Star Wars Fanon


Your powers are weak, old man.

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The "sovereign"
Biographical information
Physical description




Chronological and political information

Legatum Era



I see a reigning emperor with neither equal nor rival. I see a thousand scars carved upon flesh and spirit. The breadth of his word spreads over many worlds, and the strength of his will crushes all that would stand against him. He is without good or evil in his heart, for he has chosen to exist only to rule what is his to rule, and to be the king he is needed to be. From his birth and till his death, he is the sovereign.
Sith King Koldun V

The "sovereign" was the alias given to one of the native realspace Voidborn discovered following a massive disruption in the Void in the wake of the Vokriind ritual. According to the Sith King, Koldun V, the "sovereign" was a powerful ruler of the Unknown Regions, with his influence extending over many worlds and his reputation extending even further, inspiring fear in any that opposed or threatened him. The sovereign was also noted as being one of the few realspace Voidborn that was a Voidwalker, self-trained in the usage of his gifts.

As a member of the Advent, the "sovereign" was sought after by the Animites, the Logos and the Savant Caste of the Charon Dominion.
