Star Wars Fanon


No. I am your father!

Warning! This page contains MAJOR spoilers from a recently released or soon-to-be-released product. Caution is advised.

This contains major spoilers for Snoke: A Star Wars Story

Light and Dark. Two sides of the same coin. Both are fuelled solely by power. The side you use that power from is irrelevant. Power is universal. I am universal. That is how I will survive

Snoke, a Force-sensitive Male, was a Varderian from the planet Varderis immensely powerful in the Dark side of the Force. He was known as a great manipulator and powerful in persuasion. Snoke possessed a great interest in arcane lore, and despite practicing the ways of the Dark Side, he was never a Sith.

At a young age, Snoke was trained by Aldar, who tried to teach Snoke the ways of the Force, but Snoke's unstable powers cost him his planet. Snoke went into self chosen exile, traveling to the Sith homeworld of Moraband. There, he learned Dark and forbidden powers unmatched by anything in the Galaxy from two deseased Sith Lords from millennia past. Learning from these Ancinet Sith of the past, Snoke yearned for immortality that they claimed he could gain.

Many Years later, Snoke was the shadowy Supreme Leader of the First Order, who ruled from his mighty vessel Supremacy. Although he practiced the ways of the dark side, Snoke was not a Sith; that order perished with the deaths of the last two Sith Lords, Darth Sidious and Darth Vader. Like the Sith, Snoke sought to achieve the complete destruction of the Jedi Order, which he saw as a symbol of hope that could thwart his plans of galactic conquest. Snoke prefered to operate from a great distance, relaying orders though his vast network of underlings. He seduced a young Ben Solo to the dark side, and dubbed him Kylo Ren.

During the waning days of the Cold War, as Ren led the hunt for the map to Skywalker, General Armitage Hux  informed Snoke that the Starkiller superweapon was complete and thereby proposed to test its destructive firepower on the New Republic Capital world of Hosnian Prime. Snoke approved the general's plan, resulting in the annihilation of the entire Hosnian system, the Galactic Senate, and a substantial portion of the New Republic Defense Fleet. With the Republic in disarray, Snoke turned his attention to the Resistance—a paramilitary group led by Ren's mother, General Leia Organa—and ordered Hux to use the weapon on D'Qar where the Resistance base was located. However, Starkiller Base was destroyed in a Resistance raid and Ren was defeated by Rey, a Force-sensitive scavenger from Jakku.

Despite the loss of the superweapon, Snoke deployed the armed forces of the First Order across the galaxy with the intention of seizing control of the major star systems. At the same time, he personally oversaw the First Order's efforts to destroy the Resistance. Using his mobile headquarters, the Mega-class Star Dreadnought Supremacy, as a command ship, the Supreme Leader's armada pursued the Resistance fleet from D'Qar to the Crait system. He also began to reconsider his view on Ren, whom he now regarded as a failed apprentice and unworthy of Vader's legacy. Believing Ren was not strong enough to hide his conflicted heart, Snoke used his powers to bridge the minds of Ren and Rey, who bonded with each other through the Force, as a way to lure the aspiring Jedi into a trap. Rey ultimately took the bait, convinced that she could redeem Ren, and was tortured by Snoke who succeeded in probingher mind for Skywalker's place of exile. Having gained the knowledge he sought, Snoke ordered Ren to execute Rey. However, Ren did not fulfil his masters command, instead using the force to remotely activate the Lightsaber dormant on Snoke's Throne, which cleaved into his body. Ren then pulled it out, cutting Snoke in half. All in the Throne Room belived that the Supreme Leader was dead, amd after the battle and then death of his Elite Praetorian Guard, Rey and Ren had a brief exchange before both Eventully departed the Room. Ren assumed the title of Surpreme Leader, yet failed to destroy the seemingly insignificant Ring that Snoke wore.

The Ring contained Snoke's spirit, and the Dark Side used fulfilled his own destiny: ecasping his dying and injured body, to achieve his own form of immortality.



Around a year before the birth of Snoke, Force-sensitives from across the Galaxy and beyond fealt the unheard of Rift in the Force, heralding the arrival of a being unnaturally strong in the force, a phenominal event not seen in over 12 million standard years.

Birth and early life[]

Apon birth of Snoke on his homeworld of Varderis,deep in the Unknown Regions, the Rift was dealt once again, but was soon cut off, San Varderis was surrounded by a rare Force Nebula known as the Varderian Pearl which sheilded Snoke's connection to the force from the rest of the Galaxy.

From the moment he was born, Snoke started to show signs of his power. In the delivery room, his arrival made everything float. His parents, Neeina and Obarn felt somthing different about their son, and called on Grand Mistress Quelina to check on him, as she was to be notified if anything strange happened at the facility. While he had only a minor birth deformity in his cheek, he seemed to give off power. On orders from Quelina, Neeina and Obarn took his to the wise leader of the Varderians, Aldar, to detrimene what he was. Aldar sensed though the Force the power of the child, and simply warned Obarn and Neeina that given the right childhood and experinces, he could be either the greatest and most powerful hero, or a grave threat to the entire Galaxy. His mother then named him "Snoke" after the saviour of the Varderian race, Snokearius.

