Star Wars Fanon

Welcome to Project The Force Unleashed!
"Project The Force Unleashed" a.k.a "The Force Unleashed Saga" is a Project by Krellverse designed to create a potentially-canon Force Unleashed remake that fits in with the official Star Wars canon established by Disney. It will consist of three main novels, and possibly a few spinoff novels.

Kane Starkiller
Garik Starkiller
Deak Starkiller

Kane Starkiller

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Garik Starkiller

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Deak Starkiller

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Kane Starkiller
Garik Starkiller
Deak Starkiller

Plot Synopsis:
It is the height of the Galactic Civil War. Although the Rebel Alliance has destroyed the dreaded Death Star, the Emperor still holds thousands of systems in his grip. Throughout the galaxy, civil war rages. Innocents and heroes alike are swept into the conflict. The fate of millions shifts with every battle. Meanwhile, in the Outer Rim of the galaxy, one of Darth Vader's Inquisitors has located a potentially force sensitive family.



Droid models[]



  • Aquilae

Organizations and titles[]

Sentient species[]


Vehicles and vessels[]

Weapons and technology[]



The Death Star will be completed on schedule.
The author of this article promises to make a major update to this article soon, or is doing so right now.
Feel free to leave your comments or suggestions on the talk page.


Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
