Epin ran as fast as he possibly could, trying to get home, as there were punishments for being late. As he got closer, he noticed a person standing outside. He stopped, and continued cautiously as he made his way toward the homestead, so as not to alert whoever was waiting.
"Where in Chaos are you boy!?" A voice called.
Epin cringed and stopped dead in his tracks. It was his father, Sadvo, who disliked Epin a great deal, and would often take his frustrations out on him. It sometimes didn't matter what the reason was, or even if there was one, Sadvo would abuse Epin at every chance he got. Physically, emotionally and mentally, they all came into play, and Sadvo seemed to enjoy nothing more than reducing his son to tears.
To avoid being seen, Epin hid behind a stack of crates that were piled just outside the entrance to his families homestead. He wondered if his father would give up his search and return inside.
"Boy, I know you are here somewhere. Do not make me come looking for you." Sadvo yelled, with agitation in his voice.
Epin thought about simply heading for the nerf pastures and hiding out there for the night. the nerf may smell badly, but at least they wouldn't hit hurt him. Though, as soon as Epin started to creep away, he was halted as he was grabbed by the back of his neck and lifted into the air. It was his father.
"There you are boy. How many times do I have to tell you the same thing?" Sadvo growled. "When I say something, you obey, without question. Understand?!"
Epin struggled against his father's grip on his neck. "Yeah, I understand . . . "
Sadvo threw Epin to the ground. "What was that? I didn't hear you." He said, walking to Epin's side.
Sadvo was a tall man in his late twenties, with an average build, though, he was by no means average. He possessed incredible strength, speed and reflexes. Though it was unknown to anyone but his wife, Sadvo was a former Jedi, which was more than likely the explanation for his above average skills. He had short blond hair, and typically dressed in a brown cloak over the top of his brown work tunic. He was not the friendliest man in the district, though he was among the most respected. He had a knack for almost always coming out on top of things, no matter the situation, and this gained him quite a bit of pull within the community.
Sadvo didn't treat Rena, Epin's twin sister, this way however. In fact, it was almost the total opposite. Rena was able to get away with almost anything she pleased. Sadvo would spend as much time as he could with his daughter, and found reasons to not give her things to do, instead having Epin perform Rena's chores for her.
"Yes. I understand, sir." Epin said as he began to sit up.
Sadvo put his foot on Epin's face and pushed him back to the ground. "Did I say you could get up? No, I did not. You will lay there until I say you can get up."
Sadvo noticed Epin's torn clothing and chuckled. "So, you went and got yourself beat up by them Aldera punks again huh? When the kriff are you gonna be a man and stand up for yourself boy?" He said as he proceeded to step on and off his son's stomach. "Come on. You gonna let people walk all over you?"
"Dad! I...Can't breathe.” Epin pleaded.
Sadvo stopped. "You're lucky it's me, boy. Them Aldera boys might not be so generous. By the way, speaking of Aldera, do you have my credits?"
"Yes sir, in my pocket." Epin responded, remaining still.
"Good." Sadvo said as he bent down, reaching into Epin's pocket and removing the credits.
Sadvo stood and counted them. "Nice work. You actually got more than them hides were worth. I'm actually a little impressed kid."
"Thank you sir." Epin said.
"Don't let that go to your head kid." Sadvo said, pulling a few credits and tossing them on the ground as he headed for their homestead. "Here, I'm feeling generous today. Now come on, inside, your mother's waiting for us."
Epin got to his feet and collected the credits before following his father.
As Epin and Sadvo made their way inside, Epin's mother, Lania, greeted them.
"Epin! Where have you been, and what happened to you?" She asked, noticing her son's tattered clothes.
Lania, like her husband Sadvo, dressed in a similar tunic and cloak combo, though hers were more of a grayish color. She, also was a former Jedi, but instead of a formal Knight, she was a Historian. This fact was also unknown to anyone, save of course, for Sadvo. She as well was in her late twenties, with long red hair, and also possessed similar above average skills. She had a warm heart, and would always offer her assistance to anyone that should need it.
"Heh, our other daughter got herself beat up by them royals." Sadvo said making his way to the basement stairs. "Anyway, he's your problem now Lania. I'm going to sleep." He made his way down the steps and opened the door. “Oh, by the way, Epin, you and I have a big job tomorrow, so don’t stay up late. I don’t want to have to get you up myself.” He yelled, before shutting the door behind him.
Lania knelt down in front of Epin and hugged him. “Oh Epin, I’m sorry, I should have gone into the city instead.”
"I'm fine mom, really. Princess Leia helped me." Epin said enthusiastically.
“She did?” Lania asked, leaning back, but keeping her hands on Epin’s shoulders.
"Yeah, she scared Arod and his gang away! She walked right up to Arod and challenged him!" Epin responded.
"She did that huh? She does seem like an in your face kind of girl doesn’t she?” Lania laughed.
"Yeah, she’s great! We're friends after all!" Epin started. "And after Arod ran away, I walked her to the palace because it was dark, and I wanted to make sure she was safe.”
