Sol Infinius was a Morsian Protectorate Planet within the Morsian Empire.
Sol Infinius started life out as an ocean planet, with sparsely dotted, small continents over a large, deep ocean. Ocean life flourished on the planet, evolving large super predators and tiny herbivorous creatures, with many shapes and sizes in between. Due to the mostly lack of land, not much evolved on land, so all action occurred in the sea. However, this changed when the star it was orbiting became a Red Giant, growing to many times its original size, eating several nearby orbiting planets and permanently changing the remaining planets.
Sol Infinius slowed greatly in terms of both planetary rotation and orbiting speed, gaining far longer days and a far longer year around the star. Whilst Red Giants were relatively cooler than regular yellow stars, the Red Giant was in such closer proximity to the planet that it heated up greatly, with much of the oceans boiling away and revealing land, which soon became scorched and barren, with deserts stretching from pole to pole. The oceans became mostly dried up and those that did remain were shallow between the now vast continents.
With a new surface temperature of 40 degrees centigrade minimum, days lasting around 40 hours and 600 of these days in an orbital year, life struggled on the planet outside of living deep in the cave systems that now popped up on the continents.
Early Life[]
Sol Infinius had early human and Twi'lek populations who lived in caves and underground systems to avoid the long, hot days on the planet. The planet formed around its Red Giant star and its rotation was slow to such an extent that it had long, hot days and freezing, extensive nights while orbiting slowly around the star. For this reason, many of its inhabitants remained living underground in the caves until they started building basic villages and towns near the entrances as a way of exploring the surface. Isolated communities formed, far apart from each other, before the braver members of the countries set off as explorers, desperate to discover what other species or civilisations were around.
The Great Trade Networks[]
Many of the explorers failed to return to their own civilisations, getting lost in the vast deserts and dying of thirst, hungers or exposure to the sun. However, eventually some managed to establish contact with either other explorers or other communities, finally discovering other life outside of their own country. These explorers then set off back to their own lands and, if successful at getting back, could tell of other civilisation out there. The various civilisations worked on new ways of surviving out in the heat, trying to make it safer and safer to travel on the surface and reach these new civilisations. The more they succeeded, the more they learned and the better adapted they became at living on the surface. Trade routes were eventually established on roadways that were made across the desert, proving at least a direction to travel to aid preventing people from getting lost.
Morsian Contact[]
After the Morsians discovered space travel thanks to the Jedi, they started to explore the systems around them and discovering the planets orbiting the stars. One of the further planets they found was Sol Infinius, and while unsure of if a star of its magnitude could sustain life, they searched the planet and discovered the various communities living there in their isolated towns and cities. They named the planet Sol Infinius due to the near endless hours of daytime, like there was an infinite sun lighting the planet's surface. The Morsians initiated contact with the countries on the planet with a proposition. The Morsians would help the countries develop with modern machinery, electricity and engineering as well as protect them from both planetary and extra-terrestrial threats in return for trade goods, resources and money should a currency system be implemented/improved. After getting over their distrust and suspicion of the aliens, nearly all the countries accepted the proposal other than the most isolated and tribal of the communities.
The planet was slowly modernised with the Morsian technology as they figured out how to best make living in such harsh conditions bearable. Green energy resources such as solar panels or wind turbines were set up in the vast uninhabitable deserts which not only provided power to the planet but could also be exported, while paved roads made travelling long distance far easier until the eventual implementation of a railroad system, which made crossing the desert more comfortable. Boats were built to transport people and goods across the shallow oceans of the planet and infrastructure built such as sanitation, education, business, retail, public transportation, public baths and many more made the desert communities thrive and grow in the harsh conditions.
Old Sith Wars and beyond[]
Sol Infinius was not intended to provide manpower for the Morsian war effort unless it was an emergency. The legions and army units on the ground were intended to provide security to the countries and nations on the planet from hostile tribes or external threats, proving safety and security. As a result, while the legions based on Sol Infinius were placed on alert during times of war, they were never taken off-world as auxiliary legions. During the Old Sith Wars, the Sith Empire luckily passed by all the protectorate planets and jumped straight for Mors itself, fighting the Siege of Mors. The idea of bringing in legions from the protectorates as extra manpower was suggested but eventually rejected, and if the idea was taken up, the legions would have come from closer protectorate planets than Sol Infinius, such as Stella Primus or Nova Imperialis. Regardless, the legions and units on the planet remained on alert until the end of the war.
The legions were once again mobilised during the time of the Clone Wars, for in case the Confederacy of Independent Systems invaded Morsian space and for when the Morsians eventually joined in the war. However, the war ended before the Morsians could officially enter the war in any sort of capacity so the legions were stood down. When the Galactic Empire formed at the end of the Clone Wars, the Morsian Empire entered a proxy war and the legions were advised to remain cautious and observant to any sort of Imperial spying or meddling in planetary affairs. The legions were mainly used to deal with separatists or partisans paid by the Empire to cause chaos, but little more than that. When open war was finally declared between the two empires in 0 BBY, the legions were once again placed on high alert for planetary invasion, and while the Empire came close to Morsian space a couple of times shortly after war was declared, they never managed to reach into Morsian space.
Role in intergalactic affairs[]
Protectorate planets such as Sol Infinius fell under Morsian rule ultimately and so followed Morsian decisions when it came to intergalactic affairs.
List of appearances[]
- Star Wars: The Old Republic: Ave Imperator (first appearance)
- A Saga of Two Friends