Sith Empire Military Headquarters, Korriban
1 Day before the Sith Invasion
Darth Wyyrlok sat in front of a chair in a large war room and overlooked a large map of the galaxy in front of him, circled by other Sith Lords and military commanders. The plan was now that he was back was to attack the New Galactic Empire at it's weak points, where bases and cells of Sith Lords and Sith Troopers were strategically placed. Now was the time to strike against the new Empire.
Wyyrlok had been a Jedi years before, and when the Empire issued Order 66 for the second time, instead of regrouping with the other Jedi he went to Korriban and found an eternal youth potion in the hand of a Sith Apprentice in the Valley of the Dark Lords. He used the potion to have eternal youth, and have all eternity to get revenge on the Empire that betrayed him.
Imperial Military Headquarters, Bastion
2 Days after the Sith Invasion
Captain John Heron walked down a corridor into the Central Command room at the Imperial Military Headquarters on Bastion. The Empire was recovering from the attacks upon it by the Sith Empire. He met up with Snopel and headed down to the briefing room. Agent Alum of the Imperial Intelligence stood in the briefing room with several other Special Forces members and pilots and started the briefing as he saw the two walk in.
- "Years ago, we dealt with an organization known as the Republic Nation on the world of Negui. Some of them have a power to use elements such as earth, water, fire, and air. Some of you may know that we defeated them in a campaign years ago as part of the Fourth Yuuzhan Vong Invasion. Well, we thought so too, but we were wrong." said Alum. "They risen up again lead by a different leader and are know planning on supporting the Sith Empire and helping them get to Coruscant an beat us in the race to the throne. You will be sent in to quell their uprising and kill off their military and political leaders, and make sure that no Sith on the world survive."
The troops left the room to the hangar bay of the Central Command Center and boarded MAAT/is.
Republic Nation Military Stronghold, Negui
A man wearing red clothing enters a small dark room. Two masked men, Sith Intelligence agents, start talking over their plan and negotiations. Their plan is to retrieve the powerful artifact the was lost years ago because of the Empire.
After dealing with the two agents, they departed in their ship, and the man, Lord Zulon, departed to get his troops ready for battle. He got news that the Empire was sending in their Special Forces, and he would be ready.