Star Wars Fanon
Before the Republic eraOld Republic eraRise of the Empire eraRebellion eraNew Republic eraNew Jedi Order eraLegacy era

We existed for thousands of generations, and we don't intend to dissolve now.
—Imperial Archon Koru

The Ssi-ruuk Imperium, also known as the Ruuk or the Imperium, was a communist government that at first was composed of about 50 thousand planets, and later composing of over twelve million worlds, after the Imperium's successful invasion of the entire galaxy, that existed since 900,000,000,000 BBY. The Imperium was made up of mainly reptilian species called the Ssi-ruuk. They were a species from that originated in the Munich Cluster and were separated into different classes.

The Imperium was at first just made up of the Ssi-ruuk race, but eventually took over other galactic, planetary, and interplanetary governments, including the New Republic, Republic Nation, Imperial Remnant, and the Yuuzhan Vong Empire. By that time, the Imperium ruled over twelve million planets and moons. They took over the galaxy at the time of the New Republic's formation near 11 BBY, though they have been planning their galactic domination plan and were preparing for the war since as early as 3,000 BBY. The Imperium's military was the most massive military in the galaxy and consisted of hundreds of thousands of different species.

The Imperium's populace have been split into different classes and castes, which usually depended on what family a person was born to. A little less than half of the Imperium was the Lower Class, also known as the Working Class and were forced to fight in the military in times of war, and the other half were the Middle Class, the average citizen class who had freedom and many more choices, Upper Class, who were rich citizens, and Royal Class, who were beings affiliated with the government and the royal blood line.

The Imperium was famous for their large military, which was made up of hundreds of thousands of different beings. The military was made up of a Army, Navy, Special Forces, and various sub-branches. They were famous for the Spetruuk, an elite Special Forces unit.




An Imperium transport leaving Deko Neimoidia.

Because the Imperium was a secretive organization and was a shroud of mystery, not many things are known about the Imperium itself. One of those things was when and how it was formed. As a result, there were many speculations about the formation and theories such as that they were colonists from another galaxy and that they were a garrison left behind by the evil Destructors, a group that came into the galaxy every few eons and destroyed all civilization and returned the galaxy to its natural primitive state.

After many studies, scientists and historians finally composed a theory that was confirmed by the Imperium government. They were formed an unknown number of years before 900,000,000,000 BBY, and were a planetary government. Though then they were given starfaring technology by a long extinct race called the Celestials, who were the most powerful civilization in the galaxy until something happened that caused them to go extinct.

The organization itself was formed years ago on the world of Deko Neimoidia, and evolved. At first, the Ruuk were living in different tribes and clans, who attacked and enslaved anyone who landed on their homeworld. After years of brutal conflicts between the tribes, one leader of the most powerful clan embarked on a campaign to bring all of the tribes and clans together. After a short war he emerged victorious.

The clans and tribes became the Imperium, and used the class system. Almost half of the population were Lower Class, or Working Class, the rest were Middle Class, Upper Class, and Royal Class. The Working Class people got forced to join the military when needed, and anyone else who wanted to join could join. Since the society of the Imperium was based on war, they had a large military.

As they grew, they ran into the Celestials. The Celestials negotiated with them and gave them starfaring technology, not knowing what kind of mistake they have made. High Overlord Deko, named for the Imperium's capitol and homeworld, decided to take over the galaxy, though he estimated that preparations would only be complete several thousand years after his death. Even so, he began preparing for war.


Ssi-ruuk Soldiers

Brown and blue Ssi-ruuk soldiers.

For the years that followed, the Imperium prepared for war by building a massive fleet and gathering thousands of non-Force sensitive male and females into the Army and Navy. After the fleet had several hundred ships and thousands of fighters ready, which took many years to complete, the leader, High Overlord Deko, decided to construct an early version of the Death Star, after stealing plans for it from Geonosians. With the Death Star under construction in the planet's low orbit, Deko made allies. He knew that he couldn't take the galaxy alone.

