Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon
Real-world article


No. I am your father!

Warning! This page contains MAJOR spoilers from a recently released or soon-to-be-released product. Caution is advised.

Star Wars: Darkness Falls is an action novella by Austin Bishop. The story takes place during the last days of Gevorian rule. It was released July 6, 2011 on Star Wars Fanon, the Star Wars wiki of fan invention.

It is narrated by Mac Follin, a poor man from the rear sector of Belaham. The story also contains excerpts told from other character's perspective.

Table of contents[]


Mac Follin, a poor man from the rear sector of Belaham, is captured by two men. After a day of being beaten, he is transported to meet their boss, a figure who calls himself Mr. Man. He gives Follin two jobs, the first one taking him back to his home. Before leaving for his hometown, he gets drunk at a bar in Loka.

After Follin leaves the bar, he travels to the old fishing town of Calahari. Once there, he searches for and finds the house of Jacen Gevorian II. Inside he meets Nomdal Rennav, a tour guide, who waits outside while Follin searches for an entrance into a supposed series of tunnels that is to lead to Belaham. Upon finding it, he enters and treks down the tunnel. After over a day of walking and sleeping, he eventually finds the exit. After opening the exit door, he finds himself in the palace suite of a sleeping Noover Gevorian.

Follin is able to exit the room with out detection. Due to heavy patrols, he hides in a palace room, where he is discovered by the servant staff. Two guards enter the room while the head servant, Eshirca, convinces the guards that he is her brother. The guards then leave and Follin rests until morning. Upon waking up, he follows a tour group to the outside of Belaham palace. He enters the rear sector and finds a bar where he believes Rilek Nalmof. He enters the bar, where he is eventually attacked by three men. Before the men can kill Mac, they are shot and killed by Nalmof. Nalmof then introduces himself and informs Follin of their job. The assassination of Grad Noover Gevorian.

Nalmof then asks Follin about an entrance to the tunnels, to which Follin informs him of the only two he knows. The entrance in the palace suite and the grates that were made to allow oxygen and light enter the tunnel. Nalmof voices his interest in the grate entrance, to which he finds out are several meters above the tunnel floor. Follin is then tasked with finding a way into the palace so they could use the suite entrance. After meeting with his friends, Larild and Jenn Ofscotcher, Follin comes up with a plan to sneak into the palace as servants. After telling Nalmof, Follin is informed that palace servants are only female. This causes the two to have work on their plan.

The two men expand on their plan, changing some aspects all together. Follin and Nalmof leave for the Laronitis sector to go to Crowe's Supplies. After being attacked by SecPol and palace guards in the Gevorian sector, they eventually reached their destination. They then re-entered the Gevorian sector to where they found out they had attacked them because they thought they were two smugglers. They were then escorted to the Gevorian Inn where they spent the night, and prepared for the next day.

The next day, Follin and Nalmof dress in their disguises and entered the palace. They weren't stopped until Follin walked into Jenn Ofscotcher, who had started her first day of giving tours. To avoid having his identity found out, Follin fled and was reunited with partner in crime when Nalmof pulled him into a supply closet. They were found by Eshirca, but Follin convinced her they were brothers and had become employed in the palace. After sundown, the two sneaked out of the supply closet and reached the palace suite. Nalmof took hold of the Grad's wife while Follin eventually killed her husband. Guards enter the room soon after and opened fire. Follin was able to exit the room through the tunnel entrance before he was shot, Nalmof followed close behind.

Nalmof was shot, however. But the two men still traveled through the tunnel. After realizing they weren't being chased the two rested. Getting up, the two men walked on until Nalmof pulled his blaster on Follin. After the two argued, Follin threw a Spindell at his former ally. The Spindell killed Nalmof, but he still fired a shot into Follin's shoulder.

Follin walked on after the encounter, eventually escaping and meeting with Rennav, who tried to put his into custody. Before the man could do so, Follin elbowed him in the face, knocking him out. Follin then traveled back to Loka, where he was hit over the head, knocked out again.

When he woke, he was greeted by Mr. Man, who spoke to him through his com-link. Mr. Man eventually met with him in person, informing Follin of what he called his "grand scheme". He then informed Follin that he would die, but he would be remembered as the assassin of Noover Gevorian. Mr. Man was then revealed to be Nihalus Christoph. Mac Follin was then shot in the head, but not before Cristoph promised to move the Ofscotcher family and Eshirca out of Belaham to ensure their safety.


Dramatis personae[]

The following appearances have been confirmed by the author as of June 29, 2011.
By type 
Characters Creatures Droid models Events Locations
Organizations and titles Sentient species Vehicles and vessels Weapons and technology Miscellanea


Dramatis personae

Other characters



Organizations and titles

Sentient species

Vehicles and vessels

Weapons and technology


Behind the scenes[]


Star Wars: Darkness Falls went into production on June 17, 2011. Author Austin Bishop began writing the first chapter a day later. On June 20, Bishop released the first chapter of the novella. He finished the story July 4, 2011, but didn't release all the chapters until the 6th of July.
