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- Our goal is to create a minimum of three Featured articles, showing the large amount of effort we would like to see put into the project.
- Create an extensive new and intriguing era.
- Build a good relationship between users.
- Most importantly, enjoy ourselves!
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List of Participants[]
- Darth tom
- Unit 8311 (Project/discussion leader)
- Arav the Undersith
- Trak Nar
- Darth Nyne
- Darth mavoc
- Darth Storm
- Jedi Vilxi
- Mecenarylord (Semi-resigned for now. Plans to be back)
- JediCommando
- Ty294
- Dsutcliffe
- Antonstaen
- Floprince
- Kajuur
- Thenorthernman
- Kit Fisto Fanatic
- Master Lord Jason Ryideil
- LordDeathRay
- Chewiki
- F.Andersson
- Irregular37
- DUn
Factions and their leaders[]
- Death's Tongue Militia-Arav the Undersith
- Lost Ones-Darth mavoc
- Necasian Military-Darth tom
- Srav Federation-Unit 8311
- Zayre-Darth tom
- Savi Alliance
- Simiyar Tech-Darth Nyne
- United Coalition of Worlds-Darth Mavoc/Unit 8311
- Taung Confederacy-Darth Storm
- Menunadexu-Jedi Vilxi
- Sinyan Imperium-Ty294
- Kantelian Empire-Floprince
- Travler Order of Creation-Master Lord Jason Ryideil
- Sovereign Imperium-LordDeathRay
- Zion Alliance---Chewiki
- Trandoshan Star Federation---Irregular37
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They are supposed to be drop pods, as described in the article. Perhaps you could do the effect of filling the sky with them, to give the effect of an invasion in the background. Unit 8311Talk! 23:23, April 11, 2010 (UTC)
- Well, the mod takes place after the battle so that would not be right. I can try to replace the meteor effect with a lightning effect and see how that works. Ty294{Talk} 00:54, April 12, 2010 (UTC)
- Hmm. Would it be possible to have ships looming in the sky? And can I ask what sort of voice samples do you intend to have? Unit 8311
Talk! 11:09, April 12, 2010 (UTC)
- Unfortunatly, no. That would require me to make a whole new map and I don't know how to map for JK2. (If this mod was for Battlefront it'd be a different story.) As for voice files, there is very little dialogue in the mod. And what little there is, is mostly small talk. The sources are from Republic Commando (Delta-38 is the voice for Delta and one of the marines uses a clone commando voice file.) and from JK2 itself (The Taung use some of the Stormtrooper dialogue; it's only stuff like "Get him!" "Don't let him get away!" and such.) Ty294{Talk} 14:03, April 12, 2010 (UTC)
- Okay. Is it possible for you to make videos? Also, is there going to be any change in music? Unit 8311
Talk! 17:17, April 12, 2010 (UTC)
- Videos are rather complex. I'm gonna have a modder I know try to make a short video for the end of the game, but it would basicly be a slideshow of sorts with text and background music. As for the music, the Medal of Honor Vanguard theme will be the menu music as well as the background music for the end game video. The first half of this track and Kyle Katarn's theme (the one I suggested earlier as the Sinyan theme) will be the peace tracks for the two levels. I can't link you to the action tracks cause one is a modified clip of "The Arena" from Star Wars II and the other is from an old game that has very little content posted on youtube. Ty294{Talk} 21:03, April 12, 2010 (UTC)
- Hmm. Which old game would this be? If you want, I could offer some suggestions, but on a side note, have you addressed the objections on the Joe Tylers GAN, which has been there for a while, or are you waiting for the objectors to respond? Unit 8311
Talk! 22:19, April 12, 2010 (UTC)
- Battlezone, a really awesome game about futuristic U.S. and Soviet forces fighting for extinct alien tech. Maybe my fav game of all time story-wise. Ty294{Talk} 02:10, April 13, 2010 (UTC)
- Is this [1] what you mean? Unit 8311
Talk! 13:39, April 13, 2010 (UTC)
- Actually its the fourth of those music videos posted [2] from about 0:45 to 2:00 is the clip I'm using. Awesome that you found this though, cause I've been looking everywhere and couldn't find a thing! (The place I got the clip I have is from the game files since it playes during the installation. I couldn't get to any of the other music files cause they were in data folders that I couldn't open.) Ty294{Talk} 14:37, April 13, 2010 (UTC)
