Star Wars Fanon

Legacy eraReal-world article

Star Wars: Sith Crusade: Desperate Times I is a short story recounting the battle of Kessel and chronicling the mission to Tatooine.

Publisher's Summary[]

With the mission to Kashyyyk well underway, the Jedi Council turns it attention to the next planet on its list; Tatooine.

Skywalker, longing for home, takes up the chance to return; only to see that all it not as it once was.

Dramatis personae[]

New continuity[]




  • Teanto pirates



The Death Star will be completed on schedule.
The author of this article promises to make a major update to this article soon, or is doing so right now.
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The Sith Crusade Series
Tales of a Sith War Last Chance Desperate Times I
Desperate Times II Hidden Agenda Rise of the Rebellion
An Unlikely Alliance End of the Line? Star Wars: Sith Crusade IX
Star Wars: Sith Crusade X Star Wars: Sith Crusade XI Star Wars: Sith Crusade XII