Sollas Vikkal was a Geonosian separatist of the winged caste. He was born in 33 BBY, the same year that Poggle the Lesser became Archduke of Geonosis.
Birth to age Six[]
Sollas Vikkal as a larva.
Vikkal was born not only in the same year as Poggle became Archduke, but on the same day. After his appointment, Poggle went to see the clutch of eggs laid by the queen that same day, and selected the 33rd egg of the clutch. This was because 33 is a lucky number to Geonosians. This egg was taken to Poggles quarters and was left in his care to become his second in command one day. When Vikkal hatched, Poggle was happy to see that his future right-hand man was in the warrior caste, so possessed wings. Vikkal was trained as a warrior, and, because of the fast growth of Geonosian warriors, was ready to become Poggle's assistant by the time he was six.
Unknown Years[]
For the rest of Sollas' life, at least up to the Battle of Geonosis, nothing is known. It is probable that he continued his military training.
Battle of Geonosis[]
The Battle of Geonosis was the first real conflict that Sollas was involved in. He led a squad of Geonosians, each with a platoon of Battle Droids, throughout the battle. This squad did some serious damage to the Republic infantry, especially while controlling LRIK Cannons. Though many battle droids and a few Geonosians were killed, Sollas continued fighting vigorously and soon met up with Unit 933 and Azz'gabat's squads.