For the next ten years, Snoke trained under Aldar in the ways of the force, learning to use it to protect his people. One day, a ship containing a group of Chiss crashed on Varderis, and Snoke led the investigation, and studied the newcomers on their arrival. He became greatly invested in the Chiss people's story, and spoke to their leader, Ahara'ran'kai, who informed Snoke on recent Galachic History. Snoke wanted to know more, and Eventully, Ahara decided to stay, telling Snoke of the mystic Jedi, and their war fought against the Sith. Snoke became obseesed with the lore and history of the Galaxy, and used ornate to father his studies into the force and the history of his own people. When he was not learning from his new tutor and friend, Snoke would spend hours of the day in his family worshop tinkering away with Droids and Datapads.

Snoke continued to train with Aldar, and one fateful night, Snoke used the force to lift an entire bulid into the air. But his move was reckless, as he was seen by a citizen, who identied him as the son of Obarn and Neeina. A Mob rushed to their home, demanding to know why the family kept Snoke's powers secret when he could have helped them instead. Ignoring Aharars warning, Snoke rushed to his family home. Obarn stood outside, trying to calm the raged mobsters. One pushed forwards, and Obarn punched the man down. In the confusion, a shot was fired, and a fight broke out. Snoke came in time to stop the chaos, but was not in time to prevent his father being shot before his eyes. In a moment of rage, Snoke levitated the man and froze the entire crowd., using Force Crush to crush the heart of the man who shot his father, before dropping the others to the ground. As the others fled, Snoke ran to his father, but Obarn was already dead. Aldar soon came, and warned Snoke not to have an outburst of power like that again, as it was dangerous to everyone, and it could have killed more than a single person, marking that unamed man, Snoke's first kill.

Years Later, Snoke was a public hero. Now coming to grasp his power, he prevented and ended civil war on Varderis, saved millions from disaster, and kept the people safe from possible unknown threats that faced them. Snoke at one point, along with Ahara'ran'Kai , stopped a platoon of Pirates from finding their homeworld, via Snoke's erasing the memory of the Star System from every single Pirates memory. The Pirates left unkowingly. Later, Snoke would go ahead me to face a raging Tyrantor beast that was terrorising a distant village. Snoke faced the beast with nothing but a Varderain Warriors spear, and impaled the beast in head with the spear, and gave its skull to the villagers as a memoir of the battle. Snoke was honoured for his fight with the Tyrantor.

Facing the Invaders from Beyond[]

I will kill them all
—Snoke to Ahara on facing the Invaders

Snoke was working on a Chiss Protocol Droid in his family workshop, fixing the droid using the force. He was interrupted in his efforts when Marzo, the Commander of Varderian Miltery burst in, telling Snoke he was needed immediately. Before Snoke could ask why, he saw: A massive fleet of dark ships suspended in orbit above his planet. Marzo informed Snoke that the invaders had already made contact, referring to their fleet as Galaxy's Doom. As Marzo went to make battle preparations, Snoke went to Aldar for guidance. Without warning, the invaders rained missiles apon the main city of Varderis, prompting Snoke to order Ahara to evacuate the people to Varderis' Moon for safety until the threat was over. Snoke soon faced the enemy, as ground troops landed all around him. Snoke dealt with his foes quick, using the Force to make their bullets bounce harmlessly away, and using Force Push to send the soilders flying back. At times, he unleashed a Force Crush, killing the invader. He found himeself surrounded suddenly.

One Inavader launched a javelin at him, which Snoke sent flying back to impale the Inavder in the head. The others attacked, but Snoke killed them all with ease. Looking up at the fleet as it devasted his home, he fealt the Force Nebula near Varderis. This gave the Force User an idea. Concentrating all his energy, Snoke focused on the Nebula, and then, began to use Force Drain, pulling the Force from the Nebula into his own body, causing him to scream in pain. Aldar sensed a disturbance in the force, and saw what Snoke was doing. He rushed to stop his student, but it was too late. Snoke destoyed the Nebula, absorbing all its nerdy, before unleashing a blast of power as Aldar yelled out. The blast incinerated the nearby ships, the sheer energy reducing the Ships of the fleet to Ash. Nearby Invaders vaporised, and when the dust cleared, what little of the fleet known as Galaxy's Doom remained was retreating. Snoke turned to see Aldar, but saw his master horrified. The ground around Snoke had blackened, the grass wilted and dead, drained of all life, the entire area the same. Aldar tried to use the force but couldn't. He could only mouth "at what cost" before collasping, turing black and crumbling to dust. Aldar was no more

All around Snoke, others met similar fates. Horrified at what he had done, Snoke rushed to his home to find his mother on her bed, fataly wounded as a result of the Invader attack. Neeina said that even her, without a connection to the force, sensed Cold, Fear and Death. She looked at her son, and prayed he was not the cause, before dying in Snoke's arms. Snoke buried her outside, and returned to the dust that was Aldar. He picked single hardned crystal from his masters remains, and took it with him, as a memento of what this day had cost him.

