- The following discussion is preserved as an archive of a featured work nomination that was successful. Please do not modify it.
Star Wars: The Tragedy[]
Nominated by: Brandon Rhea (talk)
Nomination comments: My first FWN. Let's see how this goes.
"It's tragic, really, seeing you like this," the man's voice called out from behind, one so full of sadness, of regret over what could have been but wasn't. "It's not too late, you know. You're the shatterpoint for everything destiny says is supposed to happen. Do the right thing and fate can be irrevocably changed from this point on."
Plagueis couldn't deny that, even if he'd wanted to. His old friend had told him about the coming days so long ago, but he'd dismissed it as a foolish man's deluded fantasy. Yet over the years, as events began to unfold, he'd come to realize that maybe everyone's fate was set in stone, that he'd been unknowingly guided down this road by the Force despite what he may have wanted.
And yet even so, part of him felt like he truly did want what was coming to him. Was that the Force playing with his mind, or did he have his own part to play in his ultimate destiny? He felt like he was making decisions, and his own wants and desires seemed to come from within, yet here was a man telling him that someone, or something, had decided that for him, but at the same time he could change it. It was enough to drive a man mad, though he'd already made his choice, even if it was futile.
"Once you start down the dark path," Plagueis told him, "it will forever dominate your destiny. You can't stop it from consuming you. My fate is sealed, not because someone wrote it thousands of years ago, but because I want this. I'm tired, and now I'm done."
Support (2 Archivists/5 users/7 total)[]
- Brilliant. --User:Darth Wylind (Conference Room) 18:10, March 20, 2010 (UTC)
- Really good. -BluethunderContact 18:15, March 20, 2010 (UTC)
- Sure bet for FW status in my opinion.-Chosen OneSo the Prophecy says... 03:45, March 21, 2010 (UTC)
- Excellent.--Josh BenderTalk 03:54, March 21, 2010 (UTC)
- A great read! I laughed, I cried, I lost 15 pounds! I cannot recommend this story highly enough. Brent Krajewski
(The Forge) (Gateway) 03:44, March 30, 2010 (UTC)
- Good read. Atarumaster88
(Talk page) 15:40, March 31, 2010 (UTC)
- I was waiting for any other non-dyslexic Archivists to see if they spotted anything. Ataru seems to have caught anything I missed, so here's the vote. ^-^ -Solus (Bird of Prey) 16:55, March 31, 2010 (UTC)
If anyone who wants to review this would like a Word Document because they don't like .PDF files (hai Ataru), let me know and I'll send it to you. - Brandon Rhea (talk) 17:58, March 20, 2010 (UTC)
- Thanks to the four of you who've voted so far. Glad you enjoyed the story. - Brandon Rhea
(talk) 07:34, March 24, 2010 (UTC)
- I've read, made corrections and objections to this work, and am satisfied that it is of sufficient quality to merit the FW badge. I'll post a full review and a vote soon, but it does meet my standards for FW. Atarumaster88
(Talk page) 23:50, March 30, 2010 (UTC)
- Thanks Ataru. For anyone who's interested, Wylind was nice enough to write a review for The Tragedy for the SWF blog. You can read it here. - Brandon Rhea
(talk) 04:26, March 31, 2010 (UTC)
- Thanks Ataru. For anyone who's interested, Wylind was nice enough to write a review for The Tragedy for the SWF blog. You can read it here. - Brandon Rhea
Archivist Review from the Desk of Atarumaster88[]
The Tragedy is possibly the shortest fan work you'll ever read by veteran author Brandon Rhea, and yet it sticks to the tried and true philosophies that have long-governed the works-in-progress that Rhea is writing. The focus is on the characterization, with a deep and introspective look into the mind of a Sith Lord who isn't obsessed with power or conquest. Instead, in an "alternative" perspective, the Sith Lord is less concerned with galactic conquest and the destruction of the Jedi Order and is more resigned to his fate. It's an interesting take to see how a Sith could be so resigned to his fate, and it's certainly contradictory to many of the portraits of Sith characters that have been painted in canon. However, this is fanon and so I digress. Fans of the Alternative Star Wars Saga will enjoy the tie-ins with one of the central (and longest-lived) characters while those who prefer their Sith Lords more subdued and less pure evil will appreciate the melancholy nature of Plagueis. The descriptions are well-constructed, the characterization is fairly deep for a story of its size, and the plot keeps the reader interested, and certainly doesn't disappoint with various twists. The main complaint is that some of the dialogue is reminiscent of some of the cheesiest Star Wars cliches, though whether these are intentional homages or not will be up to the reader to decide. Aside from a few other minor technical issues and a bit of forgivable melodrama, this is a good story. 4 out of 5 narrative, 4 out of 5 technical. Atarumaster88 (Talk page) 15:40, March 31, 2010 (UTC)