Slaner Boein was a Dark Jedi of the Bogan during the Hutt War. He was noted for having a similar ability to cXe, that being he could take memories and Force Powers from people he touched. This gave him a wanting for more knowledge of the Force, one that Slaner could not completely control. This led to the creation of another personality, Gabriel Boein.
Early life[]
Slaner was born on Coruscant to very wealthy parents, but when a Jedi visited their home and informed them that their son was Force-sensitive, they were more than happy to give him to the Jedi. He was taken to the Ossus Praxeum, and begun his training like all other younglings. Force control came naturally to him, as did lightsaber combat, but none of this made Slaner feel any better. He constantly had doubts about himself, and would talk to few people in the Praxeum. That changed though, when I was made a Padawan to the person who brought Slaner to Ossus in the first place: Bragen Fruam.
Bragen took Slaner with him, around the galaxy as he found more Force Sensitives to join the Jedi. During the years of his training, Bragen taught him how to be 'free' from the restrictions the Jedi would place on him. Bragen told Slaner that he would take over for Bragen when he became a Knight, and he'd have to get used to Bragen's job. This gave Slaner a mission to complete, become a Knight, so his master could go back to whatever he had. But the first problem that came with Slaner's training was his coldness, he was socially awkward and those were not good traits for a Jedi Finder.
So in what followed was a minor mistake, Bragen taught Slaner the lightsaber form of Juyo. It was an attempt to get Slaner to open up and be more affable, a trait that would be needed for Bragen's job. Well, the lightsaber training helped and soon Slaner began to be similar to Bragen, in that he could easily convince parents to relinquish their children to the Jedi. Bragen brought Slaner back to Ossus for a break, and during this time he got into a fight with a fellow padawan, Osman Pasha, and cut off one of his tentacles. Minutes later he was laid out, and Osman walked away. Later when Slaner woke up, Bragen was standing over him with a strange face on. Slaner was told that he still had some things to learn and was not yet ready for Knighthood.
What Bragen, and even Slaner didn't know, was that Gabriel was beginning to talk with Slaner. Gave him ideas about life and things of that matter. But no one really knew what was going on inside that head of Slaner's. Bragen continued to train Slaner in Juyo and court manners, and for several years everything was good. Eventually when Slaner was twenty, Bragen Knighted him to take his place. Bragen left the Order and soon the Ospion Schism began. Slaner stayed a Jedi, and took over Bragen's job fully within a month.
Jedi Knight[]
As a Jedi Knight, Slaner exerted a far more astute control of the Force than ever before. He honed his Force Sense to the point where he could find a Force User within a mile, if they weren't hiding their Force abilities that is. But Slaner had done some things that a Jedi shouldn't do, but he did anyways. Sometimes Slaner would find a child gifted strongly with the Force, but the parents would refuse. He would nod and then pierce their mind, and control their actions. He would have them agree to give the Jedi their children, and no argument would come his way. Slaner would always meet the unofficial 'quota' he assigned himself.
But Slaner unfortunately went to Naboo to look for some Force sensitive children. He landed in the capital Theed, then started to walk around the city 'sniffing' out any child he could. Ironically enough, someone walked up to him and said hello: Bragen Fruam. When he had left the Jedi Order, Bragen had started a family and then bought a home on Naboo. Bragen invited Slaner to his home, and Slaner accepted this gracious offer. When they arrived at the small house Bragen owned, Slaner's Force Sense tingled a little bit. With every step closer to the house, Slaner's sense got stronger and stronger. When the door opened and a young girl ran out to hug Bragen, Slaner took a step back. She had a power greater than Bragen ever knew, or maybe he did and was hiding it. Slaner decided to speak with Bragen about giving her to the Jedi, but to no avail.
Then he decided to do what he would normally do to someone: tell them to do it. But Bragen would have none of it. He was still more powerful than Slaner in telepathy, and no battle could be had there. So Slaner pulled his lightsaber out, and went on a killing spree. Bragen couldn't do anything when Slaner, now fully released into Gabriel, killed his daughter and wife. The why is simple; Gabriel was using a technique unique to him and select few, Force Drain. He took memories and anything else he could find from Bragen, then hacked off the top of his head.