Exile and words with the Sith[]

Being a spectre, trapped on a planet you cannot leave, that doesn't sound like immortality, that sounds like imprisonment
—Snoke, to Darth Bane

Snoke looked for Ahara but could not find her anywhere. Fearing her death, Snoke decided to leave, taking with him his own belongings aboard a Cruiser called Red Arrow. Apon leaving Snoke sensed the birth of Anakin Skywalker. Snoke left his dying world behind, and went deep into the Unknown Regions, until he reached a planet which he sensed held a strong connection to the force. He soon learned from the Red Arrows charts that the planet was called Moriband. What Snoke did not know, was that Moriband was the Sith Homeworld. Snoke sensed the power of the force from within the Planet. He entered the Sith Temple, and soon faced the spectre of the deseased Sith Lord Darth Bane and the spectre of Darth Chaon. Snoke recognised the pair a set ancinet Sith. Chaon laughed at Snoke, and asked what he was doing on Moriband. Snoke replied he was seeking answers. Darth Bane told Snoke that the awnsers that he and Chaon possesed were not for the weak hearted. Snoke was aggragated, and yelled that he had just doomed and entire World to kill a fleet worth of Invaders. Bane was mildly impressed, but Chaon doubted the claim, and peered inside Snoke's mind. He saw darkness and the potential for a powerful being inside, even witnessing the event Snoke desribed.

Chaon admitted that what Snoke spoke of was true, and allowed the alien to follow him and Bane deeper into the temple. Darth Bane told Snoke the history of the Sith, and their endless quest to live forever. Bane annoced he succeeded, and had floated around haunting Moribnad until a dark used to fully free him from the planets constraints. Snoke asked how Bane achieved immortality, but Bane merely replied with "Pain, and Sacrifice". Snoke said he doubted that being a ghost was really immortal. Darth Chaon roared at Snoke, telling him that he would never be at the power of a ture Sith of ages gone. Darth Chaon went to blast Force Lightning at Snoke, but he combatted it with his own, learned from the writing on the wall of the temple. Snoke then began to drain Darth Chaons Force, and the Sith screamed in pain. The spectre of Darth Bane watched in shock and amazement as Snoke destoyed the spectre of Darth Chaon, killing the Sith for good and taking his force power to enchane his own. Snoke looked at Bane, and asked, "What am I?". Darth Bane called Snoke a Force Rifter, that he would never hold power of his own, only take it. Snoke then forged a tomb from the force, and sealed the spirit of Darth Bane inside it.

Forging the Spirirt Ring[]

No Pain; no reward. No sacrifice; no victory
—Snoke forges his ring

He heeded Banes words of immortality, taking out his crystal he had taken from Aldars remains. He pulled a lump of pure gold from the temple wall, and went outside, where lava ran as a river. He used the force to lower the gold into the lava melting it down. He forged a ring to fit on his finger, putting it on his finger a it set, scalding his flesh as he did. He placed the crystal within the Ring, and allowed some of his own blood to drop apon it. He felt stronger, and connected to his ring, the Spirit Ring. Feeling his mission complete he departed from Moriband, but not before making his most risky mission yet.

Just then, his Chiss ally, Ahara'ran'kai returned, boarding his ship with a platoon of Sentry Droids. She quickly realised what Snoke was about to do, as he stood on the very front of his ship, suspended over Moriband. Snoke felt the energy of The darkest world in the Galaxy, and wanted it for himself. Snoke then began to drain the Dark Side energy from Moraband. Ahara ran to him, yelling for him to call if off, but was pushed away by an invisible force. Snoke pulled pure darkness into his body, but soon, his skin began steaming and he screamed out in sheer pain as peer eurputed over his body, before he was blasted back, halting the drain. Ahara then piloted the Red Arrow away from Moriband and had fellow Chiss Marh'oen'nentach take Snoke to the ships Bacta Tank. The Chiss Rhoen informed Ahara that Snoke's wounds consisted mainly of burns, but the mercy had further hastened his bodily decay, as he was unable to complete the drain.

After healing from his burns, Snoke awoke, and went to the bridge of the Red Arrow, where Ahara and Rhoen waited for him. Ahara informed Snoke she carried out his last orders, and the survivors of his race were safe on the planets moon. The Red Arrow then departed to places unknown. During his long travels recovering Sith Artifacts with Rhoen and Ahara, Snoke sensed the start of the Clone Wars, and suspected that the Dark lord of the Sith he sensed years prior had something to do with the war.

At one ponit, a lone Clone Light Crusier found itself stranded in the unknown regions, and met the Red Arrow. Snoke quickly dispatched the Clones by draining what little force power they had died from them, killing the entire crew. Rheon watched and likened Snoke to a demonic vampire. Snoke soon encountered his first Jedi. He was a Gran , by the name of Enabi Teeb, and had come alone into the Unknown Regions after sensing a dark pressence: Snoke himeslf. Snoke sent his Sentry Droids to take down Moor, but the Jedi easily destoyed them all. Snoke then faced the Jedi himeslf aboard his small command room on the Red Arrow. The Jedi engaged Snoke, who levitated him with the force, and struck him with Force Lightning, until he killed the Jedi. As Enabi Teeb died, Snoke stole his Force Power, a trait he found far to relaxing to stop now. He picked up Lightsaber, and removed the kyber crystal.

Using Sith teachings, he unleashed his hate and rage apon The Crystal, bleeding it red. Putting it back in the saber, he ignited his red blade, his Lightsaber. He placed the blade inside a Gold Cane he carried with him from Varderis, concealing it.

