Star Wars Fanon
Rise of the Empire era

Sona’s so quiet you hardly notice she’s there sometimes
Obi-Wan Kenobi's thoughts[src]

Sona Cantari was a human female and Padawan learner of Anakin Skywalker. Cantari was born in 26 BBY and was trained in lightsaber combat by Obi-Wan Kenobi. She first met Skywalker shortly before her thirteenth birthday and shortly thereafter became his apprentice. Skywalker always considered that it was she who had saved him from the dark side.


Jedi Skywalker...why are you so sad?
—Sona Cantari[src]

Early life[]

Born on Alderaan in 26 BBY, Sona Cantari was identified as a potential Jedi from an early age and was raised in the Jedi Temple, the Rodian Jedi Sarib was her supervisor. Cantari grew up with the Clone Wars in the background, losing instructors and older students she knew to the conflict. Though it did not affect her directly until its final years when the Battle of Coruscant forced them to flee to shelters during the bombardment and during the Battle of the Jedi Temple when Dooku and Renust Nju began killing as many Jedi as they could, Cantari fled with a few others to the Temple Memorial Room led by the droids R2-D2 and C-3PO.

After the death of her former instructor, Cantari began training in lightsaber combat under the instruction of Obi-Wan Kenobi along with some of her friends Jenai Yana and Drell Ven. While she knew that Kenobi had been Anakin Skywalker's master, it was a few years until she met Skywalker though this was largely due to fact he was seldom around the Temple. One night when Sarib took a group of the younglings to see Naboo lambent poppies pollinate, Cantari managed to see Skywalker despite his efforts to remain hidden from the group of children. Even that early on, it was apparent they shared strong connection in the Force, made more evident when she spoke to Skywalker and was able to directly sense the feeling he was trying to hide.

Later, when Kenobi had gone on a mission to Naboo, Skywalker temporarily took over the instruction of Cantari's class, even taking the time at one stage to personally assist her and would watch her progress during class. Cantari knew of the connection in the Force she shared with Skywalker, and did want him to become her Master but was held back by the fact that he would probably not accept her as his apprentice. This did not stop her from visiting Skywalker when he was arrested, giving him the red stone with her that Kenobi had gifted him with years before. Later on, he would pass on this on to her.

Anakin wishes to take you as his Padawan learner, what say you to this?"
"I think I’d like that very much.

Yoda and Sona Cantari[src]

Exhibition Day came around and Cantari's fears of being passed over were confirmed when she did not see Skywalker among the observing Masters, yet during dinner that night Sarib brought her into the presence of Master Yoda who informed her that Skywalker wished to take her on as his apprentice, Cantari agreed and thus was begun the journey of them as Master and Padawan.

The chosen apprentice[]

Cantari and Skywalker's first mission together was an extraction mission to Tatooine where a Jedi-potential had been identified. Though she knew that the planet was where Skywalker was born, he had not told her what had happened when he was last there.

Behind the scenes[]

Sona Cantari is portrayed by Aishwarya Rai. Katana Geldar said that Sona came to her more or less as a complete character and the ending of Revenge of the Sith (AU) was changed in order to accommodate her and give the ending of the story a feeling of hope.