- Lol, I just typed in 'Battlezone soundtrack'. Anyway, sounds very sinister and dark--quite appropriate. Incidentally, will there be any 'bonus objectives', or is it just a case of slaughtering everyone in sight? ;) Unit 8311
Talk! 15:32, April 13, 2010 (UTC)
- Yah, the Battlezone is a real neat dark/alien/military music mix. As for bonus objectives, since my mod is editing an existing level, adding new objectives would be near-impossible. Edit: BTW, I was gonna have the end video finish with a pic of a Cruentusian War battle. (Most likely a nuking.) Any recommendations? Ty294{Talk} 21:04, April 13, 2010 (UTC)
- Either the pictures for Cul-Huq, the invasion of Sinya, the war article main pic itself, or the Tahu pic. Unit 8311
Talk! 21:33, April 15, 2010 (UTC)
- Ok, I'm using the main pic. Here: [3], inside is a video "example01" (ignore the folder "video assets") this is my proposed end video for the mod. Tell me if it seems corny or not. Ty294{Talk} 13:42, April 16, 2010 (UTC)
- It's okay. You used Windows Movie Maker or something? Unit 8311
Talk! 21:34, April 16, 2010 (UTC)
- Aye. This won't be the actual video but rather something that the actual video maker will take reference from. I just don't like my subtitles that much, but it's kinda hard to get the point across without making to long a subtitle. Ty294{Talk} 22:47, April 16, 2010 (UTC)
- Do you mean someone else is making the video? How would it go if that's the case? Unit 8311
Talk! 23:29, April 16, 2010 (UTC)
- Well hopefully it would be pretty close to the same. I'm only asking what you think about text overlays for pictures. Ty294{Talk} 13:39, April 17, 2010 (UTC)
- I don't mind provided it isn't overused. Unit 8311
Talk! 17:25, April 17, 2010 (UTC)
- I think I worded that wrong. I ment to ask what you thought about the actual texts in that video ("The Cruentusian War rages on..." and such). Is it corny, over-the-top, so-so, good enough? Ty294{Talk} 23:19, April 17, 2010 (UTC)
- It's adequate enough, I guess. I'd like to see the intro, if there is one. Unit 8311
Talk! 00:11, April 18, 2010 (UTC)
- Ok, well I've gotta finalize that end video, do you have any suggestions for better captions? As for the beginning, I'll provide you with a vid a bit later. Ty294{Talk} 23:47, April 23, 2010 (UTC)
- At the end of it, I'd maybe add 'across the rest of the galaxy' to the beginning, to give the impression that it's a big deal. Otherwise, it all seems fine to me. What did you use as the Sinyan transport, btw? Unit 8311
Talk! 12:58, April 24, 2010 (UTC)
- Does this look any better? The text style used on the last scene is the same text style that will be used for the "Rescue on Riesen III" title.[4] Ty294{Talk} 01:56, April 25, 2010 (UTC)
- Sorry for taking my sweet-ass time, but yes, that's a bit better. The font change is kind of jarring. Personally, I think blocky letters like Impact would suit a title screen better. Unit 8311
Talk! 14:58, May 18, 2010 (UTC)
- Ok, I had already sent in the video for conversion so what is there is gonna stay. Anyway, I've only got a few finishing touches lef (plus I'm waiting for the video to be converted by a fellow modder) and then it'll be ready. Afterward, if I doesn't take another 3 weeks, I plan on rewriting "Against All Odds" as well as cut out the Sociamorte scenes and make that into a seperate story. Ty294{Talk} 03:24, May 29, 2010 (UTC)
- Sounds cool. Do you have any ideas to share, or any help you need? Unit 8311
Talk! 20:19, May 30, 2010 (UTC)
- Well its mostly gonna by the same stories but (hopefully) written better. I do want to add a couple scenes with Ken Trallar in Against All Odds (possibly even the pre-invasion conversation between the Sravs and Sinyan leadership). I'll have to do more thinking. Anyway, I see Joe Tylars finally got pushed through as a GA. This would be the first non-battle GA/FA in the project wouldn't it? Ty294{Talk} 00:43, May 31, 2010 (UTC)
- Yes, I noted as much on the character's talk page. Do you have a mind to get it up to FA, or should that be left off for now? Unit 8311
Talk! 13:32, May 31, 2010 (UTC)
