The Skirmish in the Ruby Nebula (not to be confused with the Seperatist Crisis skirmish of the same name) was a small, isolated battle on the very edge of the Ruby Nebula, a red nebula located in the Karthakk System.
A small Rebel patrol unit made up of the 3 Interceptor-class frigates, 1 Pinnace-class Cruiser and 30 Rihkxyrk-class Assault Fighters found a small Imperial anti-piracy unit made of 5 Tartan-class patrol cruisers, 1 Acclamator-class escort carrier, TIE Fighters and TIE Bombers. The Rebels attacked the Imperials and after taking heavy losses won the skirmish.
The victory was only a minor one, however. The loss of an Acclamator and a few Tartan-class cruisers was barely felt by the Empire.

The Revolution on the very edge of the Ruby Nebula