Imperial Era and grave injuries[]

The Red Arrow eventully landed on a barren planet deep in the Unknown Regions of space. There, Snoke sensed the fall of Anakin Skywalker, and his becoming to Darth Vader. He felt Order 66, the Jedi Order falling in taters and the rise of the first Galactic Empire. While They Ruled, Snoke stole the Force from planets in the unknown regions, earning him the nickname "life stealer". The more he a adorned man the more he could see and the stronger he became: but also the more he took, the more his body broke down. He found himeslf relying on his Saber-Cane to run, and sometimes even walk.

Snoke soon traveled in search of more energy to harvest and consume, and found a good host of Force Energy was Kyber Crystals and Kyber itself, and had Ahara lead him too various supplies of it, to comfort himeslf, and become more powerful, as it would take too much energy to harvest and entire planet. During a mission to find a Kyber Crystal, which Snoke was now able to acuratly sence, he encountred an Imperial Inquisitor on the same mission with a band of Stormtroopers. The Inquistor was the Third Brother. As Snoke emerged to find the crystals before the Empire, Emperor Palpatine sensed Snoke from Coruscant, and tracked Snoke to the Crystal planet Naalaah. Snoke fought Third Brother and his troops, killing all the Devaronians forces, allowing him to flee.

As Snoke was ready to harvest the crystals, he saw Marzo be struck down by Palpatine, who had his Shadow Guard and the Third Brotherr attack Snoke, and Palpatine himself soon knocked Snoke out and took Snoke aboard the Imperial starship Executor. Palpatine soon seized the Red Arrow and moved Snoke there. When Snoke awoke, he found himself with ammsia, as a result of The blast of untapped power from Palpatine. Palpatine spoke to Snoke, asking him who he was, while Snoke replied with a name he heard in his life: Snoke. Palpatine then asked what Snoke's mission was and Snoke told him: Find Kyber Crystals. Palpatine asked him if he knew of Kyber Crystals, and if he could find him Kyber Crystals. Using Snoke as a compass, Palpatine found a stash of Kyber Crystals that he would use to power Project: Stardust, The Death Star.

When Snoke awoke, he was delirious and exhausted. He stumbled out of his chamber, and Palpatine ordered a doctor to his room. The Doctor found Snoke, who had regained his memories, but had yet to regain his sanity. Snoke grabbed the Doctors arm, and pulled the force out of her, killing her. Snoke then did the same to the pair of Shadow Gaurds who tried to contain him, before pulling their kyber crystals from their pikes and absorbing their energy.

Snoke, mad with pain, confronted Palpatine. The Emperor saw Snoke drop another body, that of his other Shadow Gaurd. Screaming Palpatines name, Snoke blasted Force Lightning at the Emperor, who met it with his own. But Snoke's was overpowering, and catapulted the dark lord of the Sith back. Palpatine s hood fell back, revealing his face to Snoke. As Snoke ingited his own lightsaber to kill Palpatine, the Emperor blasted force lighting, which Snoke did not have time to block. His skin steamed and burned as he wasn't struck by bolt after bolt, knocked back. Palpatine then drew his own Lightsaber, and following a quick duel, slashed Snoke once in the back of the head and once across the forehead. Snoke fell, and as Palpatine raised his blade to finish it, a Officer arrived, forcing him to return to his forceless Emperor persona. He ordered that they fire on and destroy the Red Arrow, which was a wish fulfilled, and Palpatine left believing Snoke dead.

However, alothough greatly wounded and burnt, Snoke survived, being saved by Ahara. He spent the next year in a bacta tank, absorbing the life of all around him.

Realisng he needed a Better approach, he went to the Chiss homeworld of Csilla, and placed his order for a Mega class Star Dreadnought. Rheon doubted that even his own people could make a ship that big, so Snoke went to another race, the Bendors instead. Landing on Bendoron, he met the leader of the people, Lord Tenvis Okna, who welcomed the challenge to construct the greatest starship in Galatic History. During his stay on Bendoron, Snoke made plans: slow carful plans for a weapon to match that of the current Imperial Death Star. While he was on Bendoron, the Death Star was destoyed by Luke Skywalker , whom Snoke sensed as a possible threat to his future plans. Snoke's opinion on Palpatines empire was that of boredom. He had no love for the empire, seemed ir weak and in places unstable, with Rebbelion poping up across the Galaxy. For him, that was a good think, the more focus on Theban Empire, thebless on him, and that more Palpatine had to focus on the Rebels, the less he could sense Snoke in the Unknown Regions. But Palpatine sensed so thing, although Vader could not.

By the time Snoke left Bendoron with his new ship, which he rightfully named Supremacy , the second Death Star had been destoyed, and both Darth Vader, the chosen one, and Snoke's only rival, Emperor Palpatine, had perished. Palpatine never got to act on his suspion that a greater evil lurked in the unknown.

Following the death of Darth Vader, Snoke visited Vader's castle on Mustafar, and refined his Ring with Obsidian from the catacombs under it. He spoke to the Chiss Mitth'raw'nuruodo , or Thrawn, seeking more acurate travel though the deeper part of the Unknown Regions.