- Not yet. Maybe after (and if) I redo Against All Odds. Oh ya, remember Viper Cell? Well I have an idea on how to incorporate it back into the project. The idea is this: Prior to the Taung invasion of the Imperium (while their still expanding) Viper cell is sent by the DTM to spy on what they percieve to be a growing threat in the Imperialist Sinyans. So the cell infiltrates SDF forces on a jungle moon/planet where they gather intelligence and spark an uprising by the natives. After starting an endless guerilla war, the DTM gives the info to the Taung and helps convince them to invade the Imperium. To the DTM this neutralizes the Sinyans and ties down Taung forces helping to reduce the possible threats to them. Any thoughts on this? Ty294{Talk} 14:21, June 1, 2010 (UTC)
- Sounds good, except for the Taung part--the DTM only allied with them so they didn't have to fight them straight away, and wouldn't be enthusiastic to overly help them. Perhaps the DTM are approached by a corrupt Sinyan official who wants to sell them arms, but is discovered--Viper Cell is assigned to protect an asset there, and starts the aforementioned guerilla war. Because Sinyan forces are distracted there, the Taung are able to easily get the jump on them. Once the war starts, Viper pulls out. Thoughts? Unit 8311
Talk! 19:57, June 1, 2010 (UTC)
- I don't know, I had kinda thought more along the lines of the DTM pitting the Sinyans against the Taung in order to both eliminate the Sinyans and tie down Taung forces in one fell swoop. Although, we could say this wasn't their original intent as perhaps they were planning on launching a terror campaign against the Sinyans themselves but later decided to coax the Taung into an invasion since they hadn't the resources to do it themselves. Ty294{Talk} 03:18, June 2, 2010 (UTC)
- Hmm. I'm not sure, as it makes the Taung seem more like stooges than the rampaging conquering horde they were made out to be. Perhaps we could compromise by having the Taung invade the jungle world were Viper was harassing the Sinyans, and suffer hit-and-run attacks from the DTM. The Taungs take this as Sinyan resistance, and as the terrain is inhospitable, have to divert forces there, which weakens their overall thrust into the Sinya system and buys the Sinyans a little bit more time. This is mainly because the DTM views the Sinyans as a potential source of recruitment. Thoughts? Unit 8311
Talk! 17:23, June 2, 2010 (UTC)
- Hmm, at least from my perspective, the DTM would hate the Sinyans since the Sinyans are rather open imperialists. But I think we can establish the fact the DTM sends Viper Cell to infiltrate the Sinyans and then start a guerilla conflict on a certain moon/planet. Now, exactly how the Taung are involved I guess is the disagreement. Perhaps, rather then having the DTM involved with Taung at all, maybe we could just have them withdraw when they relize the Taung are coming. Or perhaps they continue to pretent to be allies and help the Taung defeat the final Sinyan occupation forces but in the meantime begin to prepare to turn on them. Ty294{Talk} 13:43, June 3, 2010 (UTC)
- Maybe, but remember, the Sinyans are restricted to a small corner of space. And I suppose perhaps having the DTM pull out when the Taung invade might be the easiest option; perhaps some of their number left behind could pull off some sabotage jobs, just for the sake of it. Unit 8311
Talk! 13:57, June 3, 2010 (UTC)
- Yes, I am well aware of that and I was planning to emphasize that this moon/planet is the limit of Sinyan advance. We could say the DTM in effect halted the Sinyan expansion. Also, rather then have the DTM withdraw, we could have the Sinyans be the first to retreat in order to bring reinforcements to Mu Nae or Axra Prime after the Taung invade. Ty294{Talk} 02:57, June 5, 2010 (UTC)
- Hmm. Perhaps the Sinyan commander could destroy civilian transports to trap the DTM or to prevent the Taung from resupplying, which would bring up some nice moral dilemnas with the citizens being trapped, and could emphasise the Sinyan's meaner side to bring in some grey. Unit 8311
Talk! 14:19, June 5, 2010 (UTC)
- Maybe, also a few massacres by panicy or Xenophobic SDF troops could be thrown in. On a side note, Rescue on Riesen III is complete and has been submitted. I'll link it to you once it is approved and uploaded onto Filefront. Ty294{Talk} 16:04, June 14, 2010 (UTC)
- Very nice. I'll be looking forward to some pictures and maybe a few videos.
