Star Wars Fanon
Rise of the Empire eraReal-world article

Star Wars: Key of Deceptions was a fan book written by Seth Hoover. It depicted the life of pirate Tesh Vohore as he searched for his daughter Alura Vohore after she had been kidnapped by Chin Chaldak twenty-three years before the time of the book. Tesh had to deal with rising Galactic Republic that was on his back for breaking a deal he made with them around the time of Alura’s kidnapping. He also had to face a ruthless Hutt who was too stubborn to give up her position over the local sentient species, and the ultimate enemy, Chin himself. Tesh and his partner, Nojio Yerca, had to use all their cunning to evade being captured by the Republic for treason.

Also thrown into the mix was a new ally, a bounty hunter by the name a Ryluk Shouja. With a bounty for Chin’s head and his fiancée kidnapped, Ryluk was determined to gain his money, but not if Tesh had anything to say. Tesh had to convince Ryluk to discontinue his bounty hunt. He now had to help Ryluk take back his fiancée, Lymie Chamna, and take down Chin. Together they confronted the Confederacy of Independant Systems army that was holding the planet hostage and Tesh confronted Chin with an offer he could not refuse.






  • HomeWorld Spaceport
  • Chin’s mansion
  • Undergrowth
  • Immigration Compound
  • Battle Arena