Taking the First Order and seducing Ben Solo[]

The Imperial Remnant, led by Grand Admiral Rae Sloane, fled into the Unknown Regions following their loss at the battle of Jakku. In the Regions, they came across the Supremacy, and Snoke along with it. Snoke held little interest in Sloane or any of the high command of the reminet, but saw a possible leader in the form of Armitage Hux. Sloane resisted the temptations of Snokes leadership, and did not trust the pair of Chiss either. Secretly, Rhoen agreed with her, and saw her rememant as a chance for a be future, as following Snoke on his path to immortality was not something he wanted to do, n matter what Ahara said. He made a deal with Rae, and the two wanted Snoke gone. Armitage, however, had no such agenda. He gladly placed himself in service of Snoke, and told him of his desire to see a new better order in the galaxy.

While things went with Sloane, Snoke reached out with the force, and sensed potential on the newborn child of Han Solo and Leia Organa, Ben Solo. Snoke deemed the child worthy to be his new apprentice, and sought to connect with the boy though the force. Ben would be plagued by nightmares of Snoke's voice for months until he relented.

Snoke became invested in the Skywalker bloodline, believing General Leia Organa and Han Solo's son, Ben Solo, the grandson of Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader and the nephew of the now Jedi Master Luke Skywalker, had the right balance of the light and dark sides of the Force in him.[1] In addition, Snoke had been indirectly responsible for convincing Skywalker to rebuild the Jedi Order in an attempt to break the latter when he had it destroyed alongside Skywalker himself, with his intending to corrupt Ben Solo being instrumental to these plans. He manipulated Solo, and Luke too sensed it, but could it stop it in time. Ben Solo became Kylo Ren, and killed Skywalkers Jedi students. Leia was aware of the influence Snoke could have on her son, but did not inform Han, believing he would not understand and that, as a Force-sensitive, it was her responsibility to keep Ben away from the dark side. Eventually, Snoke had successfully turned Ben to the dark side, anointing him Kylo Ren, Master of the Knights of Ren, and ordered him to destroy Skywalker's revived Jedi Order. Though Ren succeeded in slaughtering the entirety of the fledgling Jedi Order, Skywalker managed to escape into hiding to Ahch-To, qas he felt that it wasn't Snoke, as Leia thought, but himself who was to take blame for the events due to his nearly killing Solo in his sleep after sensing the Dark side in him.

As Armitage continued to serve loyally, more of the remenant swore loyalty to Snoke, but Sloane still relented, holding most the resources of the Remenant back from Snoke's use. For Snoke, resources were the one thing he still lacked to achieve his goal. But with this new order at his fingertips, he could do anything. Sloane finally admitted that no longer was it an imerpial remenant, but the new order, The First Order. That was all Snoke needed to hear. Tipped of by Ahara and Hux of Rhoens betrayal, he called his former ally to his Throne Room which he had built aboard the Supremacy. There, in front of Rae, Hux and other members of First Order High Command, he pulled the Force Power out of the Chiss, leaving him weak and dying on the floor. Snoke stood up from his throne, and walked over to Rhoen. He unclipped his Lightsaber from his cane and then impaled Rhoen, killing him.

Sloane went to exit, but found herself frozen. Snoke annoced that he was now the leader of Theban First Order, that no matter how he looked, he was the Supreme Leader. He then struck Rae Sloane down with his blade, taking her life from her as she died.

Training of the Guards[]

Following Sloanes death, Snoke fully took control of the First Order. Most records of Grand Admiral Rae Sloane were erased, and her actions reduced to make her seem far less important to the First Orders history than she actually was. Snoke then took the Supremacy to Krellion, a world in the Unknown Regions that was known for high levels of metals in the crust. Snoke planned a tempoary base for the First Order there, so they could stock up on supplies. After a deal with Kuat Drive Yards was made, where Kuat would produce the First Order starships and veichles, Snoke himeself went to Krellios, and met the natives, a mute species of Alien. However, one was able to speak, and annoced himself as Levan Mar, and that as navigators, he and his particular tribe sought a role in wider Galactic affairs. Seeing the chance, Snoke recruited Mar and the other members of his tribe to be his Attendants.

Following this, Snoke and Mar met a Human male from Coruscant on Krellios, and seeing the man was a skilled teacher of the marital arts, Snoke took him aboard the Supremacy, and dubbed him the Elder Guard. He charged the Elder guard with the recruitment and training of his own his own Guard force to rival the Imperial Shadow Guard. Sixteen elite First Order personnel were selected after a selection of vigou tests. From there, they all met Snoke, who demanded they shed their names or titles, only being known as "Guard". Sensing the most rebellious one in the Force, Snoke had Elder Guard single him out, before ordering the other Guards to kill the rebellious one. This was to show that their master needed no reason to demand a death, but his guards must execute his will no matter what. All but one of the Gaurds complied, and killed on Snoke's orders. Snoke himself them used the force and choked the hesitant Guard to death. With two down on day one, Snoke then gave them their armour. When one couldn't take the strain of iti the too was executed by his peers on Snokes command.

When Snoke was not around, the Guards would be trained by Elder, who subjected them to much psychical and mental training.

Eventully, Ten Guards remained. Snoke gave their ultimate test. An unspecified target was on Krellios. The game must track him down, and bring him directly to Snoke. But only Eight Guards could become Snoke's defenders. Any others left over who returned empty handed, would die. As soon as the Guards were left on Krellios, one was killed already by another, and they split up hunting using a tracker given by Snoke. Little did they know, the hunted one was Elite Guard, who had been served up by Snoke, being told he was on a test too. He faced and killed on the the Gaurds aching him, and led them back to the Supremacy, per Snoke's orders.

