eventually seduced the power of the dark side of the Force, and therefore was exiled from the Jedi Council.

Vowing revenge, Desoluos took on his Sith name and rallied an army to serve him. The war he raged on the Jedi proved brutal, and his reign was finally ended in a battle on Yaga Minor in which his army was destroyed and he himself was thought to be killed. Believing his previous actions to have been mistakes, the defeated Dark Lord gave up a life of war and chose to live in a small cave on Dantooine. He would write many books which spoke of the dark side, including Control of the Force.

Many millennia later, Desolous trained the Jedi Idnum-Ki during the Siege of Dantooine and told him that he could ascend from simply being Jedi or Sith. In 2 BBY, a simulacrum of Desolous fought Darth Vader's secret apprentice, Galen Marek, inside the ruins of the Jedi Trials Chamber.

December 28 – Battle of Kothlis (Cruentusian War)[]

RA3 Concept Soviet NavalBattle.jpg

The Battle of Kothlis was a large battle that took place during the second year of the Cruentusian War. It occurred when the Srav Federation, deciding to exploit the turmoil amongst the Necasian Military following the collapse of the Necasian-Zayre alliance, launched an attack on the Necasian-controlled world of Kothlis. Kothlis was rich in resources and also a strategically located point for both sides, with a number of Necasian installations located there. Outnumbered and taken by surprise, the Necasians dug in the Freta Archipelago, where their forces were concentrated. Under the command of their leader Askar Invado, the Necasians attempted to mount a solid defense, but their numbers and equipment proved inadequate to slow down the Srav advance.

The Necasians managed to hold out for two days, fighting on land, sea, and air, with the Sravs gradually pushing forward along the Archipelago using island-hopping tactics. The Necasians believed that defeat was certain until the arrival of the Necasian fighter ace Renard Curl, who, along with accompanying reinforcements, turned the tide of the battle. The Sravs were pushed into retreat by his onslaught, although much of the Necasian infrastructure in the archipelago was wrecked by them in their retreat.

Although the battle was not considered to have massively impacted on the course of the war, it came to be remembered as one of the bloodiest battles of the conflict. This was said to have been due to the loss of life on both sides and the so-called brutality enacted by troops of both factions. For this reason, the battle was also noted for being especially traumatic for the troops who took part.
