Star Wars Fanon
Old Republic eraReal-world article
When the galaxy falls apart, who will you become?

Star Wars: The Old Republic II: The Region Empires
Publication information
  • Disney
  • Electronic Arts
Game engine

AntiHero Engine

  • Microsoft Windows

Old Republic era


3,616 BBY

Star Wars: The Old Republic II: The Region Empires is a free-to-play MMORPG sequel to Star Wars: The Old Republic and a spiritual successor to Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic: Fall of the Empire. TOR II differs heavily from the original for many reasons. For example, the game borrows many storyline elements, concepts, and themes from Fall of the Empire and its expansions, making this more connected to that game rather than TOR; in terms of story, atmosphere, and tone.

The second major difference comes from the game engine. This game uses a new engine known as AntiHero. The graphics of AntiHero uses a more realistic look, and the engine also supports a day/night time cycle. Another feature included in The AntiHero engine is custom player mods, which thusly allows players to create their own content and other modifications.

A third major difference comes from the structure of the narrative. This time around, the storyline focuses very strongly on warfare and players having to work together to survive skirmishes, full-fledged battles, or perform assignments requiring stealth or going undercover. Throughout the game, players will meet lots of war-shocked veterans who were physically or emotionally traumatized by the war and explore hundreds of war-ravaged locations, giving the galaxy an almost post-apocalyptic feel.

Other differences include the player characters not having voice-overs and the dialogue wheel does not return, having been replaced with the more traditional vertical line format. The game worlds are also more open-ended.

Plot summary[]

TOR II is set over thirty years after the first TOR and over three centuries after Fall of the Empire, in a time where the Republic and the Jedi continue to fight the Sith and the entire galaxy is on the brink of collapse due to the overly long years of constant war. This time there are three different empires, with each one taking over different regions of the galaxy. The player chooses which faction they want to join with, double-cross to join another, or remain a wild card that will fight against anything that gets in their way.

The gameplay[]

Players travel to different worlds throughout the galaxy, fighting alongside the faction they wish to join. As the gameplay is open-ended, players can also switch to another later on or remain neutral. Similar to the game Fallout: New Vegas, each faction contains a reputation meter that shows what each faction thinks about the player.

Space combat also plays a bigger role in this game. As their are three separated storylines on them for the different groups of factions joined: Republic, Independent, or Empire. The gameplay of space combat itself is based on the Rogue Squadron games.

Pazaak and Swoop Racing mini-games make a return in TOR II: TRE as well where players can play them against companions, NPCs, or other players. Both of them also contain tournament storylines. Finally, Bounty hunter and Smuggler missions are available for the Mercenary class.

As they progress players will get two different types of housing: ship and ground. Both types are highly customizable.

A new addition to this game are second tier of prestige classes known as Titles. Which players receive by completing one of the plot threads with a particular alignment and faction.

The Infinities Mode from Fall of the Empire makes a return and it plays the same as it did there; a special feature that turns most of the game into a comedy that pokes fun of Star Wars cliches and also MMO cliches, such as fetch quests, grinding, player characters resurrecting after death, and the monthly fees.

Classes, prestige classes, and titles[]

Republic/Jedi classes[]

  • Jedi Knight = Jedi Guardian/Jedi Sentinel
  • Jedi Consular = Jedi Sage/Jedi Shadow
  • Republic Trooper = Commando/Vanguard
  • Republic Pilot = Republic Offender/Defender

Independent/Criminal classes[]

  • Smuggler = Gunslinger/Scoundrel
  • Bounty hunter = Mercenary/Powertech
  • Freelancer = Assassin/Undercover Agent
  • Independent Pilot = Light craft/Heavy craft

Empire/Sith classes[]

  • Sith Warrior = Sith Juggernaut/Sith Marauder
  • Sith Inquisitor = Sith Assassin/Sith Sorcerer
  • Imperial Agent = Operative/Sniper
  • Imperial Pilot = Empire Offender/Bomber


  • Jedi Master (light side Jedi)
  • Gray Jedi (neutral Jedi)
  • Dark Jedi (dark side Jedi)
  • Rogue hero (light side Independent)
  • Wildcard (neutral Independent)
  • Crime Lord (dark side Independent)
  • Light Sith (light side Sith)
  • Gray Sith (neutral Sith)
  • Sith Lord (dark side Sith)
  • Republic Ace pilot
  • Independent Ace pilot
  • Empire Ace pilot



The game contains many different plot threads happening simultaneously, most of them focusing on the same overall war taking place in different parts of the galaxy. It will be up to the player to decide on which plotline they want to focus on.


The Region Empires contains twelve different prologue segments depending on the character's class - however all twelve are designed to introduce the main mechanics of the game and basic controls. They also set-up the all the main storylines. All prologue segments are skippable.

Republic prologue[]

Jedi Knight characters begin by awaking from a damaged Republic ship - following a deadly battle. Jedi Knight characters must make their way through the ship and reach hanger bay one to escape. Jedi Consular characters also begin waking up from the same damaged Republic ship, but from a different section. Consular characters must make their way to hanger bay two. The trooper as well is a survivor on the damaged Republic ship and must reach hanger bay three. The Pilot automatically begins in one of the damaged hanger bays. The Pilot must use one of the ships docked use it to escape from oncoming hostiles. The Pilot must also protect the other survivors leaving the ship.

Independent prologue[]

The Smuggler begins in a captured cell block, but his field is deactivated when the ship they are in is destroyed. Following, the Smuggler must reach hanger bay four to escape. The Bounty Hunter begins in a torture chamber, but is able to escape following a space battle that destroyed the ship holding him. The Bounty Hunter must reach hanger bay five to escape.The Freelancer is in another cell block on the opposite end of the ship. The Freelancer must reach hanger bay six to escape. The Independent Pilot begins by hi-jacking a Republic ship and as a result - is attacked by Sith freighters. Unlike the Republic Pilot, the Independent Pilot must only focus on escaping and not worry about protecting the others.

Empire prologue[]

The Warrior beings similarly on a damaged Sith battle cruiser. After waking up, the Warrior must escape using his ship's hanger bay one. The Inquisitor is onboard the same cruiser, in the mediation chamber. The Inquisitor must get to bay two to escape. The Agent begins in security central and must reach bay three. The Imperial Pilot starts out in the hanger and must use one of the freighters to finish off the Republic ship and kill as many fleeing survivors as possible.

The war in the unknown regions[]

The war in wild space[]

The war in the expansion region[]

Inner turmoil within the core worlds[]

Republic spy career[]

Independent spy career[]

Empire spy career[]

The Republic pilot career[]

The Independent pilot career[]

The Empire pilot career[]

Swoop racing tournament[]

Pazaak tournament[]

Criminal empires[]

See also[]