“Well, that was real nice of you hun. I’m sure she was pleased.” Lania said as she stood up. “Come on sweetie, let’s get you cleaned up and we’ll get something to eat.”
Epin laughed. "Thanks mom! You're the best."
Lania held back a tear as she ruffled her son's hair. "Thanks baby. I think you're the best too . . . "
Leia opened the door to her bedroom and was greeted by Winter Celchu, her longtime friend. When both of Winter's parents died, she was left an orphan, and thus adopted by the Organa’s, as Winter’s mother was a handmaiden of Breha Organa, and sometimes would serve as an aide to Bail Organa, when he would travel. Her father was unknown.
The room they shared was shaped like a hexagon, with their beds at one side, closets and dressers opposite them, the door faced the large window that occupied almost that entire side. Though presently, the shutters were closed, and the room was illuminated by a series of lights, that were installed directly into the walls.
Winter was also twelve years old, and bore a striking resemblance to Leia. The two would often play pranks by making use of that fact. However, unlike Leia, Winter's hair was white, hence, where she got her name.
"Hey Leia. What took you so long? I thought you only had to clean the classroom." Winter said, sliding off her bed, which was situated in the corner.
"Yeah, I did." Leia answered as she began undressing to change into her night clothes.
“Well, how come you’re so late then?” Winter asked.
“Oh, I uh, stopped to look at some of the stuff in the merchant quarter. They have some pretty cool things down there.” Leia told her as she finished changing. She took her old clothes and tossed them into a pile with others in the corner and stepped over to her mirror. "Winter?" Leia asked.
"Yeah?” Winter replied.
Leia continued to look at herself in the mirror as she asked. "What do you think of me?"
Winter walked over and stood beside Leia. "What do you mean?" she asked with a slight laugh.
"Well, do you think I'm . . . you know, pretty?" Leia asked as she tied her hair back.
"What?" Winter laughed. “What are talking about? Of course I do.”
"Well, I saw Epin earlier, and he told me I was pretty." Leia said as she turned toward Winter.
"Epin!? Really? Is he the boy who comes here with that red haired lady?” Winter asked. “Lania, that’s her name." she added.
Winter had a gift that enabled her to remember anything. Anything and everything, she could recall as if she had just experienced it.
"Yeah, that's him. I saw him while I was coming home. He walked me to the palace to make sure I was safe." Leia said as the pair walked to their beds. Leia sat down on the edge of hers.
"I remember him, he's cute . . . ” Winter started.
"Well, I'm the one he walked home! And I'm the one he told he thinks is pretty, not you!" Leia screamed, as she jumped from the bed.
Winter took a step back and hesitated a moment before speaking. "Well, you don't have to yell Leia. I was just saying.”
Leia sat back down and smiled. "I'm sorry for yelling, it’s just, he’s such a nice boy. I mean, he, you know, makes me smile."
"Ah, so that's what it is. I thought as much!" Winter said innocently as she started dancing around in a circle. "Leia has a boyfriend! Leia has a boyfriend!"
"He's not my boyfriend!” Leia yelled. “He just walked me home!"
Winter continued. "Oh Epin! I love you, kiss me!" she said hugging herself and making kissing noises.
"I Don't love him Winter . . . ” Leia said getting up from the bed and taking hold of Winter by her shoulders, halting her. "So, please, let's just go to sleep, I'm tired from school."
"Alright Leia, you're right, sorry about that." Winter said as she stopped. "But, you do like him though, don't you?”
Leia quickly turned her back to Winter and with her arms stiff at her side, curled her hands into fists and squeezed. After a moment, she answered. "So?"
"Aha! I knew it!" Winter laughed. "Epin my love, let's get married! I love you!"
Leia blushed slightly as the image of a marriage ceremony flashed in her mind.
“Who loves who Winter?” A woman said as she entered. It was Breha Organa, Queen of Alderaan and adoptive mother of Leia and Winter. Breha was in her early forties, and even though she was usually tied up in the day to day affairs of Aldera and its citizens, like her husband, she too, always made time for Leia and Winter.
“Okay!” Both girls said as they jumped into bed giggling.
Breha walked over to kiss them goodnight. “So, Winter, who’s in love?” She asked as Winter pulled the covers over herself.
“Leia! With that boy Epin!” She answered. “He thinks Leia’s pretty. He told her, then he walked her home.”
“I know, I heard, and it was a nice gesture on his part walking Leia home.” Breha said smiling.
“She likes him!” Winter said as she quickly hid beneath the covers, anticipating a retaliation from Leia.
“Winter!” Leia said as she tossed her pillow at her friend.
Breha laughed as she sat down on the end of Leia’s bed. “You do huh!?” She said teasingly, taking hold of Leia's leg and shaking it lightly.
“No! I mean, yes. I mean, I do like him.” Leia said, before quickly adding. “Wait, no! I mean, we just talked as he walked me home."
Both Breha and Winter looked at Leia with smiles on their faces.