Unfortunately Bragen could still scream and a neighbor heard these very loud noises. She notified officers, who immediately approached the house. Their weapons were drawn, but no shots were fired that night. They searched the house, and in fact many other places as well; but they could find no one. Slaner had taken a power that was rather useful, Force Cloak. It could hide him when he needed it most, like when officers were looking for him. Slaner left as soon as he could, and went back to Ossus.
Gabriel takes over[]
Slaner landed on Ossus and quickly returned to his room. For several days he would just pace and talk to himself, arguing about what to do. These are the questions he would ask himself: "Did you really take Bragen's memory?" - "Have you ever killed without a reason?" - "Why did you do these things?"
These questions brought no answers, until Gabriel began to talk back to him. These were the answers: "You took his memory and lavished in them, the power it gave you was so amazing." - "No, you haven't. But you can start to, that's the best place to start." - "Because you need knowledge and power. Those things are the rule of life. Keep that in mind, always."
Slaner fell into Gabriel's words, and his hunger hit home. The hunger brought on by his unique Force Drain, forced him to attack Jedi in the Ossus Hanger. After the initial shock and the subsequent attacks, Slaner retreated into a ship to make good his fall back plan. He got up off of Ossus and into free space, then chartered a course to the best place possible: Nar Shadaa.
Free Lancer[]
As a free lancer, Slaner's career started on Nar Shadaa, where anyone with a gun and some hope can make few credits. But his hunger made him go after the real dangerous people: Force Users. Because they could usually feel when he came, Slaner would just walk in and talk with the target. Most of the time they thought they had a problem and just wanted to be free of it. Slaner definitely fixed them. Slaner would take their memories and then kill them. If they had families, they unfortunately also died. He ran into some BHG agent who still went by a code, who decided to interfere with Slaner's business on one occasion. It was a short battle, Slaner decapitated the hunter and spat on his dead body.
With his great skill in Force Sense, Slaner would often find a Force User in any planet he visited. When navigators discovered Naboo and its sentient species, Slaner decided to get there and find some Force Sensitive person. He arrived to find many normal farmers and settlers, but also someone rather important: Colm Lorian, the Grandmaster of the Jedi Order. Slaner felt his presence and knew that he was no match yet, so made sure to be away from him at all times. While hiding somewhat from the Grandmaster, Slaner met the Gungan people. He was given a tour and met with several of the palace guards, one of which was special. Slaner couldn't let this one go, as it was a species few had actually met with. So he killed the gungan, only for someone to witness him in the act. This led to a killing spree, as the entire Gungan city searched for Slaner. He got away, but only after many a Gungan fell to his blade. This only made the Gungans hate humans more than before.
From Naboo Slaner traveled more and more, looking for anyone worth killing. On this search of his, Slaner went to the planet of Ambria, a desert planet that holds a lake that is deep in the dark side. He found a old Onderon base, and inside there was a officer's room. There was a desk which held old papers and state secrets that were no longer in use. Slaner took what memories he could from this object, then went to see the lake. Once there he discovered the local life, Hssiss dark side lizards that are more immune to Force Powers than others. They attacked him and after a heated duel, Slaner came out on top with a lizard head.
Slaner left Ambria and wound his way to Onderon, to use what secrets he could. Fortunately for him he could use a hidden passage, the very same one that the desk was transported out of. He gained entrance to the palace, and talked with many nobles. After finding many of the wealthy class were rude and crude, Slaner killed several of them. He left their bodies in their rooms, then exited the hidden passage route he had entered in. This led Onderon beginning a planet-wide search for the murderer of the rich. In all honesty most of the poor enjoyed this sport, and did not participate in the hunt for Slaner.
After the Onderon incident, Slaner traveled here and there, talking to the many Force cults in the galaxy. No of these really gave him the information he wanted, so he decided to return to the Jedi.
Jedi Temple on Coruscant[]
Slaner had gone to Coruscant, with the intent to be a wanted man. But when he arrived, he came to the realization that no one remembered him, except for a couple old remnants. So using the technique he stole from Bragen, Slaner infiltrated the Jedi Temple, making it as far as the Hangar bay. But that was as far as his pride would let him go. He stabbed a Jedi through the heart, and thus begun the battle. But more and more Jedi continued to show up, and no matter how many he cut, slashed, or stabbed, they always returned. He was being outnumbered badly, until a Jedi Master arrived and stopped him. With his lightsaber taken away, Slaner was deposited in a cell made for Force Sensitive criminals, just not one of Slaner's caliber.
- TheStarWarsRP.Com (First appearance)