Foolish Human! Before you die, would you like to see the face of your fate?
—Skelldon Bones before killing General Yoakido
Skelldon J. Bonds, who later renamed himself Skelldon J. Bones was a Male Givin and a strong criminal leader, spy, traitor, assassin, and general during the last years of the Galactic Republic. He would still be alive and at large as of 0 BBY, but under the alias of Elis Helrot.
Attack on The Finest Hour[]
A Corellian Cruiser named The Finest Hour was on its way back to Coruscant in order to meet up with Yoda. Skelldon and his droid IG-86 were informed by their employer, Darth Wraddiqus, to invade the cruiser and kill all aboard. He first killed Alpha One, who tried to alert the crew on the presence of his soon-to-be-killer. He then invaded the corridors and attacked both Alpha Two and Alpha Three. The ship's captain and famed Corellian General Yoakido arrived just in time to find Alpha Two and Alpha Three be gunned down. He pulled out his sword, threw back his cape, and attacked Skelldon. After an intense fight, Yoakido leaped towards Skelldon to deliver a killing blow, but failed and was held at gunpoint. Skelldon gave him one last order: to turn around and see the face of his true killer. Yoakido turned around and was shot in the forehead. IG-86 headed to the control room and killed both Alpha Leader and the co-pilot. Skelldon shortly arrived and witnessed an escape pod fleeing to Nar Shaddaa. The pod contained both the survivors Ben Yoakido, son of General Yoakido, and Brent Rhea. Skelldon stormed the whole deck with anger to search for any survivors, but found only the corpses of all those he and IG-86 killed.
Skelldon kills General Yoakido.
After returning to their fleet, Skelldon was immediately grabbed by two of his brutes and taken to the quarters of Darth Wraddiqus to be punished. IG-86 was in charge of tracking down the survivors on Nar Shaddaa and informing their spies to make ready of the capture.
Behind the Scenes[]
- In the film "Ben and Brent's Journey Across the Galaxy", Skelldon was played by Heath Ledger. Although Ledger is now dead, the film was made in 2007, a year before Ledger died. It is to be released in late-2009.
- Skelldon J. Bones was originally to be first a walking-skeleton, then he was thought of to be the same species as Rum Sleg, but finally was thought of as a Givin.
- He is one of the first fanon characters that User:Yodakenobi had created, but waited until now to bring him into the public.
- The name Skelldon is a combination of the name "Shelldon" and the word "Skeleton". If he was human, the name was to be Shelldon B. Jones.