The Guards fought each other in Snokes throne room, the battle ending with another dead, leaving Eight Guards. Snoke congratulated the survivors, but then told them there was still one extra Guard too many. Only then, did Elder Guard realise the setup. Snoke then used the force to constrain Elder Guard, and ordered the Guards to kill their mentor. Elder departly tried to tell his students that they had a choice, but they spoke not, and excuted Elder Gaurd.

Snoke then called them, his Elite Praetorian Guard.

Cold War[]

Following Skywalker's disappearance, Snoke assigned Ren to hunt down the last Jedi, knowing that as long as Skywalker lived, the Jedi and thus hope lived. In 34 ABY, Ren's search led him to Jakku, where he learned that the final piece of the map to Skywalker was in the possession of the astromech droid BB-8 Snoke ordered the droid's capture or destruction, preferably the former. Despite the efforts of the First Order, BB-8 managed to escape Jakku aboard the Millennium Falcon. Ren and General Hux later returned to Starkiller Base to communicate with Snoke via hologram. Hux proposed using Starkiller Base's superweapon to destroy the New Republic government, which was backing the Resistance, an undertaking which Snoke authorized. He then spoke with Ren privately, asking if he had felt an awakening in the Force. He ordered Ren to kill his father to overcome his temptation by the light.

Following this, he drained what remained of the Force power from the ruins of the Hosinan system, attempting to use the power to hasten the healing of his own twisted body.

Shortly after the destruction of the Hosnian system, resulting in the eradication of the New Republic government and a portion of its fleet, Ren invaded Takodana in search of BB-8. He later deemed the droid unnecessary as he captured a scavenger named Rey, who had seen the final piece of the map to Skywalker's location. Snoke was later upset to hear that the girl resisted Ren's interrogation. Ren defended himself by explaining that Rey was strong in the Force, albeit untrained. As the Resistance base had been discovered, Snoke ordered Hux to destroy the Resistance before they could find Skywalker, and for Ren to bring Rey to him. However, Ren never got the chance, as Rey managed to escape with the help of her new powers. Subsequently, Starkiller base. was infiltrated by Han Solo, Chewbacca, and Finn, who managed to lower the shields through the aid of a captured Captain Phasmato allow the Resistance fleet to attack the base. Solo then tried to bring Ren back to the light, only for his own son to murder him. In rage and grief, Chewbacca wounded Ren and blew a hole in the superweapon's thermal oscillator, allowing Resistance pilot Poe Dameron to fly in and destroy it, causing catastrophic damage, preventing the solar energy from being contained. When the destruction of Starkiller Base was inevitable, a frantic Hux reported this to Snoke who was remarkably blase about it, instead ordering the general to bring Ren to him in order to complete his training.

Eventually, in spite of the loss of Starkiller Base, the First Order managed to gain enough victories in the conflict that Snoke decided to risk coming out of the shadows to personally lead the First Order to potential dominance over the Resistance.

Around this time, Snoke started to heal his more grevious wounds by daining the life of those around him.

Open War with the Resistance[]

Sometime after the destruction of Starkiller Base, Snoke began directing several maneuvers designed to eliminate any possibility of hope returning to the galaxy. He empowered General Hux to pursue and destroy the Resistance fleet, which initially failed when an assault on their base not only saw the Resistance slip away but the loss of a First Order dreadnought. Snoke immediately contacted Hux to make his anger clear, using the Force to painfully humiliate the general, but was delighted when Hux revealed a way to track the fleet's movements through hyperspace, thereby allowing the First Order to immediately pinpoint their location.

Immediately after his audience with Hux, Snoke turned his attention to his disgraced apprentice, remarking on how he had begun to lose faith in his apprentice after his failure at Starkiller Base and his further conflict over having murdered his father, having felt from afar Ren's struggle when he killed his father.[17] Snoke's taunts caused Ren to attempt to attack him, causing the Supreme Leader's guards to react aggressively, but Snoke effortlessly brushed aside the attack with a bolt of Force lightning and went back to his throne, reminding Ren that as long as the Jedi persisted in the galaxy, so too did the hope that could defeat them. He then chastised Ren out of the throne room by saying him that he was just a child with a mask rather than the successor of Darth Vader.

But once Ren left the throne room, Snoke smiled to himself. He must've used this reprimand as a way to motivate his apprentice. If that was the case,then it worked: Ren destroyed his mask on the turboliftwith all the pent-up rage he could muster before preparing for what appeared to be the First Order's final victory.

While Ren attempted to become stronger, once again, Snoke pulled the life's force from one of his attendants.

Seeking to shift the tides in his favor, Snoke claimed to have used his own powers to link the minds of Rey and Ren through a Force-bond. For doing so, Snoke manipulated Ren's insecurity to his advantage, knowing his apprentice couldn't hide his conflict from Rey, who couldn't pass up the chance to redeem the former Ben Solo. Through the Force, both Rey and Ren could see each other and communicate from different locations in the galaxy. Believing she could restore Ben Solo to the light, Rey sought Ren out, and was brought to Snoke aboard the Supreme Leader's flagship known as the Supremacy, where the Supreme Leader took her weapon, the legendary Skywalker lightsaber, and placed it next to him on the arm of his throne. Using his own formidable powers, Snoke restrained Rey and tortuously probed her mind to discover Skywalker's whereabouts.

