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...the planets and moons of the United Solar Federation affirm their loyalty to the Union, and are ready to take up arms against the traitors of the Solar Confederacy.
—part of one of USF Commander-in-Chief Andrew Denton's speeches in which he states the loyalty of the United Solar Federation to the Union of Earth States
The Solar System War was a war which spanned the Solar System between two rival alliances of planets and moons loyal to the Confederate States of Earth and Union of Earth States. The war was considered a subset of the concurrent Earth Civil War, although the actions of the Solar System War had little impact on the Earth Civil War, the two wars were effectively completely separate from one another, although the Union of Earth States was defeated in 20 BBY the USF refused to lay down their arms, and managed to fight for another year before being defeated.
The Solar Confederacy won the war after two years of fighting, with both Confederate and Separatist assistance, as with the Earth Civil War the victorious Confederates allowed the Union loyalists to remain independent, provided they gave them recognition of their legitimacy and promised to conduct no further hostile action against them.
Another outcome of the war was the loyalist planets were forced to give their peoples independence referendums, as a result the planet Mars, the first planet Earthlings settled on after leaving Earth, which held deep Confederate sympathies and had attempted to remove the Union from the world during the Martian Insurrection, seceded from the USF and joined the Solar Confederacy.