He conquered and negotiated with the nearby worlds, which were all purse worlds, Cord, Koru, Cato, Galo, and Loki Neimoidia secretly. The governments kept it secret until the day the invasion began. The other conquered worlds began preparations, though their militaries were allot different from Deko Neimoidia's Armed Forces. The world of Galo and Koru Neimoidia provided armies of battle droids and a fleet of droid ships. Cord and Loki gave regular organic soldiers and droids, along with a large fleet. Cato provided troops but not as much as the others, and was rather a political planet in the Imperium.

Meanwhile, the Death Star was near completion in the lower orbit, and at that point in the rest of the galaxy the Galactic Republic was reorganized into the Galactic Empire, and Deko, seeing the Empire's might and his forces, put his invasion on hold and continued on preparations. Deko followed the Rebel Alliance closely, seeing a possible ally. He attempted to contact them, though no one respond. When he sent a ship over, it was destroyed by Rebel fighters. Since then, the government members Loki and Cato decided it was best to stay away from the galaxy it this point.

The Galactic Civil War drew to a close, and the Imperium's militaries were at their peak. The New Republic was formed. Deko and Cato went to different worlds to make alliances, agreements, and treaties. They made alliances with the construction worlds of Geonosis, Mygeeto, and Hypori. They then saw how many commerce guilds and corporate companies hated the New Republic since they got less power and influence under the Republic than they did under the Empire, so the companies and guilds that didn't side with the Imperial Remnant decided to join the Imperium.

Meanwhile, diplomats were sent to worlds of Ukio, Nar Shaddaa, Malastare and many others. After making negotiations with those worlds, the Imperium ran into the Yuuzhan Vong Empire. The Yuuzhan Vong were scouting out the galaxies to examine the species of the galaxy and find the key strategic planets that they should attack first. They met with the Imperium on the world of Cyrillia, and had a small skirmish. After several minutes of fighting, the Vong commander decided to join the Imperium, thinking that the Vong Empire would send a rescue party, but of course the Empire never came and the commander and his soldiers were forced to serve the Imperium.

Deko made alliances with more worlds, and conquered and established bases and outposts on uninhabited worlds. After several more months, the Imperium's military was at its peak and the Death Star was finished. The Imperium was ready for invasion, after thousands of years.



Imperium droid forces defeat a clone battalion on Agmar.

We have existed for millions of years, while you existed for a few months. We will not fall.
—An Imperial Legionnaire

The first battle of the Imperium/Republic/Imperial War happened in 11 BBY. The Imperium launched their first attack on Bakura, and after a short battle, they quickly overwhelmed the defenses of the planet. Ironically, the world was ruled by the Imperial Remnant, not the Republic. The Imperial Remnant dragged itself into the war after that battle.

In the next few weeks, the Imperium advanced on the worlds of Dantooine and Bog, taking them quickly. During that time, HIgh Overlord Deko bribed several Imperial Admirals to join him, getting almost the entire Imperial Outer Rim Fleet on his side. The Imperium also took over important shipyard planets that didn't join them before, including Rothana and Fondor. The war eventually spread into Wild Space, where Imperium forces took Kamino and several other planets.

In the next several months, Deko and Overlord Cato went political and brought many governments to their side. Many governments thought that the New Republic was unfit to rule the galaxy, and that a stronger leader was needed. However, many other governments remained on the New Republic side, such as the Corellian System. CorSec raided Imperium troops in the area, and made the invasion harder.

Shortly afterwards, Underlord Loki managed to get the Corporate Sector on their side, bringing more soldiers and ships into the Armed Forces. Following that, the worlds around that area were captured. Loki also made an agreement with the Hutt Cartel, though it was decided by the Order of the Magisters and the Dark Council that the Imperium was going to overthrow them after the war was won.

As most of the Outer Rim fell, excluding most of the major Republic stronghold like Ryloth, the Imperium attacked the world of Kesh, thinking it was easy. They ended up running into the Lost Tribe of the Sith, who depleted the unsuspecting Imperium occupation forces. Afterwards, Imperial Legionnaires were called in, and they easily wiped out most of the Sith population, with survivors fleeing to join the Republic offense in the Expansion Region.