After obtaining the knowledge he sought, he contemptuously dropped the girl, only for her to attempt to summon Anakin Skywalker's weapon into her grasp, which he effortlessly redirected to strike her in the head from behind with a sneer. In one instance, after dropping Rey to the floor, Snoke laughed and mused that Skywalker had been "so wise" as to hide from him. He decided that once the Resistance was destroyed, he would command his forces to Ahch-To and obliterate the entire Temple island so Skywalker and the Jedi Order could be given the death he desired. As a final gesture of contempt, he forced Rey to watch the destruction of the Resistance's remaining ships via his oculus viewing scope operated and designed by the Attendants. Rather than breaking Rey's spirit, however, the sight prompted her to summon Kylo's sword to defy him once more, earning the Supreme Leader's respect as he sincerely complimented her for her courage.

Acknowledging Rey now as a genuine threat to both himself and the First Order, Snoke commanded his apprentice to execute her, confident that Ren would not turn in spite of Rey's faith in his former persona, that of Ben Solo, and boasted that he could read his apprentice's mind and see his every thought and intention. Intending to torture the girl with every detail up to the moment of her death, he shut his eyes and described to Rey everything he saw in Ren's mind, turning the lightsaber to "strike true" and igniting it to kill his "true enemy."However, Snoke's visions and Force senses betrayed him. Once he reopened his eyes and awaited the coming strike, his triumphant smile became one of pained surprise as he felt the blade of a lightsaber piercing through his withered and twisted body. At the same time, his telekinetic hold over Rey collapsed. The Supreme Leader looked down to find the Skywalker lightsaber having been turned, aimed and activated in his direction. There was only one in this room who had the ability and cunning to pull off such a feat through the Force: Ren.

Snoke tried to say something, but he couldn't. He remained consious long enough to glare at his former apprentice for his betrayal before Ren summoned the still-active lightsaber to Rey's grasp and the blue blade cut through the Supreme Leader's waist and wrists, dismembering him. His upper torso then collapsed heavily to the floor in a shower of embers at the base of his throne, leaving his hands on the armrests and his lower torso sitting on the throne. The Ring, remained on his finger.

Kylo Ren believed Snoke was dead, and as did the Elite Praetorian Gaurds, who attempted to avenge him, but despite their efforts, all of the Elite Praetorian Guard were killed by Kylo and Rey. After the Guards had all been killed, Ren stared at his Master's body, before offering Rey a place at his side. Rey begged him to help save the fleet and tried to pull her lightsaber back from him. The combined opposite pulls of Rey and Ren destroyed the blade, knocking Ren unconscious when he hit the floor while Rey was able to escape the doomed starship. Hux later entered to find Ren alone on the ground, and the body of the Supreme Leader. The lower half of Snoke's body then slipped off the throne and on to the floor beside the torso, right before Hux's eyes. Kylo then took the mantle of Supreme Leader, and ruler of the First Order.

Hux too, was now convinced that their Supreme Leader was dead. However, it was not as simple as that. Many First Order Offiers did not believe it was even possible for Snoke to have been killed, yet few actually entred the throne room to gaze at his body. Many personell across the galaxy doubted the claims made that Snoke has indeed perished, even fewer had conformation of the fact, or had seen it themselves. The First Order soon abandoned the Supremacy, leaving Snoke's corpse their as well.


While the First Order abandoned The Supremancy, Snoke's body was left where it lay, the ring that he forged with help form Sith beyond the grave still intact.

In the Supreme Leaders final moments of consciousness, he was able to merge his spirit with ring. As Ren pulled the Lightsaber too him, which cleaved Snoke in half, his spirit and his dark side power was successfully sealed in the Ring, leaving his torso to fall from the throne. Unknowing of what had just transpired, Rey and Kylo dueled the vengeful Elite Praetorian Gaurd, and successfully killed all of them. After a showdown of force power which embed in the destruction of the Skywalker Lightsaber, Rey left the Supremacy without Kylo. Ren soon left as well, but not before delacring himself the new Supreme Leader. He believed Snoke was dead.

This had been the Supreme Leaders plan all along. Allow his broken apprentice to seemly slay him, so he could finally be free of his decaying body. But even within the ring, with all his power still with him, he hungerd for more. Snoke now, only had to wait, and for the first time since his decay began, he had time.


Snoke would be spoken of by the Whills, who spoke of his great power and how his plans shook the Galaxy.

Personality and Traits[]

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Snoke, following his extensive injuries, wore a golden robe both as a show of weath, and for comfort purposes, as he moved away from direct confrentation.

Supreme Leader Snoke was a secretive, enigmatic figure who coveted arcane lore. Rather than establish a permanent base of operations, he preferred governing the First Order in a mobile command post from where he could contact his subordinates, though his exact location was unknown. He was both wise and cunning, having risen to power by undermining the First Order's leading officials through guile. As the Supreme Leader of the First Order, Snoke almost never left the Supremacy, and gave orders to his underlings in the form of immese holograms. Few member of the First Order ever saw Snoke in person, aside from the founders who witnessed his assession, and the likes of Kylo Ren and Armatidge Hux, who serve in high prestige in the organisatio. Still, his existance is no secret and he is known to be both the leader of the First Order and a user of the Dark Side by Leia Organa.

