Sith Battlecruiser Endeavor Bridge, Fondor System
General Tevinter stood near a small holomap of the Fondor System, figuring out points which the Imperials could strike from, with Admiral Chogro. Then, they heard a loud noise near the edge of the system, and saw an Imperial fleet com out of hyperspace. A small fleet for taking on all of us thought Tevinter.
- "Get the ships in attack position!" he yelled to his crew.
VSD Inquisitor, Fondor System
John, dressed as a Sith Officer, followed by three other agents dressed as Sith Troopers, walked through the security checkpoints, manned by more disguised agents, and reached the Holocron room. To bad we couldn't have the whole ship crew be agents he thought. He looked out a nearby window and saw Star Destroyers engaging Sith Battlecruisers in battle. He looked at the other agents.
- "It's time." he said.
Four Sith trooper armor-wearing agents picked up the box containing the Sith Holocron and started carrying it towards the door. John called ahead to the agents at the security check points.
- "Hello, this is S-2 to Checkpoint 1. It is time." he said into the comlink.
No response from the other end.
- "This is S-2 to Checkpoint 1, do you read me?" he said again.
No response.
- "This is S-2 to Checkpoint 2, do you read me?" he said again into the comlink.
No response. He turned to the other agents.
- "Something is wrong." John said.
Checkpoint 1, VSD Inquisitor
A squad of Sith commandos walked down the corridor leading into the holocron room. Once they entered, it was empty. They checked the whole room, and after finding nothing, they departed through the only other door.
As the first few commandos entered, agents left behind opened fire at the enemy. The first few commandos fell before any of them could return fire. More commandos entered and blasted the agents, and proceeded down the corridor.
Escape Pod Deck, VSD Inquisitor, Fondor System
With any luck, the agents who stayed behind would have held them back long enough for the rest of them to get onto the escape pods. John boarded the pod with four other agents with the holocron, and the rest pilled into the other pods, and ejected from the ship. As planned, the Escalator was nearing their position and it's tractor beam started pulling them in.
Suddenly, a squad of Sith starfighters came out of nowhere and opened fire, blasting an escape pod next to theirs. They were almost in the hangar. The fighters tried to come around for another shot but the pods were safely in the hangar. The Escalator retreated into hyperspace.