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Star Wars Fanon

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Rise of the Empire eraReal-world articleEmpire At War

War has two sides.—Tagline

Star Wars: Empire at War is the first Star Wars novel written by Lorddimertelo2213. Set in the beginning of the Galactic War, the novel explores the story of Mari, a young girl caught up in the war between the Republic and the Sith Empire, and how her humble beginnings lead down a dark path.


War in the galaxy! The Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire's treaty has failed. As more planets are conflicted by war, more planets defect to the Sith. With casualties mountain and the need for more jedi emerges, Jedi Master Satele Shan has arranged for a group of orphans with strong force abilities to be taken to Tython, however, they have to travel, in Sith airspace.

Publisher's summary[]

Empire at War introduces readers to Mari Rain, an orphan from the planet of Ziost being taken to the Jedi on Tython. She hopes to enjoy it, but when things go out of hand and a man clad in black finds her, the secrets of the war begin to be revealed. Mari must cast away her former identity and take on the mantle of lord. For the sake of the galaxy, the Jedi must be stopped.


This work aims to not conflict with Legends canon, as established by Lucasfilm, Ltd.; although accidental conflicts might occur. All terms copyrighted by Lucasfilm, Ltd. are their sole intellectual property, and the author does not seek to infringe on those copyrights.If a conflict of canon arises, please leave a note on the talk page. Thank you.

Additionally, while the novel has been officially released, the author reserves the right to slightly alter the text as necessary. Significant revisions would be compiled into a full second edition.

By type 
Characters Creatures Droid models Events Locations
Organizations and titles Sentient species Vehicles and vessels Weapons and technology Miscellanea


  • Mari Rain; Orphan child adopted by a sith. (Human female)
  • Darth Alverta; Sith Lord, takes on Mari Rain as an apprentice. (Twi'lek male)
  • Satele Shan; Jedi Grandmaster. (Human female)



Read it here[]


Note: The first few chaptrs are in TOR era, but in 3635, it switches to EAW Era, as in this universe, the Eternal Empire (though Zakuul does) never existed.