Snoke was a master of manuliption and subversion, being able to sway the young and powerful Ben Solo to the dark side, and making him kill all his fellow Jedi in the school, as well as refining his dark side so he could kill his father, Han Solo. Snoke was shown to have extreme control over Ren, and would grown enraged at failures that occurred as a result of Rens heritage, which Snoke viewed as his apprentices ultimate weakness.

Like his apprentice, whose mask provided him with a more imposing presence,Snoke relied on theatrics when interacting with his subordinates via holographic transmission. Although the Supreme Leader was, in reality, around seven feet tall, his holographic form magnified his height several times over, allowing him to "look down" upon his followers. While he initially tolerated his apprentice's desire to emulate Vader by wearing a mask, Snoke thought it was absurd and later ridiculed Ren's affectation.

Snoke's intelligent, sophisticated, and at times calm demeanor masked his more sinister qualities such as cruelty, arrogance, egotism, and narcissism. He was a terrifying, monstrous individual who possessed a dark nature that rivaled even that of the late Darth Sidious.Snokes demeanor shifted from calmness[7]to anger,[12] depending on the situation. Upon learning of Starkiller's impending destruction, he simply told Hux to evacuate the base with Ren, only to later scold and physically reprimand his apprentice out of frustration. When presented with the chance to use the Starkiller superweapon against the New Republic, Snoke agreed with Hux's plan to lure the First Order's enemies out of hiding in spite of ending billions of lives in the process.

When on Varderis in his younger years, prior to his own fall to the Dark Side, Snoke was a smart, creative and caring being, watching out for the wellbeing of his family, and others on his homeworld. He was known to tinker with machines, and was a quick learner under Aldar. But, as a result of his massive power, was prone to outbursts of rage, not unsmilar to hisnlater years, where he would yell at Kylo Ren.

When Snoke first drained the force, and accinde caused the deaths of many Varderians, he was horrified with himeslf,but did not deny the fact that's it made him feel far stronger afterwards. Despite initially hating the idea of taking the life from others, it grew to a terrible habit, where Snoke would drain allies, enemies, and cities of beings alike, sometimes even Planets and objects, such as Kyber Crystals, which Snoke could remotely sense and locate, which put him in the attanesion of Sheev Palpatine.

Palpatine was the only being in the galaxy at the time that Snoke viewed as both a potensial threat, and a rival. Following Palpatines death, Snoke saw Luke Skywalker as his greatest threat, and still acted with similar caution he had during the regin of Sidious.

Powers and Abilities[]

Snoke was one of the most powerful Force-sensitives in Galatic History. So, he possesed a wide range of skills he could perform with the force. He had abilities held by most trained in the Force, such as Force Push, Force Pull Mind tricks and the power to make his own body levitate. But he held much more powerful abilities under wraps. Alongside Force Choke and the rare Force Lightning, Snoke could erase and control Minds with the force, bending even the most unwilling to his will, or concinvg them an event happened when it did not, or vica versa. He could also bridge Minds to create Force Connections.

Snoke also used Force Crush as a way to kill his enemies, but by far his most devastating ability was Force Drain. Using the power, Snoke could pull the very medichlorians from being, or even an entire Planet into his body, rendering the victim a lifeless husk. This put emmese strain on his body however, and began to destroy his physical form entirely.

Snoke had stratigic prowess, and was a respected (if a bit extreme) miltery commander. He was far more powerful in the force than psychical strength, due to the state of his body, but had his Elite Praetorian Gaurd to defend him in his later years.

Pyshical Appearnce[]

Snoke's appearance was frail, with large hands. He had a distinctive, idiosyncratic bone and facial structure. His hologram used on the Starkiller Base projected him several times larger (around 25 feet)[than his natural appearance, towering over Kylo Ren and General Hux. Snoke had an elongated face with pale, heavily scarred skin and pale blue eyes.Even in person, however, he was still very large, standing over seven feet in height.He sported a large scar from the top of his head, all the way down to his brow. Snoke also had what appeared to be a scar or burn on his right cheek that caused his mouth to be contorted. Snoke's left cheekbone was malformed. During the cold war, Snoke wore a simple dark cloak, and tended to speak slowly and enunciate his desires with a forceful undertone.[7] However, having moved from the shadows to rule openly with the advent of open war, Snoke's wardrobe changed to reflect his more materialistic side and his designs on ruling the galaxy; instead of the simple cloak, he now wore ornate golden khalat robes with a gray underdress, tied at the waist by an elegant golden belt and on his finger he wore a ring of gold and obsidian engraved with runes from the Four Sages of Dwarti. His ring was connected to him spiritually, bonding his life too it, not unlike Sith who bonded their own life force to an object or artifact. Because of his physical frailties, which left him past his prime in terms of physical strength, he relied on material comforts such as slippers to deal with his ailing body which was in a constant state of pain due to his advanced age and wounds, and he could not defend himself well in a physical fight, instead relying on his Elite Praetorian Guards to deal with any threats to him.

When in his younger years, Snoke had pale and seamless skin, with only a slight indented mark on his right cheek, as a result of a natural birth deformity, that became horribly enchanced with his injures later in life. Snoke had short trimmed white hair, amd no facial hair. His height and stature was Natural of a Varderian