"What!?" Leia asked. "Why are you staring at me!? It’s not like we were kissing each other!”
Leia could feel her face turning red as that thought ran through her head. Even if she had grown to like him, she had never before had any real thoughts of him outside of friendship. She told herself that the two of them were friends, nothing more. But, at the same time, there was a feeling she couldn't shake. Even though she had just left him, she wanted to see him again.
Breha and Winter shared a laugh at Leia's attempt to explain herself.
Leia pulled the covers up to her nose, in a mock hide. After a short pause, she began giggling, and the three shared a laugh together. Afterward, Breha stood up and kissed the girls goodnight. “Goodnight girls.” she said as she walked out, shutting the door behind her.
Epin sat at the table in the middle of the kitchen, eating the meal his mother had prepared, while she tended to various cleaning tasks around the room.
“So, it was Arod again?”, Lania said as she sat down across from her son.
Epin stopped eating to talk to his mother. “Yeah, he and his friends won’t leave me alone, no matter where in the city I go.”, he said taking another bite of his fried Nerf meat.
“There’s just no reasoning with those types of people honey. Well, you just take it easy for a while. I’ll make the delivery tomorrow with your father. It’s a big order anyway,” she said.
“How big of an order mom?”, Epin asked.
“Well, next week, there will be a gathering of Alderaan’s upper class at the Palace. One of those ‘Matchings’, as they are often referred to.”, she answered.
“What’s a matching, mom?”, Epin asked as he finished his meal.
“It’s when the members of Alderaan’s upper class get together, and arrange for their sons and daughters to be married.”, she explained. “It’s called being ‘betrothed’. They spend hours upon hours basically trying to ‘sell’ their children to each other.”
“You’re delivering to the Palace?”, Epin asked.
“Yes.”, she responded.
“Mom, is it okay if I go with dad instead of you?”, he asked excitedly.
“If you’re sure you can handle it, I don’t see why not.”, she answered.
“Alright!”, Epin said as he sprang from his chair to hug her.
Lania laughed and hugged him back, “Well, no problem, but you better get to sleep if you’re going to go. You and dad have to load up the Nerf.”
“Okay mom! Thanks again!”, he said as he let go and kissed her goodnight before heading off to his room.
Lania smiled to herself as she watched Epin disappear around the corner. When she heard him open and close the bedroom door she returned to her kitchen duties.
Epin closed the door to his room behind him and flicked on the light. His twin sister Rena, with whom he shared the room didn’t appear to be in her bed. He wondered if she was with her boyfriend, as she likes to call him, Arkus Quelprim, a farmer himself. The Quelprim family though, farmed herbs and plants that were used for medicines.
No sooner than the words crossed his mind, Epin spotted her peeking in through the window. "Epin? Do mom and dad know I'm gone?", she asked as she climbed in.
"No, I don't think so.", Epin responded as he made his way to his closet to change out of his tattered clothes.
"Good, I was playing with Arkus, we were exploring Organa Falls.", she said removing her brown robe. Rena had long blonde hair that ran to the middle of her back. She, along with the others in the family wore tunics underneath a hooded cloak.
"Organa Falls?! That place is dangerous Rena! You know mom and dad don't want us going up there!", he said changing into a simple T-shirt and loose-fitting pants. He tossed his torn clothes into a pile along with other worn articles of clothing.
“What are you gonna do? Tell on me?”, she asked.
“No. Dad wouldn’t believe me anyway.”, he responded as he walked to his bed and laid down.
Rena changed clothes, shut out the light, and climbed into her own bed located next to Epin’s. Their beds were located at the top of the room situated in the middle of the wall and were separated by a small table.
“What happened with Dad? I was coming home from the Falls, when I heard him yelling. It was one of the reasons I decided to stay away for a bit. You know how dad gets when he’s angry at you.”, she said.
“Heh. I know Rena. He was yelling at me.”, he answered. “I was late coming home, Arod and his gang chased me and beat me up.”
“Oh, they still won’t leave you alone?”, she asked.
“It’s okay though, Princess Leia helped me, she scared Arod away.”, Epin told her.
Rena paused for a moment before answering, “Liar! Why would the Princess help you? You’re not of her class!”
Epin sat up and turned on the desk light. “It’s the truth Rena!”, he told her, “She let me walk her to the palace too!”
“Really? Why?”, Rena asked as she flipped position to face her brother.
Epin thought for a moment. He himself didn’t know the answer. “Because we’re friends . . . ”
Rena shut off the light and flipped back over. "Good night Epin."
Epin slid out of bed and walked to the window. He looked up at the stars and wondered if he'd ever fulfill his dream of flying his own starship, having fantastic adventures and meeting all types of aliens along the way. He wished he could just get into a starship and leave the planet behind. Leave his family behind. Leave everyone behind. He wondered if his dream would ever become a reality, or, if it was simply that.
He quickly brought himself back to reality however, as he had a big day tomorrow. He was delivering an order placed by the Organa's for next week’s event. He needed to get all the rest he could.