Finally, the final fortresses in the Outer Rim that were under Republic control fell, except Ryloth. The New Republic became more determined to stop the Imperium advance, and managed to hold Imperium forces back for weeks on Ryloth. After an extensive orbital bombardment, the planet was cleared and secured for the Imperium. The last remaining fortress that wasn't under Imperium control in the Outer Rim was Bastion, a Remnant stronghold. The Imperium might attacked Bastion, and after a long battle, conquered the world, and captured a large number of Imperial soldiers and forced them to fight for the Imperium.

After the fall of Bastion, the last of the Remnant fled into the Colonies. The Imperium also encountered the Yuuzhan Vong near Serndipal, and destroyed their forces, leaving the Republic as the sole resistance against the Imperium onslaught. After the defeat at Ryloth, Republic forces joined the Lost Tribe survivors at the defensive lines in the Expansion Region. Alzoc was the primary defense base in the region, and was one of the first targets destroyed, killing off almost half of the Republic forces in the region. CorSec raids weakened the Imperium's presence in the region, though the attacks pressed on.

The Expansion Region fell quickly, and the Imperium had an easy time in the Colonies. The main enemy there were the Imperials who fled from Bastion once the Imperium took over the world, so the Imperial defenses were quickly destroyed and the Imperium pushed into the Core Worlds, where the main bulk of the New Republic, Imperial, and Sith defenses was. They fought at the three major entry points in the Core Worlds: Alderaan, Corellia, and Corolag. After a short battle, the small defenses there, mostly were made up of Ewoks from the New Republic's 3rd Internal Troops Battalion, were easily defeated.

They pushed on Coruscant where the rest of the New Republic forces were located. After a long intense battle, the Republic lost and the survivors fled into the Deep Core. On Coruscant, the Senate was in session when the battle started, and all Senators were captured and were held hostage by the Imperium. They forced the Senators to call off the defenses of their worlds if they weren't already subjugated, and then hauled off the Senators to a prison on Alzoc.

Later, the Deep Core was taken easily and all resistance was crushed. The Imperium had full control of the galaxy.


Imperium forces besiege Coruscant Senate District.


The dream of my father, my father's father, his father, and his father's father, have finally been fulfilled. They did not die in vain.
—High Overlord Deko

The Imperium quelled most resistances in the next several days and took over the remaining unconquered worlds such as Byss. They took over completely and were the dominant government in the galaxy.

Under the Imperium, everyone was given a class. The criminal underworld's population was greatly reduced, and gangs such as the Black Sun and Zann Consortium were destroyed, with survivors fleeing to the farthest corners of the Outer Rim Territories.

Several resistances popped up here in there occasionally, but were quickly destroyed. Among the rebellions, the figures Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, and Leia Organa were thought by the rebellions to be the leader of the cause, though after a while, all of them got discouraged because the three and their relatives hid in the Unknown Regions, which were still under Chiss Empire's control, which was one of the two, the other being the Killik Federation, governments that were not under the Imperium's control.

Eventually, galactic citizens accepted reality and stopped rebelling. The Imperium ruled the galaxy for generations.

Armed Forces[]

Blue Glass Arrow Main article: Armed Forces of the Ssi-ruuk Imperium

Ships of the Imperium Navy near Koru Neimoidia.

As being the dominant force in the galaxy, the Imperium possessed a massive military made up of billions of beings. The Armed Forces were split up into various branches, which were all lead by the Imperium's Order of the Magisters. The Armed Forces contained the Army, the ground forces, Navy, the space defense force, Special Forces, the elite of the military, Flotilla, the aquatic naval force, and Supertrooper Corps.

Supertroopers were the Imperium's version of the Galactic Empire's Stormtroopers, but the Supertroopers were more elite. The Supertroopers were, like the Stormtrooper Corps was in the Empire, the backbone of the military and fought in every Armed Forces branch. They were in limitless supply. Supertroopers got elite training, not as good as Special Forces, but close.

