Star Wars Fanon

Dramatis Personae[]

  • Bheen Gheeda female Anx Sith apprentice; Jedi collaborator
  • Daniell Kenobi Solo female Human former Jedi; Sith Master; Jedi collaborator
  • Felax Kwaad female Yuuzhan Vong Sith Knight; Jedi collaborator; unofficial ambassador to Zonama Sekot
  • Gliger male Gran Tactical Officer of the Sixth Fleet
  • Hrixo Desilijic Hutt ambassador to the Fifth Republic
  • Jaye Jaye Binks male Gungan Jedi Knight
  • Khal K'sar female Bith Jedi apprentice of Daniell's; musician; assigned to protect Felax Kwaad
  • L'yik Tar'ak male Ebranite Sith Master; Jedi collaborator
  • Micale Kenobi Solo male Human/Aruzan newly promoted Jedi Master
  • N'rakhma Clan Khim'bar male Noghri Jedi Master; Watchman of the Calaron Sector
  • Plisis Jark female Miraluka Sith prophet; Jedi collaborator
  • Racker Zix male Mantellian Savrip Sith apprentice; Jedi collaborator
  • Revan Ceritops male Reaver Grand General
  • Saduj Secura female Twi'lek Jedi apprentice; Reaver collaborator
  • Srob'j male Ferroan Magister
  • Torsko Hu'lya female Bothan Admiral of the Sixth Fleet
  • Ugrik male M'shinn Jedi Knight; assigned to protect Felax Kwaad
  • Welhruik female Selkath Jedi apprentice of Micale's
  • Yandreos Ordo male Mandalorian mercenary
  • Zack Fayne male Dolucian
  • Zekel Skywalker male Human newly-promoted Jedi Master

Zonama Sekot[]

Zonama Sekot; Srob'j's residence

  • Srob'j, Magister of the living planet Zonama Sekot, was troubled. Many Yuuzhan Vong had left to join the Sith fight the Jedi in the war. He had tried to prevent it. He had asked Sekot to help, but it didn't see a need to.
  • "Do you doubt my aims?" asked the voice of Sekot.
  • Srob'j looked around for the source and saw the image of his dead mother, F'rag. "I would like to know why they could leave. You had the power to prevent this. Why didn't you?"
  • "My reasons are my own, but I will tell you, trusted friend. I have seen the future, and it was not a pleasant one. I saw myself in ruins; my people killed or fleeing. I knew the source would be from something involving the Force, but I knew not what it was. I thought that it could be the Sith, but these attackers were different, more lethal. I was scared. I knew that the Yuuzhan Vong would never attack me, so I let them go and try to find a way to fortify the Galaxy. Does this pierce your question?"
  • "It has stabbed my heart and—What is it?"
  • "One of my children is coming back. She has terrible news for us. Tell the people to prepare to leave at a moments notice. All is not as it seems."
  • "Who, O mighty Sekot? Who has come back?"
  • "Felax Kwaad, and she is accompanied by two Jedi. It should be safe. They wish to speak. Be ready to let the people free; my spawn is nearly come...


Hyperspace; near Klatooine

  • "All right, team," started Micale. "Let's go through the plan one more time. Danny, you—"
  • "Go with you, Saduj, Zekel, and Welhruik to go inside the chamber containing the weapon," she finished. It was amazing how their Force bond could let one know what the other was thinking.
  • "Good, Jaye Jaye, Racker, Plisis, Bheen, L'yik, and Yandreos. You are to distract them by attacking their bridge and life support. This is supposed to look like a sabotage mission, but what it is is supposed to be their guess. Questions?"
  • "How much further must we go in this crate?" snapped Yandreos. "Those Wookiee and Arkanian smugglers who are giving us a ride need to learn a few things about piloting. If they don't quit, I will enforce the fear of Mandalore in them."
  • "Let's not be too hasty, Yandreos," said Saduj. "You will get a chance to fight, to live, to die."
  • "Not if everyone performs their respective duties."
  • "All plans have weaknesses," said Plisis. "But the weaknesses must be found and eliminated. They are; we have nothing to fear."
  • So you think, thought Saduj.
  • "Are we ready?" asked Micale.
  • The group gave a collective yes.
  • "Good, because we're here...


The Reaver's flagship Gramarok; orbiting Nal Hutta

  • "This is Captain Crama Jeth of the smuggling ship Kashyyyk's Vengeance. We are here to deliver supplies to the conquerers. Please reply, over."
  • "Well, Llebacca, all we can do is hope and pray the Jedi don't start any trouble until we're far away from here. Besides, I was about to retire soon."
  • Llebacca growled a comforting voice.
  • "To the smuggling vessel Kashyyyk's Vengeance. You are ordered to dock immediately. You are to deliver your supplies and leave."
  • "Not a species which appreciates the monologue, eh, old friend?"
  • Llebacca chuckled.
  • Micale, Daniell, and the other members of the strike team were stashed inside of the supposed "weapons" shipment, when, in reality, they were the weapons.
  • You can admit you're scared, Danny, he said to Daniell via the Force.
  • Scared! How dare you think I'm scared! Why I—Aha! A joke. Oh, Micale, you know just what makes me happy in these situations.
  • Micale blushed. I try.
  • Welhruik motioned that the cargo crate had been placed onto the ship and that the smugglers were away.
  • Saduj heard the other Jedi strike team come out and kill the surprised Reavers. It was foolishness to come here when she had just bartered for Ryloth to live. She should have never done it.
  • Zekel looked at her with a smile. "Don't tell me you're scared too."
  • "A Jedi knows no fear."
  • With that statement, the fivesome jumped out of the cargo pod and joined the fight, albeit temporarily, as they were supposed to go for the bigger sabaac pot.
  • They split up according to plan. Zekel and Welhruik to the upper weapons control room with minimal troops stationed there. Daniell and Micale to the middle weapons control room with the most. And Saduj to the least defended lower weapons control room.
  • "A fine mess you've gotten us into this time, handsome husband of mine," said Daniell sarcastically.
  • "Anything for you, dear," with similar mocking tone. "Are the charges ready to be planted?"
  • "Yes."
  • "I'll cover for you."
  • After five minutes of turrets and Reaver soldiers, you'd think they would have gotten the idea it was impossible to stop the Jedi—they didn't.
  • Welhruik and Zekel easily accomplished their task, as they learned that Daniell and Micale had completed theirs.
  • Saduj felt a fool. This was supposed to be a lightly-defended corridor. How'd it end up with this many soldiers?
  • She parried a Reaver stunner back at its owner, but was knocked out from behind by a turret.
  • She realized that she was dying and if she didn't get to the control room in time, her friends could die.
  • "No!" she screamed. "I will not let it be known that I gave up!"
  • "Hold, Saduj Secura," said a voice from the shadows, which seemed to get brighter each second, even though her eyes were growing blacker.
  • "Help me...I have to deliver these—"
  • "I know where they need to be taken and I will tell your friends about how you tried to the very end to get it done. Don't despair. Your agreement with the Reavers is in the past. Go into the Force and live; I will complete this for you once you are away from this world."
  • "Who...who are you?"
  • He answered simply. "A friend to the Force. A friend of the light. A friend who will not let the Reavers take this Galaxy over. Farewell, friend."

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