Star Wars Fanon
Old Republic eraRebellion eraNew Republic eraNew Jedi Order eraLegacy era

Our beautiful, obedient toys.
—Suiko Artofen, regarding the Som Gallans.

Som Gallans were a Near-Human species native to the volcanic ocean world of Som Galla. Presumed to be descended from Human colonists who settled on the planet following the Great Hyperspace War, Som Gallans stood out from Humans thanks to their pupiless eyes and jet black skin. Due to the significant volcanic activity on Som Galla and the subsequent poorer air quality, Som Gallans had adapted stronger lungs that could process oxygen more efficiently, allowing them to hold their breath for longer than the average Human.

Thanks to the proximity of their planet to the Sith worlds, Som Gallan culture was built around reverence of the Sith and the dark side, though they had no real understanding of the Force and Force-sensitivity among the species themselves was unheard of. They held several annual celebrations to celebrate the ancient Sith, the largest of which was the Lords Carnival, during which stories would be told in the ancient Sith language and battles would be reenacted.

Despite their belief that the Sith represented the pinnacle of strength, they were not particularly militant themselves and had no army or militia, so when Som Gallans could not solve their disputes through diplomacy, they would fight publicly to resolve the issue. While such fights could end in accidental death, to deliberately kill an opponent was a serious social taboo, albeit not disallowed. During times when a living Sith Lord claimed dominion over the planet, Som Gallans often appealed to him/her to resolve their disputes, as Sith leaders were regarded as the ultimate authority and were universally obeyed. In 39 ATC, one such ruler was Sith Lord Sera Artofen, to whom the Som Gallans were fiercely loyal.

Unlike many cultures, Som Gallan society did not emphasize procreation – likely because the species had limited room for expansion – and so both heterosexual and homosexual relationships were considered normal, though honesty was viewed as an important trait in Som Gallan culture, so adulterers were often ostracized by their peers. Suiko Artofen, the youngest of Sera Artofen's three daughters, saw the Som Gallans as sexual objects to be enjoyed at her leisure.