The other branches, Army, Navy, Special Forces, and Flotilla were made up of various species and soldiers. The Army was the main ground fighting force and was the biggest branch, beating the Corps by just a little. The Navy was the third biggest, and was made up of thousands of vessels supplied by various shipyards and many pilots, troopers, gunners, and officers. The Special Forces were the elite branch of commandos in the Armed Forces, and were made up of mostly Ruuks. It was hard for non-Ruuks to get into SpecForces. The Flotilla was made up of aquatic fighting forces, mostly aquatic species such as Mon Calamari and Quarren.

The military grew especially after the war when most of the New Republic was defeated and the big corporations were on the Imperium side.


Main Forces[]

These are the military ranks from lowest to highest.

  • Tirone
  • Milite
  • Brigadier
  • Imperator
  • Lord
  • Admiral
  • General
  • Warlord


These are ranks in the Order of the Magisters from lowest to highest.

  • Mage
  • Lance Magister
  • Magister Milite
  • Imperator Sergeant
  • Magister Lord
  • Archon


These are ranks in the Imperial Legionnaires form lowest to highest.

  • Milite
  • Brigadier
  • Legionnaire
  • Conquistador
  • Leone
  • Count


The Ssi-ruuk had a big culture. Mostly, the culture centered around the classes. Each Ssi-ruuk, and later each being in the galaxy after the Imperium's invasion, was given a class. There were several classes.


Each member of the Imperium had a class. The classes were based on what family a person was born to and what the person was skilled in.

  • Lower Class - Also known as Working Class, the Lower Class was comprised of almost half of the Imperium's populace. The Lower Class population were slaves who worked for higher ranking individuals, and were called to go to war if needed.
  • Middle Class - The Middle Class was the regular citizen class, and citizens of this class were given freedom to choose where they lived and what job they had, unlike in the Lower Class.
  • Upper Class - This class was for rich people who had ether earned it, which was rare, or had contacts in the government.
  • Royal Class - Royal Class was a class comprised of members of the government and the Imperium Royal Family. They were the rulers of the Imperium, and the biggest and highest ranking member was the Imperium ruler, the High Overlord, Count, Imperial Archon, and Lord Imperator.


The economy of the Imperium was largely based on the works of the Lower Class slaves. The Imperium also sold weapons and starships to the weakened military forces of the Chiss Empire. The Empire gave them millions of credits which were remade into Ruuk Tokens.


The Imperium ruled over twelve million planets, but these are just the important key planets in the Imperium.

  • Cato Neimoidia -Political center.
  • Deko Neimoidia - Capitol.
  • Koru Neimoidia - Military stronghold.
  • Loki Neimodia - Commerce center.
  • Ukio - Mining world.
  • Mygeeto - Factory planet.
  • Hypori - Military factory and key fortress.
  • Malastare - Construction world and prison planet.
  • Cyrillia - Key military stronghold.
  • Onderon - A politically important world.
  • Coruscant - A politically important world.
  • Anaxes - Military academy.
  • Carida - Military academy.
  • Prefsbelt - Military academy.
  • Tatooine - A storage base is located here.
  • Naboo - Politically important world.
  • Hoth - Military stronghold.
  • Alzoc - Prison world.
  • Raxus Prime - Junkyard.
  • Bespin - One of the first members.
  • Nar Shaddaa - One of the first members.
  • Kuat - One of the first members.
  • Fondor - Important shipyard.
  • Centax 2 - Cloning facility.
  • Mustafar - Military factory.
  • Byss - Location of Tevinter Palace, the royal palace.
  • Endor - One of the first members.
  • Geonosis - One of the first members.
  • Agmar - Conquered world, military stronghold.
  • Yinchorr - Legionnaire Academy.
  • Csilla - Military research base, though it is ruled by the Chiss Empire.
  • Rakata - Conquered after war with the Rakatans, though it is ruled by Chiss Empire.
  • Teth - Conquered during war against New Republic
  • Dagobah - Conquered without resistance.
  • Cloud City - A floating city, former enemy stronghold.
  • Mandalore - Conquered in war against Mandalorians, with Imperium taking heavy casualties.
  • Concordia - Conquered in war against Mandalorians, with light casualties.
  • Felucia - One of the first members.
  • Kashyyyk - One of the last conquered planets, now home to military fortress.
  • Nal Hutta - A former Hutt Cartel stronghold, now key military fort.
  • 47 Ursae Majoris - A world that surrendered shortly after the fall of the New Republic.
  • Mon Calamari - Former New Republic fortress, now factory world.
  • Lehon - Occupied by the Imperium, though ruled by the Chiss Empire.


