Star Wars Fanon

1/2 miles from the Negui Capitol, Negui

John Heron and the Special Forces team disembarked their gunship, which three soldiers and the pilots stayed at to guard it as the team left through the jungle terrain towards the Negui planetary capitol. John got a quick briefing of what to do: the Sith were planning a coup to take over the Negui government and get the powerful artifact that the Negui people refused to give to the Sith. Several Infiltrators were at the capitol and knew that the Special Forces were coming.

As the team was nearing the fortress, they looked up after hearing a hovering engine sound and seeing an engine glow. A ship passed the team overhead.

"That's a Sith ship." said Snopel.
"The fortress is right through the hedge here. Be careful, when we get through then you can expect a legion of Negui guards or Sith troopers waiting for us." said John.

The squad proceeded through the hedge.

Negui Capitol Outer Wall, Negui

Sith Infiltrators Ty Sadow and Mai Vestara patrolled along the southeastern wall of the Capitol after learning from the Intelligence agents that the Imperials were sending in Special Forces. The two stopped when they heard rustling in the near by bushes. SpecForces troops pilled out of the hedge about fifty yards ahead of them, silently walking towards a near by unguarded back door.

"There they are!" Ty yelled loudly as she spotted them.

The two took out their Sith blasters and opened fire. Several SpecForces members went down, but the rest kept going and reached the door. They broke through and went inside as the two fired. About four of them were killed.

"Use your lightsaber when we get inside." said Mai.
"We won't be doing that." replied Ty. "If they came from over there, then that means they must of landed over there, which means they must have a ship parked over there that we can take."

Mai nodded, and the two went through the large hole in the hedge that the SpecForces team made when they went through. After several minutes of running, they heard a loud explosion and turned around in time to see the capitol building explode in flames.

By that time, they reached the gunship and took out their lightsabers and silenced the three unsuspecting guards. Then, they took out the pilots and flew off into space. As they passed through the atmosphere, the two could see a large Star Destroyer. It saw them, but didn't do anything to stop them.

ISD Escalator, Negui orbit

"Look! There! It's a SpecForces gunship!" yelled a young overreactive officer.
"Why the hell are they leaving?" asked Rear Admiral Zao.
"Sir, the life scanner only reads two life forms onboard." said a crewman from his computer.
"Weren't there two Infiltrators at the capitol?" asked Zao.

At that moment, the Galactic Emperor walked onto the bridge, and Zao felt a chill inside him.

"I know where they are headed. One of them is related to Naga Sadow, an ancient Sith Lord, according to the intelligence report." he said. "Get the SpecForces team up here and set your corse for Yavin IV."