Unit 8311
Talk! 17:34, June 14, 2010 (UTC)
- Sooo..., I decided to stop being lazy recently and set about working on the Second Battle of Abonshee. Its not particularly perfect and its kinda rough around the edges, but it works for a draft. I dunno if anyone wants to go over it and fix some of the continuity stuff, or maybe even the way the battle is described, but feel free to make as many changes as you feel is necessary. Anyway, I think I'll work on that other article I said I would soon. Eh, its good to be back. Darth Mavoc (Talk) 06:05, June 15, 2010 (UTC)
- Glad to have you back, Mav. Looking forward to working with you again. Unit 8311
Talk! 09:30, June 15, 2010 (UTC)
- Hiya Mav. I'm not sure if we've met yet. (And if we did it was a long time ago...) And Unit, I'm gonna have a video made up to show you the differences between the original game and my mod, and I'll be adding screenshots to the mod's articles. BTW, I found a neat picture that I think would make a good Srav propaganda poster appealing for Sinyans to join the Shocktroops. I kinda think the Sravs should have the Shocktroops retained as a paramilitary force for collaberators to join. You would happpen to have any good lines for the poster would you? I've got stuff like: "The Sravs are your friends, don't resist. Join the Shocktroops today!" or "Help us rebuild Sinya! Join the Shocktroops!" Ty294{Talk} 18:44, June 15, 2010 (UTC)
- You mean the picture in the article? Well, if that's the case, it would be best to tint it red or some other bright color. As for a slogan, my suggestions: 'Comradeship will restore Sinya's strength!' 'Through unity, we advance into the future! Join the ranks of the brave!' or 'Comrades of Sinya! Do you want peace? Do you want glory? Then join the ranks of the Shocktroops!' Anyway, looking forward tho the pics and vid. Unit 8311
Talk! 20:53, June 15, 2010 (UTC)
- No, it's actually a German propaganda poster to the Italians during WWII, and since I've used German officers to represent SSR officers, I think German troops can be used to represent SSR troops. Here's the original: [5] I've been able to remove the eagle and I will also change the words. I don't know what you'll think, but I think it would work nicely. Ty294{Talk} 21:13, June 15, 2010 (UTC)
- Looks good. I think it may be best if you can remove the rifle somehow, but if you can't then it's no big deal. Anyway, do any of my proposed slogans appeal to you? Unit 8311
Talk! 21:22, June 15, 2010 (UTC)
- Rescue on Riesen III has been released! Here's a link: [6] Screenshots are included on that page. Ty294{Talk} 02:48, June 19, 2010 (UTC)
- Hooray! Unfortunately, I don't have JK2 right now, so I can't fully appreciate it. :( Still, will there be a video(s) of any kind to compensate? Also, could you now fill in the red articles on the mod page? Unit 8311
Talk! 18:55, June 19, 2010 (UTC)
- Yah, eventually I make a video or two, but my recording program doesn't like JK2 much so I will be a bit choppy. Anyway, here's one option for the propaganda poster: [7] Ty294{Talk} 13:03, June 20, 2010 (UTC)
- That's actually pretty damn good. Letters could be a tad bolder, but otherwise fine. Unit 8311
Talk! 15:35, June 20, 2010 (UTC)
- Hey, can i join? I'd love to be part of this project! I'll make a faction and everything! Truth be told, i've always wondered what exactly went on after the Rakatans succumbed to that force-plague. Also, we should make use of Rakatan technology. That would be cool.
Irregular37 (Talk) 17:06, July 15, 2010 (UTC)
- You can, but I'm afraid your faction has to be a small one: something like a mercenary/pirate band or otherwise restricted to a single planet or system. As for Rakatan technology, it's been established as pretty hard to get to; we had a small Rakatan faction, but it was defeated. Unit 8311
Talk! 11:36, July 16, 2010 (UTC)
Actually, that's what I was going for. I was also trying to help explain where the Trandoshans' reputation as slavers comes from. It's a star federation, but... there's only two stars... oh well. Also, my faction isn't standalone; it really should be part of a group of factions. So just stick my Trandoshans wherever you want! We'll beat somebody up. XD Irregular37 (Talk) 15:49, July 16, 2010 (UTC)
- You mean it should be allied with someone? Are there are any of the 'main' factions you think it would be most compatible with? Unit 8311
Talk! 15:24, July 17, 2010 (UTC)
- I'd recommend the Necs, since they'd be most likely to engage in slave trade. BTW Unit, I've uploaded some new images to the Battle of Karccev article. I've resumed work on my Karccev Battlefront map so I took a few pics during some of tests. Ty294{Talk} 22:47, August 20, 2010 (UTC)
- Could I possibly join? Maybe with a militia/pirate force of Gengh-Noghri on Tulpaa, and possibly some other planets in the Rakatan Archipelago?Ultrabountyhunter (Talk) 06:35, October 19, 2010 (UTC)