The Imperium had a strong and fear-bringing government, and it managed to keep the Imperium from falling apart for thousands of years, unlike most governments. The Imperium's biggest government rival was the Chiss Empire, who were formed many years after the Imperium, but remained independent from Imperium control.

The government was composed of three branches: Imperium Senate, Imperium Dark Council, and Imperium Order of the Magisters. Senate is made up of Galactic Senators from only the most important and trusted worlds, but eventually the Senate was dissolved, because the High Overlord decided that it would lead to the Imperium's downfall. The Dark Council was a council of important politicians and leaders that gave the High Overlord political advice and other assistance.

The Imperium Order of the Magisters was an order of an elite unit called the Magisters. The Magisters were users of The Force and it's ranks was made up of various beings from across the galaxy, including non-Ruuks. The Magisters were the Imperium's equivalent of the Jedi Order, but were allot more elite.


New Republic[]

The New Republic was the current dominant galactic government prior to the Imperium invasion, and fought hard to keep it that way. They were determined during the Imperium/Republic/Imperial War to defeat the Imperium, but failed. They were unfit to rule the galaxy, so many governments and corporations turned against them. The New Republic fell officially after the final remnants in the Deep Core were defeated, but unofficially they fell after Coruscant was captured, and the bulk of their forces was destroyed. The Republic leadership fled into the farthest reaches of the Unknown Regions, which were still ruled by the Chiss Empire, though the Chiss were allied with the Imperium.

Imperial Remnant[]

The Imperial Remnant was what remained of the Galactic Empire after the Galactic Civil War. They were allied with the New Republic and fought back fiercely when the first Imperium soldiers set foot on an Imperial world, however, their determination was not enough. The Imperial Remnant was the second worst enemy of the Imperium, and attacked the Imperium at the worst times. They basically fell when the capitol, Bastion, was captured, though Imperial admirals and generals fled into the Core Worlds with surviving troops to aid the New Republic defense.

Lost Tribe of the Sith[]

The Lost Tribe of the Sith was one of the hardest enemies that the Imperium faced. The Lost Tribe lived on the world of Kesh for thousands of years, and they fought back when the Imperium occupation forces landed. They defeated the first Imperium force, though it was not enough to defeat the full force of an entire Imperium fleet. The fleet bombarded Kesh from high orbit and wiped out the Lost Tribe. Survivors that were not at the Lost Tribe village at the time fled to the Expansion Region to aid the New Republic and Imperial Remnant in the offense against the Imperium, though they were all killed.

Corellia Security Force[]

The Corellia Security Force, or CorSec, as it was known, was another constant enemy. They raided Imperium supply lines and bases, harassing Imperium troops through out the Outer Rim and Expansion Region. They were eventually defeated when their capitol world, Corellia, fell to the Imperium.


Chiss Empire[]

The Chiss Empire was a large empire that ruled the Unknown Regions and some parts of Wild Space. They were almost as old as the Imperium itself. They wisely chose to stay out of the war, and watched the New Republic and it's allies burn to the ground. After the war, the Empire was allowed to remain independent, but the two had a treaty and were good allies. Many tried to flee into the Unknown Regions from the Imperium controlled parts of the galaxy, though the Chiss troops returned any immigrants they found to the Imperium.
